Demon Possession gave me Success, then JESUS...😮 | Testimony

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Daniel drew success from Demon Possession to get ahead in life, once he realised the repercussions it was almost too late, then Jesus showed him the truth and saved him from certain death.



Bless you in the Mighty name of Jesus! 🙏

*Shout out to Delafe Testimonies for inspiring our video format - go check them out! 🙏
Рекомендации по теме

I'm ex muslim from Indonesia. Jesus saved my life. Since i receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior, i have hope and joy. Hallelujah


After listening to this testimony, I want to get more deliverance. I am a Pastor and I have served God for 30 years after coming out of a wild lifestyle in my 20’s. I still wrestle with strongholds that I have never been able to get fully delivered from. I am going to pursue my complete deliverance!


God saved me from suicide. Felt His presence and peace for the first ever in my life. But it was later on I got set free from demons. God is my deliverer. There is freedom in His name!


Whoever is reading this God is going to give you new found strength, courage and wisdom. We Will not fall victim to Satans death threats. There is a purpose for your life, keep the faith and love.


Eye-opening testimony, many religious Christians cannot understand spiritual warfare. Active Invisible war is always surrounding us, and many people’s lives are controlled by unclean spirits. Jesus is the way, truth and life. Jesus’s name above all the names, Glory to God. Bless you Daniel, in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach


I grew up JW and i had the same feeling as a child. Something didnt feel right. left home at 16 bc of the religion. Been saved now since 2020. Thank you Jesus.


Anyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved!! You are never too far gone for God to reach you. God bless you brother ❤️🙏🏾


Praise God! Powerful testimony indeed. I can relate to everything Daniel has shared. I was a Hindu Guru for nearly 30 years with hundreds of spirits with me. All cast out just over 4 years ago as I was astonishingly saved. The Lord commanded me while I was still in India to go West and help the poor, sick and homeless with my own hands. I'm now assistant director and preacher at a Rescue Mission on Skid Row, Los Angeles! The goodness of God leads to repentance. Amen. God bless you Daniel


I was never a full believer growing up, I thought it was just stories that changed throughout history.. but when the pandemic happened I knew in my spirit that something was very very wrong. And one night I dropped to my knees and prayed over my children laying in their beds. I mean I prayed with everything In my heart and was scared to death for my sons… and suddenly I felt love and warmth enter the top of my head and it spread all the way through my body to my toes.. I knew instantly that it was GOD. I’ve been a believer ever since, and I welcome his discipline and the conviction in my heart when I mess up. I have had an opiate problem for 8 years now, and I still stumble but I know he’s still brushing me off and getting me to my feet every time. Praise GOD!


Jesus saved me from death amongst many other things! I’m still a work in progress but I am a recovering addict of 18 yrs off meth ❤and I know JESUS IS THE ANSWER!!!❤❤❤


What the devil meant for evil, God meant for good!!!!


I really enjoyed this one, I enjoy them all lol but this one really gave me some kind of silence in my mind and peace in my body. Been struggling staying consistent in my relationship with Jesus but he always uses something or someone to show me I’m not gone, and he ain’t either. He will never abandon us! And this mans testimony is proof of such! Hallelujah! ♥️


Don't you notice the devil likes to mess you young. Pray earnestly over your kids cover them in the blood of Jesus


Ohhhh, I can imagine how much heaven rejoiced for him!!! Welcome home brother Daniel!!!! This was so beautiful and realistic. I love love love this testimony because he walked such a path and his heart was opened to receive Jesus, much like myself. Although I grew up in the church I had no real relationship with Christ and after university, I hated to even hear his name. God is merciful and loves us all and it is not his will that any of us should perish, so we should always pray for those whose eyes are still blinded.


In 2014, I cried out to God to help me because I was being tormented by demonic entities that did not give me rest day and night. I opened a door to them through unforgiveness toward my mother whom I had a turbulent relationship with throughout my life. The poison of unforgiveness was eating at my heart and soul causing me to be bitter, sad, depressed, angry and lost. At that time I did not know much or anything about Jesus. Then one day it got too much for me to handle and I cried out to God to help me. I was desperate.
In the next few months my life began to change. I felt the presence of Jesus in my room asking me to forgive my mom, and to also forgive myself because I too caused much hurt. Coming from a Jewish background, it was almost taboo to speak about Him. During the time of my unforgiveness and bitterness I was being harassed by demonic spirits that I could not see but I could sense. They caused me to have sleep paralysis, be depressed, angry and kept me up at night. One day someone had dropped off a flier at my door and I just took it and put it by my bed, not thinking too much about it. Then in the evening when I was feeling so down, my eyes glanced over this flier and there was a scripture about the love of Jesus. It was a short and to the point scripture verse but the words were so powerful, my soul knew it was the truth. And when I read those words, they penetrated through all the pain and confusion and there was a glimmer of hope beginning to bubble up in me. So during my sleep paralysis, I heard a voice inside my spirit telling me to pray to “Jesus Christ, Yeshua”. I could not move my body or my mouth, but as the words “Help me Jesus, Help me Yeshua '' formulated in my mind, whatever entity was pinning me down to the bed lifted off immediately and I was able to move again. I ran outside and called my husband on the phone crying because I had never experienced anything like this. This began my journey with the Lord. He spoke to me in my spirit and told me to “Arise” out of bed when I was so down and depressed. He showed me that there is hope and His name is powerful. It was a process and a journey of sanctification and as I began reading about Jesus, and his life, the more I fell in love with Him. I knew He is the Messiah our people (the Jewish people) had denied for so long. I still did not have a bible at that time and did not give my life to Him at that point, because I just didn't know what I needed to do to be saved. During this time of being unsaved, the devil tempted me in so many ways and I ended up committing sins that were atrocious and an abomination. BUT GOD ALMIGHTY, JESUS ​​CHRIST did not give up on me. In 2015 I felt His presence even stronger and I began repenting of my past sins and the Lord began closing doors that needed to be closed and opening new doors that needed to be opened in my life. In December of 2016 I felt in my spirit the Lord speaking to me asking me to get baptized and to get a Bible and to start reading His Word. And I obeyed. After I was baptized and received the Holy Spirit, I began to be guided into all truth. Things I was oblivious to previously as being sinful, God was showing me through the Holy Spirit that I was deceived and I needed to let them go so I could serve Him. One example was the participation of Halloween. As a saved believer, I could no longer participate in this demonic occult practice. It was like a sharp sword of conviction in my heart.
I LOVE the Lord so much because He transformed my heart and life completely and in such a gentle loving Fatherly way. I am a completely different person today than I was 10 years ago because of His Love for me. I desire to please Him and to obey Him and to spend one day in eternity with Him. He gave His life for me and for many people and He wants to save us from being separated from Him for eternity and from going to the pits of Hell. I just give Him the Glory, Honor, Power and Blessings for the miracles He has done in my life and the miracles He can and wants to do in every person's life. To God be the Glory. Amen


i am a christian paranormal investigator, i have done house blessing for ppl with haunted houses to get rid of ghosts, spirits, demons etc.. i also can tell when demons are nearby or within someone, its is very scary, because no one believes me, that the demonic realm is real, we need to accept jesus christ as our savior and pray to god everyday, and lead a sin free life. I feel like we are in end times.


I am feeling demons within me as I hear your testimony. I have had that same experience you described as the spirit of Satan, but I’ve never had someone else attempt to cast anything out of me. I became a Christian about 6 years ago but I have an intense history with psychedelics and other drugs before that. Found some local deliverance ministries and I’m hoping to schedule a deliverance session soon. Please pray (or fast and pray) for me that nothing crazy would happen between now and then and that I’d make it safely to a deliverance session.


Wow all glory to God. The reason I will never stop sharing the gospel on social media. There’s the urgency more than ever.


Love from Serbia... brothers and sisters. There is always who believes and not.. Pray for those who not and our enemy's to know God.


I had sleep paralysis throughout my childhood and it does come and go now that I’m adult but everything he mentioned I’ve experienced. I developed insomnia as well because I was afraid to go to sleep at night. Still to this day, I’m afraid of the dark but I’ve learned what to do to get myself out of the dreams. I learned to fight back and not be afraid anymore. Grew closer to God and Jesus each and every day. Started self care, pouring back into myself, straying away from things that’s attached to this world, etc. It’s a struggle for sure but keeping my faith and pursuing God keeps me going.
