Why the Concept of God Is Absent in Buddhist Beliefs: An Insightful Exploration

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Have you ever wondered why Buddhists don't believe in God in the same way other religions do? In this enlightening video, we dive deep into the spiritual philosophy of Buddhism and explore its unique perspectives on divinity, the universe, and the path to enlightenment. Unlike many religious traditions that focus on worshiping a creator, Buddhism emphasizes personal growth, mindfulness, and self-realization. Discover the profound teachings of Buddha that guide millions on their spiritual journey without the concept of a supreme deity. Whether you're curious about religion, philosophy, or the human quest for meaning, this video will provide insightful answers.

Watch now to learn more about:

The Buddhist view of gods and deities
The focus on inner transformation and mindfulness
How Buddhism differs from theistic religions
If you're interested in spirituality, philosophy, or understanding other cultures, don't miss this deep dive into one of the world's most influential belief systems!

#BuddhismExplained #SpiritualJourney #GodInBuddhism #Mindfulness #EnlightenmentPath #ReligiousPhilosophy #BuddhistTeachings #EasternSpirituality #WisdomJourney #selfrealization

00:00 Introduction
00:39 Understanding God in Different Religions
01:25 The Historical and Cultural Context of Buddhism
02:22 The Role of Deities in Buddhism
03:21 The Concept of God and the Buddha`s Teachings
04:33 Buddhism as a Practical Philosophy
05:27 Inspiring Insights From Buddhist Teachings
06:11 Conclusion.
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What I love about Buddhism, is that it is strictly personal, it's about me and my actions in this life/world❤


I live in a Buddhist country. I’ve never had a belief in any god of any religion in the western world. Yet my life is full of meaning and purpose. The entire god thing has done nothing but cause suffering in this world. It creates dogma through guilt and there is no happiness, compassion or peace to be found in such a misguided superstition. Too often people simply project their own selfish nature onto this mythical being as a way of justifying all sorts of evil in this world. Every religion has its own god and every religion believes there god is the only one. And they’ll kill you over it. That’s pure ignorance. You simply don’t see any of this in Buddhism.


I am a Buddhist from Indonesia. I embraced Buddhism not because the Buddha's teachings are the most correct, but because the Buddha's teachings are the most suitable teachings in guiding my life's enlightenment.


What I love about Buddhism, is that it is strictly personal, it's about me and my actions in this life/world


The Buddha then explained his identity with the following ten titles: “I am the Tathāgata, the Worshipful, the All Wise, the Perfectly Enlightened in Conduct, the Well Departed, the Understander of the World, the Peerless Leader, the Controller, the Teacher of GODS and Men, the Buddha, the World-honored One.” It is more correct to say that Buddhists don't worship gods.


One has to be willing to take responsibility for one's own fate, recognize what one can realistically achieve, and not blame others, to be able to fully practice buddhism. One has to learn what one can realistically do and what one has to simply accept.


Nicely done! I’d add that Buddhism is also very metaphysical, not just practical, because in order to practice effectively, a certain metaphysical framework is useful. This framework is dependent arising, everything depends on something else for existence. And this excludes a single source or omnipotent creator at the basis.

In fact, if god was a necessity for things to arise, he himself would have needed another creator. 
Or would have to have created himself (before he even existed). 
Or would have to be a permanent entity, in which case he couldn’t create anything. 

Things arise from causes and these again from causes. Infinite regress then, as Thomas Aquinius would argue. 
Yes, we say, infinite regress. Consciousness and likewise matter do not have a first beginning. 

Oh, how is that possible? Well it doesn’t fit into the mind that is used to handle only things of limited extension and duration. But logically it creates no problem. Much less than Aristotele‘s unmoved first mover. 

That said, by realizing the reality of dependent arising and emptiness one liberates the mind of concepts of inherent existence, including primal substances, irreducible atoms, omnipotent creators or permanent souls. The reward is a mind completely in peace and bliss, freed from karma and afflictions, endowed with great compassion and able to liberate others from suffering as well. 

We do regard those enlightened beings as divine, but not as devas (as part of samsara), nor as creators. 

Where do Buddhists find their inspiration then? In that very state, in the magnificence of enlightened beings wisdom and compassion and abilities, their omnipresence, in seeing suffering and wanting to eliminate it for everybody. 

And we do pray also, we do rituals, in order to accumulate merit, so as to progress well on the path. But we do not cultivate devotion to the extent a Christian would feel to his Heavenly Father. This is too much of a distance in nature for Buddhists. We rely on a Buddha like on a very inspiring elder, but not fundamentally different from us. 

In this sense, we have more in common with the Christian or other mystics, who see god in every heart, who all aim to realize the subtlest clear light mind. All contemplative traditions realize that subtle mind. And most identify with it, calling the experience „communion with god“. Buddhists also realize the subtle clear light, but they will disidentify with it. And they call the very freedom from all fixed existence „emptiness“. 

Is that too cold and naked? No, it’s not, since the blissful mind realizing the emptiness is the same divine mind Meister Eckhart or Swami Vivekananda or Ramakrishna or Paramahansa Yogananda call „god“. The only difference: Buddhists realize the emptiness of their own "I" and all phenomena with this mind as a subject - and they liberate themselves from compulsory rebirth. The Christian and even the Hindu mystic takes rebirth in heaven or a concentrative state. so strictly speaking, actual liberation depends on the realization of emptiness of inherent existence.


Live and let live. Give and forgive. Bear and forbear.


The Absolute Truth of Ultimate Reality is that everyone & Everything is GOD … this is not something to believe in but rather experienced directly


I think Buddhism has great philosophical teachings but I can't understand why an all powerful god is rejected but these other beings(gods)are accepted. It would seem like if the first one would be rejected they all would be.


A religion that is based on lived experience is superior to one that relies on faith.


Whenever someone goes off on how terrible religion is, their criticisms always seem to be directed at Christianity or Western Monotheistic traditions. These criticisms never apply to Buddhism, which should deflate anti-religion sentiment and channel it toward the religions that are doing objectionable things and leave religions like Buddhism out of it.

For instance, in the margin on You-Tube is another video I could watch titled "The problem with Religion by Neil deGrasse Tyson, with a thumbnail title "Religion ignores evidence." That may be true of fundamentalists who want to reject evolution because it conflicts with their scriptures, but it applies not at all to Buddhism. In Buddhism, it's all about evidence, the evidence of one's own experiences meditating on the challenges of suffering and living according to the 8-fold path.


I wasn't friendly, used many substances, but i found out that i am saved by my dogs and Shintoism and now Bhuddism is helping leading my way. I am all of you🙏


May you find wisdom in the exploration of Buddhist beliefs, understanding that spiritual freedom comes from within. As you reflect on the absence of the concept of God, may you discover the boundless peace, compassion, and clarity that arise from self-awareness and mindful living.


Yes Buddhism is a philosophy. But what people don’t know is Buddha more powerful than any entity


Its simple and the same.. if you realize the true self.

God is the formless essence in and behind all things.. (some worship that) he is our consciousness, the universal being.. that has thrust himself into form as "mother nature" (some worship that) and then various levels of spiritual alignement, that is SO profound to the laymen.. that they think HE is God (and so wrongly, worship that)
Which isn't confined to just Christians.. but many enlightened masters (including Guatuma) were seen as divine incarnations.. and so basically deify them as a god.

We can ALL acc9mplish this "divine union" by getting rid of or letting go of identification with the min/body/ego.. that is the impetus for all suffering and why the ego.. is what is meant by "the devil" or the beast of our lower animlaistic tendencies


This planet 🌎 has seen only two wise persons :BUDDHA and J. KRISHNAMURTHI. In the name of wisdom❤❤❤


BUDDHISM is the only thing we need. Realisation will lead to practice the path to end the suffering and to be free from all the sins and etc.


Most "religions" teach us to look to the heavens, but Buddha teaches us to look inward. We all have the ability to change the world for better or worse, making us "godlike." The choice is yours to make!


It is not limited by words like "believe " or "faith, " which limits your spiritual discovery.
