Is the 144,000 a Literal or Spiritual Number? - Prof Walter Veith

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Will only 144,000 be saved?


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All the Advent Pioneers believed from their understanding of present truth that the sealing of the 144 000refers to a literal number. J.N. Loughborough wrote a small booklet in 1916, titled: "Questions on the Sealing Message." If you have EGW's writings on your computer, and it contains - Words of the Adventist Pioneers - to click on. Into the word search bar put in the title of this booklet in quotation marks and it will come up.


Why do people think that everything has to be literal OR symbolic? All through the Bible we see things that are often BOTH literal and symbolic at the same time.

(1) How many disciples were there? Twelve. That is literal but it obviously represents the 12 tribes at the same time. And when Judas died they replaced him. So the number was significant.

(2) Jesus told Peter that we have to forgive people 70 x 7. That's symbolic but guess what? When in Daniel 9 God told Israel to make an end of sins how much probation did He give them as a people? 490 years which is literally 70 x 7.

(3) When God gave Israel a king, King Saul in His wrath, there were also 490 years probation till Babylonian captivity. Yes, 70 x 7.

(4) Look at Moses' life. 40 symbolizes water or wilderness (lack of water) in gematria. At age 40 Moses fled to the wilderness. 40 years later he was called to go back in the wilderness and he remained in that wilderness for 40 years. That is very symbolic but it literally happened.

(5) Look at Joseph. After living with his father for 17 years he was kidnapped and sold into Egypt. When his father finally came to live in Egypt with him, it was for how many years? You guessed it - 17 years.

(6) I could go on and on especially with the 1260 days prophecy experienced in different ages by Elijah, Jesus, the saints in the Dark Ages, the The Two Witnesses etc.

The Defining Quote
The way Ellen White phrased the following does it for me:
Early Writings page 14
"The living saints, 144, 000 in number, ..."

Yes the number has some symbolic aspects but how could that not be literal too phrased like that? People say it is too small to be literal. No, actually it is quite a big number for what I see happening with galloping ahem creeping compromise on every hand. And that is without counting that the end will be a time of trouble such as never was. Remember too that is not the number of people to be saved. That is just the number of the living saints.


According to the doctrine of the doomsday cult of Jehovah's Witnesses, the date of 1935 was the date when the number of 144, 000 was to be sealed. Since 1935 the number of anointed had been dropping each year at the memorial which seemed to argue that the number was literal, but since the 2000s the number of anointed has only increased each year. Soon this fundamentalist cult will be forced to invent a new light to transform the literal meaning into the symbolic meaning as it has already done by twisting the words of Jesus to transform the generation of 1914 which no longer exists into a double generation in order to artificially lengthen this generation of 1914 which no longer exists. The passage of time is a powerful revealer and this cult knows that there is not much time left before it disappears from the face of the earth.


Es wurde schon lange offenbart nur sogut wie niemand hat es verstanden.


Four generations of SDAs still can't figure this out? Were the 2, 300 days "spiritual" or symbolic or literal? Because "days" were symbolic, that didn't make the number 2, 300 spiritual or symbolic. 2, 300 still equalled 2, 300. The same with the 1, 260 days. 1, 260 still equalled 1, 260 days. Just because the tribes are symbolic of part of the remnant church, doesn't mean that the number 144, 000 is symbolic. 144, 000 still equals 144, 000. The number is literal and exact. Just one of many points, why would we be instructed to be "among them" if the number is symbolic and represent the entire remnant church?


Yes... worry about yourself, and leave the 144 dont really want to mess with those guys...


I looked up the greek word for the 12000, and it was literally a slang term 12 reference to the 12 deciples. Then the 144000 is broken down by terms, a hundred which can mean a literal hundred or 💯 percent, 100 fold. Forty can say literally 40 or a period of time that prepared us by trials or tribulations, like Jesus was in the desert fasting for 40 days. Then four, is a literal number 4 or can mean completion by perfection. A thousand can mean 1000 but, was also a term that meant all of them. So if we take these broken down, One hundred percent of those prepared during the time of tribulation made perfect by (Christ Jesus), all of those who are (born again.) Every single one.

It was something like that, yall can look it up for yourself and see if you still think it is just a number, or if the words are other translations.


Literal!!! Need to look how precise God was when He was giving the instructions about the tabernace and worshipping in it. All the measurements, all the clothing of the priests and levites, all the materials were used, all the vessels, rituals etc etc were precisely given. In smallest detailes. So the 144.000 will be the special ppl from earth and they will be serving at the Tample in the heaven. So if everything was giving by God so precised to worship in the earth as an example what is in heaven so the 144.000 number is also real number, literal. That's is my conclusion.


Literal. And not a member of any church. They were formed in the womb for such a time as this


Why would God predetermine the number of living saints that will be sealed? God in His nature gives every one a fair chance and I do not believe that He would ever make a set number for those that will be translated without seeing death. What if other persons repent, do they then not have a chance to be saved because the number of living saints has already been capped? The number has to be symbolic as far as I can see. There will be billions of people that are alive at the time of God's coming and you mean to tell me that only 144, 000 living saints will exist at the time of Christ's coming? What about the many that will come to see the truth and the light and reject the mark of the beast who are not Seventh Day Adventist's?


What happened to the saints who's graves were opened when Jesus Christ Rose from the dead?


How about this statement in 5T p 208 in the seal of God chapter it says: "but when the figures reach a certain amount which God has fixed, the ministry of His wrath commences. The account is closed, Divine patience ceases. There is no more pleading of mercy in their behalf". 5T p.208


If this number is literal, then less than 2% of people will be are millions of Christians that will be in let common sense be the judge
