Posterior Deltoid Trigger Points

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The deltoid is composed of three parts: anterior, middle, and posterior. Only the middle part is multipennate, probably because its mechanical disadvantage of abduction of the shoulder joint requires extra strength.

The deltoid, along with supraspinatus and associated rotator cuff muscles, will regularly develop myofascial trigger points as result of reduced core efficiency.

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They didn’t give relief advice so here.

You can get a small ball like around baseball or even softball and lay down on it. You don’t need to put all your weight just lean into it comfortably. Rotate your shoulder around the area of pain and it should feel tender but not painful. You can do this on the wall too

Simple cross arm stretching by pulling your agitated arm across and using your other arm to lock under the elbow and pull for a deeper stretch. Also leaning a bit in the opposite direction while pulling will give a deeper stretch. Don’t forcefully stretch, no need to put all your strength into it. It won’t make it feel better quicker and will most likely cause more problems

Foam roller can work to just like the ball. I’d use the edge of it to get that deep massage like the ball can do

Basically any way you can somehow get a deep massage or get a deep stretch will help. Just be careful and don’t overdo it. This will lead to sprains and worst case scenario, a muscle tear.

Anytime you workout or overwork your muscles, there are micro tears in your muscles. The muscle tears and repairs back stronger/bigger. This is common soreness. So if you’re overdoing it on a muscle that already has micro tears then it can lead to an actual tear/strain. This will make the pain greater than before and a definite visit to a doctor🤙🏾
