Who are the 144,000 in Revelation?

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Consistent Hermeneutic reveals the Biblical truth
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Thank you for helping me learn to think and read about the Bible how it was meant to. Thinking literally and historically about the Bible lends credence to it's truth.


Thanks so much for covering this topic!!! New to your channel and love your work. Blessings 🙏🏽💕.


I love your channel! I completed seminary last May at regent, and I am still learning Greek, dibble, and dab in Hebrew. It was tough, and it is good to see someone grabbed it--I am still working on it. You are accurate, and going to the grammar has tremendously helped me.


144000 are Jesus friends, they will be His Entourage Throughout eternity.


Thank you so much for that explanation. When I was younger, I truly thought that was the number of people who would enter heaven. My thought was a scary one indeed. Thank you, again.


BEHOLD, the Tabernacle of God is with MEN 🚹 We are Mighty in Christ Jesus!!! GLORY be to My Father in Heaven!!! Amen 🙏
Sing a New Song!!!
Lamb of God!!!


Finally answered my super chat in the format of a video as promised by you 5 weeks ago 🤣


When the Most High God says Move, YOU Move!!! Amen 🙏


These are those (144, 000) that will witness Jesus Christ coming back in the clouds. No, they are not the only ones who make it to heaven. They are the only ones who get the seal of protection when the last 7 plagues fall before Christ comes back. They come out of the 12 Tribes of Israel. *Spiritually* ! There will be no guile in their Mouth, they will be Sinless! Rev 16, Rev 7 & Rev 14 KJV.


Thank you for this teaching have some Jehovah witness friends I want to share this video with


Sealed by the Almighty Father of Lights! ☀ Our Steps are Ordered by the LORD God Almighty!!! Amen 🙏
Salvation is a FREE Gift 📦 from the Almighty Father of Lights! It comes with 3 promises!
1. His Protection when you Abide in His Shadow!
2. He will Bless those who Bless you! And Blaspheme those who Blaspheme you!
3. The Best for Last! Eternal Life! In His Presence!
Good News 📰 Salvation is FREE 🆓 FREE!
In the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! 🌟 Amen 🙏
Delay IS Disobedience!!!


Thanks Brother Cory I was very confused about this never had it explained this way which was very frustrating and scary tome I truly appreciate you sir.


These are the children of Israel that kept God’s commandments during the great tribulation.


This show Is Awesome keep making video Praise God Brother Love you💪❤🙏


Thank you for the content that you post on your channel. My wife and I watch your material but this time I decided to subscribe to the channel because I'm on a quest to learn more sound biblical theology. This topic is a great place to start because I've questioned this for a long time. So thank you for breaking it down so well and in layman's terms. God bless you.


I agree 👍💯
I also line up with your hermeneutics Brother Corey, I read the Bible literally until it leads me otherwise, "like a, as a, with a, etc.
I also understand the Bible deals with three distinct categories of people in different ways.
The First being the Children of Israel "Jews" a nation built to inherit a natural Kingdom of GOD here on earth.
Second the gentiles, dead in sin and lost in darkness outside of the natural kingdom of GOD.
Finally the Church who have the Kingdom of GOD in them spiritually and will receive their great rewards in Heaven.
If you don't mix those three groups up when reading scriptures it will go a long way in your interpretation.


Many believe that the 144, 000 are literal Jews from Israel, but failed to "compare notes" of the original 12 tribes at Numbers 2 with Revelation 7, and in which they are NOT the same. At Revelation 7, it has the "tribe of Joseph" and "the tribe if Levi", but there was no "tribe of Joseph", for his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, replaced Joseph and Levi as tribes of the nation of fleshly Israel.

The tribe of Levi was set aside as NOT being counted among "the twelve tribes of Israel", as Numbers 18:20 says: "Jehovah went on to say to Aaron (as high priest of the tribe of Levi): “In their land (or the twelve tribes of Israel) you will NOT have an inheritance, and NO portion of land among them will become yours. I am your portion and your inheritance in the midst of the Israelites."

At Deuteronomy 18, it says: "The Levitical priests, and indeed the entire tribe of Leʹvi, will NOT be given a share or an inheritance with Israel. They will eat of the offerings made by fire to Jehovah, which are his inheritance. So they should have NO inheritance in the midst of their brothers. Jehovah is their inheritance, just as he has spoken to them."(Deut 18:1, 2)

With the setting aside of the tribe of Levi as being servants at Jehovah's tabernacle or temple, having "no inheritance in the midst of their brothers" or as one of the twelve tribes of Israel, not even owning any land (but given a list of cities to live in at Joshua 21:11-39), this left an "opening" in the twelve tribes of Israel, so that Jehovah took Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, to now make up "the twelve tribes of Israel".

So, the listing of "the twelve tribes of Israel" at Revelation 7 does NOT coincide with Numbers 2 and thus are NOT fleshly Jews, for the Jews as a nation has been rejected and were replaced a new spiritual nation, as Jesus told the Pharisees:

"Did you never read in the Scriptures (at Ps 118:22, 23), ‘The stone (Jesus Christ) that the builders (Jewish religious leaders) rejected, this has become the chief cornerstone (of God's heavenly Kingdom, see Eph 2:20). This has come from Jehovah, and it is marvelous in our eyes’ ? This is why I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken FROM YOU and be given to a (new spiritual) nation producing its fruits (or holy conduct)."(Matt 21:42, 43)

This new "nation" is the 144, 000 + 1, of 144, 000 imperfect "chosen ones" (Matt 24:31), along with Jesus as their "Leader".(Matt 23:10) And what opportunity did the nation of fleshly Israel have ? At Exodus 19, Jehovah told them: "Now if you will strictly obey my voice and keep my covenant, you will certainly become my special property out of all peoples, for the whole earth belongs to me. You will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation".(Ex 19:5, 6)

So, the Jews as a nation had the opportunity before them of becoming "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation", but how did things turn out ? Psalms 78 gives this report: "Finally he struck down all the firstborn of Egypt, the beginning of their procreative power in the tents of Ham. Then he brought his people out like a flock (in 1513 B.C.E) and guided them like a drove in the wilderness (for 40 years until 1473 B.C.E.). He led them in security, and they felt no fear; The (Red) sea covered their enemies."

"And he brought them to his holy territory (the land of Canaan, see Gen 12:5-7), this mountainous region that his right hand acquired. He drove out the nations from before them (over a period of some 30 years till Joshua died, Joshua 24:29); He allotted to them an inheritance by the measuring line (or placed each of the twelve tribes in their respective locations); He settled the tribes of Israel in their homes."

"But they kept challenging God the Most High, and rebelling against him; They did not pay attention to his reminders. They also turned away and were as treacherous as their forefathers. They were as unreliable as a loose bow. They kept offending him with their high places (to their false gods, see Lev 26:30, 31; 1 Kings 14:23, 24), and they incited him to fury with their carved images (see Judges 2:11-14). God heard and became furious, so he utterly rejected Israel."(Ps 78:51-59; "utterly rejected", Hebrew m'od ma'ac, meaning "to vehemently spurn, to make disappear")

The new nation" of spiritual "Israel", is composed of both Jews and Gentiles, as the apostle Paul shows at Romans 11:11, 12. This new "nation" is the symbolic "woman's offspring" at Genesis 3:15, that will "crush" Satan in the head, a deathblow, as shown at Revelation 20:10.

This new "nation" is God's heavenly Kingdom (see Matt 6:10), with the 144, 000 being anointed with holy spirit, though imperfect in the flesh, but perfect in obedience and loyalty to Jehovah God, being "declared righteous" as Ephesians 1:13, 14 expresses, being set apart as the "chosen ones" (Col 3:12), for the official assignment of being "a kingdom, priests to his (Jesus) God and Father", Jehovah.(Rev 1:6)

It is God's Kingdom that will undo the damage done with the rebellion in the garden of Eden some 6, 000 years ago (Gen 3:1-6), whereby sin was introduced (Rom 5:12) and obedient ones of Adam's literal descendants had no way out of it (see Isa 25:7), so that Jehovah provided the first "Kingdom heir", Jesus, as a ransom sacrifice to buy back what Adam lost for obedient humans, the hope of living on a paradise earth as "meek" ones (Matt 5:5; 20:28), with the 144, 000 being "joint-heirs with Christ" in heaven.(Rom 8:17)


I'm hoping I can gain some clarity by watching this


Hey Corey third time I’m trying to reach out to you sir. How can I get in contact with you I have some questions that maybe you can help me with In our faith thanks again


I have a question - if 10, 000 was the largest number in Jesus' day, how did John record the number 144, 000? Just a question I wanted answered to grow my faith. Have a great day everyone!!
