Solution to the Fermi Paradox Found! Scientists Hope They're Wrong

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Solution to the Fermi Paradox Found! Scientists Hope They're Wrong

If we consider our solar system is typical of billions and billions of other similar systems, then where are the extraterrestrials? The universe should be full of intelligent life by now that would create some kind of signal that is easy to detect…yet, we have seen and heard nothing.

There is one possible solution to the unnerving silence of the cosmos, and it could be the most chilling answer to why we’ve heard from no one…because if an alien civilization does exist out there somewhere, they certainly know we are here…and that is something that should scare all of us.

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There is also the possibility that we are looking at the scale of everything incorrectly, as we have our own perspective as tiny organisms. In the way that our entire universe might be inside of the bowel system of a "creature" beyond our comprehension.


I'm still hoping we find intelligent life on Earth 🌎


Even finding plant life in other planets would be interesting.


Time is the biggest culprit here. Considering all the light and signals we receive are millions and billions of years in the past, the Milky Way alone could already have multiple civilisations. We just took off into space around 70 years ago. A mere human lifespan. Imagine how advanced others may have been at this point. Time is our biggest culprit.


How can we expect to "make friends" with aliens when we cant even get along with our own species?


We are not an intelligent species until we can operate without ego and become a cohesive and thriving community that doesn't kill and manipulate each other.


And the title-picture tells us, Cthulu himself is the Zoo keeper.
H.P. Lovecraft would be very delighted. 😅


The reason why we have not picked up radio signals from other civilizations might be because there's a technology that renders radio communication obsolete. If nobody uses "slow" radio waves anymore, there's nothing to pick up.


The answer is actually pretty simple: by the time you have the technology to traverse the universe, you no longer care about traversing universe. An example would be: creating a virtual reality that is infinitely better than real life.


Are we alone ? There’s a reason why this question is so intriguing ;
it defines how we see ourselves .
Finding life would greatly alter our worldview and our place in the cosmos .


If you studied ufology well enough you would know that they are here and have been here well before us, but they're so advanced that we can do nothing about, nor even understand their plans. They're not scared of us, not at all, in fact we've lost each and every confrontation with them, and that's why "we" are still trying to keep the "secret".


In reality, we are not alone, we are being shielded from this. I worked at arecibo observatory, we constantly found planets with a similar make up of our planet


Imagine if our universe is in a petri dish in some lab. The life forms who control that lab could be so large that we can't even comprehend their size.


It's like the new born zebra stepping out onto the savannah & saying "Who wants to be friends" without knowing about the predators.


Here’s my suggestion, all the UFO sightings are just equivalent of alien teenagers getting hopped up on goofballs, and essentially performing the equivalent of cattle tipping while using their parents spaceship


"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far."


I like to think there is an alien laying in bed on his planet, watching an informative video about the possibility of extra terrestrials on his mobile device, looking at his sky, pondering the same things we are...


We might be being watched by aliens so advanced that we cannot detect their presence, but what would be funny is if they, in turn, were being watched by far a more advanced civilisation, maybe one from outside this Universe.


If you look into a pond, you see nothing, no life forms etc, put your head in the water you see lots of life forms, darting around, wiggling here and there and of tiny moving particles, grab some of those particles and look under a microscope, you will be amazed just how populated a small amount of liquid can bring. If you stand and look at the night sky, we see a few stars here and there but if we could magnify this, I think life would be in abundance, life forms don't have to look like us or be the same size, I think sometimes we cannot see the wood for the trees, it's there, we just need to find a way to see it.


Ive always felt it was reckless to beam and send all our info out into space letting any life know exactly where we are. Of course the space race was motivated by advancing our military capability. Just one more thing that endless waring has gifted us with.
