Demons are Real, I Saw Them (Testimony)

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Prophet Ashley Edwards shares salvation testimony and her encounters with the power of God on the mission field.

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00:00 - 00:20 Teaser
00:21 - 2:04 Wanting God at 5 Years Old
02:05 - 3:53 My Father Wanting Me to Be Catholic
03:54 - 6:04 Encountering the Holy Spirit
6:05 - 7:59 Dealing With the Confusion in My Home
8:00 - 10:51 Going On My First Mission Trip
10:52 - 12:46 Going On My Second Mission Trip
12:47 - 16:56 The Moment I Received Deliverance
16:57 - 23:29 My Mom & Dad's Reaction to the Move of God in My Life
23:30 - 26:16 What Jesus Has Done in My Life

Directed by Eric Villatoro & Junior Mayen
Edited by Eric Villatoro
Recorded at Nova Hub Church in Woodbridge, VA.

The mission of Delafé Testimonies is to document and share the testimony of Jesus throughout all nations.
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I grew up in a Jehovah’s Witness house hold as well. I left the religion and I came and accepted Jesus Christ in 2021. I never experienced so much peace and happy in my life. Praise God 🙏🏻


Demons are everywhere! Thank you Jesus for delivering me from depression and anxiety!!!


Jesus healed me from what was supposed to be an irreversible auto immune disorder and re corrected my immune system. Fifteen year struggle gone in a moment.
And more recently through prayer and faith I was delivered from a twenty year marijuana addiction. 🙏

All I can say now I love Jesus with all my heart.


I love her part about the $5000 showing up in time for her to go on her missionary trip! God does that all in HIS time.


Demons can go from person to person, if they are open to it... Only God can keep you safe from Demons!!


I was raised a Jehovahs Witness, I left at 20 years old. I am so proud that you and your family are free of that organization


I received a Deliverance that changed my life. God is real and I'm now a new creation in the eyes of the Lord.


I was posessed once it would come n go and I would black out at times and get violent with authorities figures it landed me in jail twice smh I remember being locked up in an isolation cell by myself I was so far gone mentally I didn't realize I was even in jail just a dark place, I couldn't distinguish reality from dreams more like nightmares if I was In hell the only thing missing was the flames and fire...I was in there 2 weeks before charges were dropped I barely remember to this day even getting booked outta jail, I remember satan put me in a chokehold I was alone in the cell when it happened I was clotheslined also by the unseen, I didn't feel human at the time I remember thinking my feet were my hands and my hands were my feet like some beast smh. I was literally behaving crazy the whole time. They put me in a padded suit used for suicide inmates and stripped me of all my clothes only the padded suit....I saw a deep cut form on my arm and saw maggots coming out and watched it heal within hrs I still have a this very day proof that what I went through was real. I remember feeling trapped within myself and only a little part of me was still human and was able to pray to God and I begged him pls lord dont leave me like this he didn't he delivered me from Satan's grasp 2 weeks later of being in hell when I was released is when my mind was barely coming back to normal I was still not 100. A couple mnths later God made me born saved me from satan and his demons and made sure that I didn't have ptsd from all the horrific things I was seeing and hearing he Made sure my mind was sound....such a awesome God he is. I really had to fight for my salvation.


I came from a broken home with an absent father for the most part, that would literally say he was god. He practiced witchcraft for many years, including against me and my mother. The first time I saw the demonic in anyone was in his eyes, he doesn't even remember many actions he did during these episodes. After I gave my life to Christ 10 years ago, God teacher me so much, healed my traumas and lifted the demonic strongholds i had that were invited in by my father. Today I am healed and God is the only one I have ever trusted with all I have, has restored my relationship with my father, and from a man of highly wicked ways. God has set him free of many things, today he wants for me to pray over food before he touches it! God is amazing, Jesus our saviour is my everything, i would be dead if it wasn't for Him!! All glory be to God, He changed me to the bone, and He is changing those around me!!! Praise be to our Father in May God give anyone that goes through this channels, incredible experiences of His love, may the body of Christ rise up, Praise and glorify HIM throught every action we have! Thank you Father for the Kingdom age that is about to be revealed to this earth, in Jesus mighty Name !!!


“From Five years Old, I could remember Loving Jesus!” That’s such a beautiful thing to say and experience 🙌🏻 Thank you for your testimony!!


This is a great testimony. I pray for deliverance in my life from the oppression of sin and darkness, I pray to one day testify God’s work in my life.


I love that “I didn’t have to argue about my walk, I just have to walk it and be it”
Lord let my husband, my children, my family see You through me.


There's a light that shines in her; she has a beautiful soul! <3


I believe jealousy can bring out so much evil in people.


I am addicted to these testimonies! Thank you so much for making these available. I have been watching for 3 days and I feel more and more God in my life. I want more!


It's crazy cuz when I was little.. I remember my mommy holding me in her arms and we were looking at the picture of the last supper and I told my mom that I loved


Put on the full armor of God, for wrestle not with flesh and blood but against principalities and the darkness of this world..


She made a valid point that “Jehovah witnesses were the only ones going door to door explaining to people.”
Man that just convicted my heart. We need to get back in the streets and love and show Jesus


I think when you love the Lord . You will see demons or be under attack. That’s why you have to continue praying 🤲


I am praying for everyone who needs a Healing, Breakthrough and Miracle. Only God can do the impossible, He can make a way when there seems to be no way. Today I pray God touches your health, your home, your family, your faith, and your finances in Jesus Christ Name Amen!
