5 Ways To Reduce Your Cancer Death Risk by Half

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5 Ways To Reduce Your Cancer Death Risk by Half

In this study published on July 11th 2024 the researchers identify the top modifiable risk factors leading to about 40% of cancer cases and nearly 50% of cancer deaths in 2019. It is prudent for us all to be aware and to attempt to manage these risk factors for ourselves and our patients. Let's review.

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URL list from Friday, Jul. 12 2024 15:47 PM

DrBeen: Online Personalized Medical Education - DrBeen

Proportion and number of cancer cases and deaths attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors in the United States, 2019 - Islami - CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians - Wiley Online Library

5 ways to reduce your cancer risks, according to new research
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the thing that they didn't mention was the effect that the vax has had on the increase of cancer numbers in the last few years


One great way to double your cancer risk is to get your mRNA booster 😄


Liking-in with a hello to @Drbeen Medical Lectures and all KoolBeens!


1. smoking
2. obesity (excess weight)
3. physical inactivity
4. carcinogenic infections ( infections that can course cancers)
5. ultraviolet light
6. dietary choses
7. alcohol use

1. smoking = Don't smoke. (or very moderate usage)
2. obesity (excess weight) = manage your weight
3. physical inactivity = exercises daily, (walking is exercise, but try to get a good sweat going 3-5 times a week minimum.)
4. carcinogenic infections ( infections that can course cancers) = ?
5. ultraviolet light = Personally i don't advocate for protection against the sun. why? two main reasons. the sun is very good for you. exposer promotes healthy cycadean rhythms, good sleep and vitamin D production. and skin cancer is not because of the sun but because of toxins in the body that react badly too sun light. don't fill your body with toxins by eating GMO and procced foods. eat organic, move out of the city and breath clean air. did you know that wild wolfs populations have less then 5% cancer rates where as dog have over 50%? do you know why? exercises, food and air quality. (and natural life vs prison. what do i mean? socializing and being what you are vs being, normally, the solo dog in an human household and human world suffering from lack of proper exercise and a strange social existences of a pet. with all the mental illness and stresses you would expect. imagen you where the pet of an alien. fun? or stressful and very likely lots of mental illness. just think about it.)
6. dietary choses. eat organic.
7. alcohol use. Don't drink. (or very moderate usage)


The American Cancer Society has a conflict of interest or better said a huge conflict of interest


Thank you Dr. Bean for your precious information, it will help us understand the importance of managing our healthcare priorities on the basis risk factors to avoid, in our daily lifestyle.


Thank you for an excellent discussion.


Thanks again, this is very interesting. How about sleep? Based on a study (Frontiers Immunology 03 September 2021) fostering optimal sleep habits can reduce risk of cancer by 41%. In short, sleep quality is one the factors that affect epigenetics, based on research, someone who sleeps less than 6 hours per day has a 40% higher risk of developing cancer compared to someone else who sleeps the recommended 7-8 hours of each night. Additionally, sleep is one of the keys to facilitate optimal cancer treatment. Research shows that a 10% improvement in sleep quality can increase treatment success by 32%.


🙏Thank you for presenting this new study Dr. Mobeen ❤


Why end the study @ 2019? Is the American Cancer Society not only avoiding recent event, but also deflecting the cause of cancers outwards, away from their own complicity?


Thank you for this valuable information.


Thanks so much for your so amazing work🙏👌


it is not smoking but pollution instead . How many of us have to work in polluted areas….. 😢 . our employers do not give one s..t about it.


Thank you Dr Been for your good works and I really do appreciate your summary drawing, it was cute and to the point. We can reduce our risks of ill-health by modifying our behaviors and be healthy people. But, whoah - reduce risk of cancer death by modifying our behaviors, the best news for over 40% of c-cases.


give us the figures on the rise in cancers after the jab roll out. I know 3 people who been diagnosed with brain tumors, and a lady who literally died in days after a diagnosis of leukemia. Saw the doctor on a Friday and died on Sunday.


THANK You Dr Been. Excellent Info & Presentation 😊👍 -70SomethingGuy


With regard to infections causing cancers, I understood that H. pylori (bacterial) infections could lead to gastrointestinal cancers.


You might find it interesting to check out the research on salvestrols and why we get cancer when they are no longer in our diet due to the use of antifungal sprays and the cultivation of non salvestrol producing plants.


Excellent info as always, but your audio keeps cutting out


My dad did not have this risk factors, no junk food very less sugar no aspartame but died of colon cancer.
My aunt, his sister died of the same cancer chain smoking drinking every day, less exercise less vit D . The lifespan difference was 9 years less for my aunt.
