How effective is the US embargo on Cuba?

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The US and Cuba have had a hostile relationship for decades. But in 2015, Barack Obama reinstated diplomatic ties for the first time since the Cold War. It was a historic moment, and things looked to be going well for Havana. But could that all be about to change under Donald Trump? The US president has made no secret of his disdain for his predecessor’s policies, especially when it comes to Cuba and he’s keen on rolling back Obama’s restored relations with Cuba. But is a hostile policy toward Havana the answer?

Robby Starbuck
Cuban-American producer and director

James Williams
President of Engage Cuba

Stephen Wilkinson
Editor of the International Journal of Cuban Studies

#Cuba #Embargo #Trump
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Robby Starbuck is the prime example of rhetoric, he does not know what is talking about, just repeat what he was told. The main issue is clear, the United States MUST not interfiere in any other country politics!


And i thought it was because of communism, i never thought the Cubans were suffering because of US sanctions.


Cubans being angry about what happened to them is not good enough reason to continue a failed policy. That's my vantage point. Oh your feelings were hurt? I don't care.


"capitalism doesn't promote a system where your property gets taken away with no warning or reason." Ah that shows me you havent experienced actual capitalism. Leasers are allowed to vacate you for any reason, even no reason, mid contract. Just because its convenient for them to raise the rent on the next guy. Any kind of debt, even within 73 cents of debt can get your home foreclosed (this has happened in California in 2015 to an elder woman who did the sin of rounding down a dollar by mistake and lost her home)


This is great news for Loyalist families who lost land because of the "so-called" American Revolution.
The Duke of Westminster must be thrilled about the return of Cape Canaveral, alone. I'm sure he'd be amenable to NASA staying on as tenants though, provided he's fairly compensated, of course.
