The Chosen Ones - The 144 000 - Are You One (11 Point Quiz)

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The Chosen Ones - who are they and who are the 144 000? How do you know if you're one of them? I have compiled 11 points to help you find out (see chapters below)


01:30 Point 1
02:46 Point 2
04:22 Point 3
04:53 Point 4
05:33 Point 5
06:00 Point 6
07:14 Point 7
09:10 Point 7 part 2
10:08 Point 8
11:29 Point 9
12:45 Point 10
13:34 Point 11
14:03 the irony of the chosen ones
14:22 the coding of the chosen ones
15:07 the purpose of the chosen ones
14:45 the 144 000 encoding
16:16 fear of the witch hunt
16:44 who chose the chosen ones
19:27 the danger the chosen ones tried to avoid
20:53 the calling of the chosen ones


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With love
Kerry K

*IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical or health care professional and no information that I share can be used in any way for medical advice. Please consult a health care professional for all your mental / physical health care needs.

#ascension​ #5D #spiritualwisdom #currentenergy #currentenergies #soul #higherconsciousness
Рекомендации по теме

1. You don’t belong
2. Home; having a feeling of longing for home, home sickness and home issues
3. You’re different and don’t fit in
4. Self conscious/ insecure
5. Standing out and feeling outcast
6. Craving invisibility
7. Trauma/ deep feeling of being found out
8. Sensitivity (emotional and energetic)
9. Burden/ responsibility/ weight of the world on your shoulders
10. Skipped childhood
11. Having a weird talent

Love the bird cawing in the background! 😂


11. 64 years and awakened in 2020. My awakening was waking up one morning with a spiritual knowing.... We are a tiny piece of God. We are here for learning. We are all one. We are loved. We are never alone. We never die. So grateful. ❤


All 11. Now I‘m 64 and most of the time I‘m still trying to hide my power. But I see more and more clearly, that my time is NOW. Time to BE. „ Only“ to BE! And this is so full of joy! No more stress, sometimes still a little bit of fear, but mostly simply JOY.
Thank you for your clarity! We all know each other. We came here for the same reason.
Greetings from Germany!


At 64, I've been diagnosed with Cptsd. I live alone in a tiny one room cabin in the country and love my solitude and my own company. I've had an eating disorder all my life and have issues maintaining a healthy weight. As long as I can remember, I have been sensitive, and the older I get, the more sensitive I am becoming. I resonate with 10 out of 11 of these points. It is comforting in a way to know I'm not crazy. I've listened to this video 3 times now! I'm grateful I have found you and your videos, Kerry. Sending you and all beings much love ❤


I'm a nine! I've always know since a young child, I was a chosen one. I always thought this isn't my home and constantly trying to get back to source I call home. I bond better with animals than people. People don't get me, but animals love me. Still here at 72 waiting for my marching orders!


❤ 11 out of 11 with the volume turned up. BUT ITS ALL TURNING AROUND! WE ARE TAKING DOWN THE FALSE MATRIX. WE ARE HERE. WE ARE WAKING UP THE OTHERS BY JUST BEING! ❤❤❤ So glad so happy to be here. I came to help save the planet Earth and take down the false matrix.


I used to say that I wanted to go home. Then I realised that I didn’t really know where that was - it wasn’t my earthly home. I’ve never felt as if I belonged. I’m more at home with my dogs and horses, watching the birds in my garden and just being out in nature. The more I’m with people, the less I resonate with them.


11/11..and I am completely exhausted with all of it but each morning I rise...❤, 🙏❤️


When I was a child but particularly a teenager I remember… I used to feel like I’d been dropped off here and wanted to go home. I can’t say that feeling has really ever changed. I’ve had so many dreams over my life of being connected to UFO’s and astral travelled around this subject. I feel like I have another family somewhere else. I used to look at my earth family in disbelief and thought they were bonkers (they were) and wondered how on earth I was a part of it. I remember asking my mum if I was adopted (which I wasn’t). I was sure I must have been and would search her bedroom and drawers for hidden adoption papers.

I strongly resonate with all your points. I have so much I could say. Thank you for the video 🙏


In my 72 years I have moved many times, lived in a few different states, even traveled/lived out of a trunk in a pinto station wagon in the early 70’s. My biggest point of stability and comfort has been the realization that home for me is ALWAYS in me, ALWAYS where I hang my hat. Through all the discomfort of not wanting to be noticed, etc., my unshakable home was my inner self.


Thank you to all my brothers and sisters that have chosen to be chosen. Our victory is near.
Much Love ✨💖💞💖✨


WOW Kerry, this one made me cry over and over 😿 It explains this whole uncomfortable and disastrous life. Thank you so much for this, and everything you do 🙏🏼💗


Kerry, this is the first time, I am nearly 82, I hear your eleven points about the Chosen Ones. From the eleven numbers there is one number that is not me. I was for a very, very long time a child. Very innocent. I recognize me in all the others. I live in this world but I am not from this world. I am really flabbergasted. So to the point!🙏


60 yrs old and All 11 here too but Ive finally found my "home" on 400acres of native bush with a spring fed stream. My special talent is, for a woman Im a very good at riding motorcycles and because of this, other motorcyclists have welcomed me, its the only place Ive felt like I fit my entire life. My awakening has only been since 2020 so I feel like Im trying too hard to find myself... like the pressure of cramming for a big test the night before. I feel so much passion for this role even though I dont fully understand what it is. May the creator give me the wisdom to be all I can be. Thank you for shining a light on this path xxx


Wow! It's like you were describing my entire life. I'm 70 years old and we're just getting to the good stuff now! Bring on the flash!


What an incredible validation for how I have felt my whole life


I was born awakened like you. I even remember my mother's womb and hospital ward when i was born. I always thought I came from a life of royalty, like maybe a queen. I could never tolerate garbage, doing dishes, getting my hands dirty or competing on any level. I remembered flying an invisible spaceship of my own biology with the wave of my hand. Many times, as a child, I thought others would find out I am a queen and reject me.


Wow. The longing grows stronger every day. And it isn't fun. Good to know I'm not alone. Thank you Kerry


Absolutely! The "Chosen Ones" are the "Ones Who Chose" to be here at this amazing time in our history ❣️


Crying at all of this… I spent the past 3 years unraveling and labeling every last one of these things, piles of psychology books and inner work, but the layers just kept going deeper with no explanation that truly felt right. “Codependency, toxic shame, wounded inner child”… all of the ‘why’s’ made sense but none of them made me feel any less of an outsider. I’ve been deeply lost my whole life. Earth has never felt like home. I turn 30 today and finding you has been such a gift. This is shifting everything. Thank you. Thank you for your light 💚
