Top 10 Darkest Gravity Falls Fan Theories Ever | Cartoon Junkies

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Gravity Falls is full of incredible quests, secrets and mysteries. But is there more darkness in this animated series that it might seem at the first sight? Fans have come up with their own dark theories of what might be lurking behind Gravity Falls secrets. Alcott Scoffer and Jiff Fullylover aka Cartoon Junkies made their own investigation, and will reveal top 10 darkest Gravity Falls fan theories to you today!
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I am surprised I did not see the theory that Dipper and Mabel's parents have a bad marriage (evidence Dipper's extreme paranoia over romantic feelings and Mabel always trying to force happy relationships), and that the actual reason the parents sent the twins to Stan for the summer is that they have decided to finally divorce and do not want the twins suffering through that process with them. To me this is one of he darkest theories because it is so grounded in reality. like there is no fantasy or oh-this-never -happens-in-the-real-world. Not all marriages are happy, and the unhappy ones can be hard on kids as well as parents.


#7 is wrong! The reason Robbie didn't remember Dipper is because the Society of the Blind Eye erased Robbie's memory of Dipper saving his life (as well as Dipper's name)


fantasy series: exists

everyone: yep definitely it’s just the imagination of the main character in a coma suffering of an awful disease


“In the final two seasons”



The creator of gravity falls and the creator of Rick and Morty are friends and planted Easter eggs on purpose


Quote from Ep 19
'Ah Stan's family, we meet at last.
Question mark, shooting star, pine tree...'
- Bill (talking to Soos, Mabel and Dipper)


words cannot explain how much i love this show


What about “Bill Cipher possesses Stanley Pines” Stan sometimes calls Dipper “Pine tree” and so does bill. Stan in the first episode said “Lets make it, eeny meeny miney, you” and in the final episode Bill says “Im gonna kill one of them just for the heck of it. Eeny, Meeny, Miney. YOU!!!” And that is my theory :)


I'm- I'm sorry, just- It's so hard to take you guys seriously with those voices! XD


Also, on the "Dipper and Wendy went on the wrong symbols theory" Dipper actually came to gravity falls with a different cap, he only got the pine tree cap from the mystery shack workshop at the end of episode 1, and also, the llama sweater Pacifica wore was Mabel's so the llama symbol may not have been for Pacifica


Any theory in a nutshell

[Character] is actually dead

This is all in the imagination of [Character]

[Show] is just [Character]’s hell


I actually thought that Bill is still alive when Stan regained his memories that’s why it was better that he didn’t get his memories back


I saw an even darker theory. the gist is that Dipper took his own life and that Mabel made up all the events of gravity falls to try and cope


Wait so if dipper never ended bill’s deal, then wouldn’t that mean that bills inevitable new form is dipper?


Ok, I just have to say three things about the "Is Bill alive" theory.
He is dead guys.
Let me just explain. For one, Stan wouldn't have been able to leave gravity falls because now he would be a part of the weirdness meaning the NLOWM (Natural Law Of Weirdness Magnetism) would keep him there.
Also, and this is important, Stan regained his memories. the thing is, Bill wasn't a memory. he was a living thing. he was a separate entity housed in Stan's mind. in the moment they were bound together, they both were erased, but the things shown to Stan regain his mind. but Bill was never a memory, he was a second mind. the thing is that means he was unable to return, because the reason Stan came back was thanks to the fact he was still alive and his brain was intact, meaning that he was still alive he just didn't remember himself. Bill on the other hand, was erased. he got wiped away. that killed him, we all agree on that. But Stan survived, just with amnesia. that was cured meaning he was normal. Bill wasn't alive, and even if he did, I think the memory gun would erase his memories to, meaning he would not be a threat, and he likely wouldn't be able to remember a thing. that means he would basically either be dead forever, or be the same as a idiotic voice in your head.

Edit: I don't know why I didn't mention the cypher hunt or the backwards message, ect, so nevermind, I was very wrong


Acually the producers of Gravity Falls & Rick and Morty worked together !


#4 is absolutely wrong(3:06). bill says in the ep where he invades stans mind: "ah stans family, we meet at last, question mark, shooting star, pine tree, I had i a hunch i would run into you" talking to soos Mabel and Dipper are those symbols


The creator of Rick and Morty (I don't know his name) and Alex Hirsch (The creator of Gravity Falls) are friends. Which means, they may not in the same universe, but the creator of Rick and Morty is just showing his friends cartoon as an easter egg. (Sorry for the bad english)


As I recall, the creator said somewhere that Time Baby wasn't permanently destroyed by Bill, but would take a long time to regenerate.


6:45 Robbie's memory was erased by the blind eye after he met Rumble McSkirmish
