How to figure out what to do with your life.

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“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
*―C. S. Lewis*


*"Everything in life is easier when you don't concern yourself with what other people are doing."*

The chances of you seeing this comment is pretty low, but if you did, *I hope you have an amazing day.* 🖤


6 Guidelines of Life
1. When you are alone, mind your thoughts
2. When you are with friends, mind your tongue
3. When you are angry, mind your temper
4. When you are with a group, mind your behavior
5. When you are in trouble, mind your emotions
6. When God starts blessing you, mind your ego


If you’ve been feeling a bit down lately and your reading this comment... I hope something amazing happens within your life very soon, stay strong, everything always works out in the end and have a great rest of your day/night - from a small youtuber 🤍


Notes for myself:
Passions are formed, not found
▪find passions by actually doing things!
▪clarity comes from doing
Success fuels passion more than passion fuels success
▪if you define passion as a feeling then you risk failure if/when that feeling changes
▪think about what you would suffer for.
Suffer for something you actually care about


My personal advice, don't waste time trying to find what you want to do with your life, instead find and do what it is you want to right now, whether it be taking a certain job, starting a business, or working on a passion project. Put all your energy and attention towards what you want to do right now and you won't have to worry about the longterm. As long as you keep doing this, that will make up your lifetime <3


This is anxiety caused by the ego, wanting to know the story in advance. Existing in the now one does not worry about such things and you simply flow with and enjoy life letting it take you where it takes you.


I'll never forget my former teacher who told me that I was talented. She believed in me more than I ever would. Words are incredibly powerful. They can build and destroy at the same time


I used to also work in a job that I'm not so happy about. I ended up quitting that job to pursue my hobby at that time which was blogging. Eventually I switched to vlogging as I find it more appealing and enjoyed it a lot. That's when I thought I finally "found" my passion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we also form our passion by doing different things which spark our interests. And then devoting our time to that which we think we can actually do whether we are in the mood for it or not. 😊


“You never achieve success unless you like what you are doing.” – Dale Carnegie


During my nihilistic days in college, I always asked myself what the meaning of life was? Not too long ago I got an answer(don't remember the source), is simply to give life meaning. Do what fulfills you, and practice gratitude often. Those were game changers for me.


I think it’s okay to make a living off of something other than your passion. Oftentimes, putting that pressure on your passion can make the excitement and joy of it all to fall away.


I know a guy who's 70 years old and he's still trying to figure out what he wants to do for the rest of his life.


Searching for a single grand passion can often be linked to perfectionism - we want to get everything just right and be 100% certain something will be *perfect* for us. But life is messy and malleable, and so are the things we love. It's best to simply enjoy the exploration.


*"You are one desicion away from a totally diffrent life."*


Your purpose is not what you love doing.

*Your purpose is what you can't live without doing.*


I tried to write down what I want to do, and why I'm here every week.
And I realized it always change.
That makes me wonder how many selves actually inside of me.


I feel the romanticizing part too much. When I had to decide what to study after school I was only focusing on finding the perfect course. In the end I learned that no matter what I will choose there will be regrets and a feeling of missing out as well as a lot of beautiful things to discover. Understanding that helped me a lot with making all kinds of decisions.
ps.: I just get excited everytime I see a new video of yours. Thanks so much for the inspirational content every time :)


A panda once said:

“Don’t hope for a life without problems, ”“There’s no such thing. Instead, hope for a life full of good problems.”


Your point on romanticising passion was such a good one. For me, "passions" are a labour of love: a love, but no doubt laborious. Maintaining them isn't always easy, but they're absolutely necessary to making you feel alive and enthralled in the world.
