Unity 2D Platformer for Complete Beginners - #2 ANIMATION

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In this video we're gonna focus on how to animate a 2D player in Unity. We're upgrade our graphics, create animations and make them work from our code.

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#pandemonium #unity2dplatformer #unitycompletebeginner

Tags: Unity 2D Platformer for Complete Beginners,unity complete beginner,unity complete beginner tutorial,unity 2020 beginner tutorial,unity 2020 complete beginner tutorial,unity 2d player movement,Unity 2D player movement 2020,unity 2d platformer tutorial 2020,2d movement unity,unity platformer complete beginner,Unity 2D Platformer episode 2,unity 2d animation,unity sprite animation,platformer for complete beginners,unity 2d platformer,unity platformer animation

0:00 Intro
0:35 Upgrading Graphics
1:50 Editing our Player
2:55 Flipping Player Left-Right
5:05 Basics of Animation
6:18 Idle Animation
8:15 Run Animation
14:46 Jumping Animation
21:00 Final Result
21:05 Outro
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Hey everyone, thanks for watching. This is my longest video with lots and lots of explanations, I'd like to know if this is what you want to see or you'd like me to do things quicker and explain less.


My dude, don't ever apologize for explaining things, all it does is help us, keep up the great work!


Why is this 10x more informative than the actual lecture videos I get in my game design bachelors


OMG! This is the most ideal Unity 2D Platformer Tutorial for beginners. I'm saying this after trying a dozen of other tutorials.
Keep the lessons coming please ❤


bro this is legit better than some courses on Udemy. you're a great teacher, you actually take time to explain instead of rushing things and that makes a big difference. 5 stars.


This series is excellent, everything you might need for creating a game. and everything is applicable if you want to add your own characters and animations.

10/10 perfect tutorial.


You are amazing! I've always wanted to go into video game development, and other tutorials of unity acted like I already knew how it worked. Your flawless way of explaining things to people who have no idea how anything like unity works is keeping me motivated to learn more and go farther!


Finally! A tutorial series I can understand. You’ve helped me to actually understand what the code I’m writing actually does instead of just basically copying and pasting it


This is seriously the best tutorial series on unity that I have ever watched.


Bro, your such a good teacher of this stuff! I've spent hours watching other people's tutorials and have got lost every time... I came across you, and I've actually retaining what you show us.... Thank you so much this is so amazing


I love this series and it really helps me out! Although, it would be cool if we got a video on how to make our own characters as well


Bro, i am so thankful that i found your video. It took me about an hour to solve the "grounded" issues cause I name my bool with a uppercase "G" instead of lowercase "g" and it won't stop the jumping animation but I figured it out. Thanks for the tutorial. You're legend my guy!


even better cant describe how good these tutorials are


ahh thank you so much for your tutorials! dont worry about explaining too much it is very helpful! I already know how to write in c# but this is the first time i'm making a game (and using unity for that matter) so finding a video that explains everything step by step is perfect!


I REALLY like when you take the time to explain in detail what the code is doing. I am taking my time with this to understand every step. I like that it's not just "do this then that" instruction. You are telling us 'why' and that is valuable.


Man, your tutorials are my favourite. Really speed launched me into making things. I took a detour into other tutorials to learn other stuff but keep coming back here for the basics.


I'm liking this video series so far. I think the way you've structured this tutorial is great!

Personally I'm not so interested in animations at the moment, I think they serve their place in the video tutorial though (I'll be doing back through this tutorials to add in animation at a later state); because of the chapters you've put in the videos I could easily find the part where you talk about the "grounded" collision for the jumping code (which is where the juicy stuff lies for me!). I'm a beginner to using Unity and C# but I've dabbled in very similar tutorials for GameMakerStudio2 and GML. The logic has a similar flow (with a few extra steps in units UI and vectors) but I'm understanding it well enough to see how they work and why.

Thanks again!!


In Animation tab you can click the three vertical dots and enable Samples then change the 60 to 12 and it'll space the frames out accordingly. Also it has to be lowercase names for Parameters in the Animator. Great tutorial though I am learning a lot. :D


Yay! I feel like I just leveled up (to lvl2 lol)
Also, I wanted to have a jump speed independent from the walk speed and I got around it just by paying attention and applying what's discussed here! Off to the next step :3


This series is actually making me feel like I'm learning stuff.
