How to stop alcohol cravings in their tracks - a tactic that really works

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How to stop alcohol cravings - urges and cravings to drink when you want to quit alcohol can feel overwhelming. This tactic will help you stop the cravings to drink in their tracks.

Learn how to claim back control and power of uncomfortable cravings for alcohol and before long the difficult feelings will become less and less frequent, to a point where you find yourself hardly ever thinking about drinking.

I was a heavy daily red wine drinker for over twenty years, I would drink anything from one to three bottles of wine, often with beer on top. There was hardly a single day when I didn't drink and alcohol ended up having complete power over my life.

I managed to break free and here on my YouTube channel you can find all the resources, advice, support and information you need to help you quit drinking forever.

These days I am a qualified quit alcohol coach and I have helped thousands of people change their relationship with drinking, become part of my community and I can do the same for you.

Alcohol cravings can feel awful and it can be easy to tell ourselves that we have no choice but to give in to them and drink. But this is a belief that will hold you back, because it isn't true and is preventing you from being the best version of yourself.

Watch this video, learn how to stop alcohol cravings and how to move forward on your journey to freedom from alcohol.

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🎥❤️‍🔥Below are my top 5 favourite videos to help you quit alcohol on your own - watch these now if you are curious about sobriety and becoming alcohol-free:

----------------------------------MORE USEFUL LINKS----------------------------------

Simon Chapple
The Quit Alcohol Coach

#alcoholcravings #stopcravings #sober #sobriety #alcoholaddiction #cravings
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I’m on day day 7! Feeling uncomfortable 🙄


9 hours sober. Good luck everyone. We can do this. ❤️🤛


I left work, got in my car, drove to the store and grabbed a drink. but then I put it back and walked out of the store!


I am 35 days sober, and today is my birthday. I had a horrible incident yesterday where I went to my usual shop for groceries and at the last minute with out thinking, got a monster beer. I paid for my items, went outside and sat down, like I used to do when drinking alcohol. Then my husband walks up. Now this is a man that stopped drinking on his own. He doesn't touch alcohol, he's seen me destroy cars, fall and get concussion, break my tailbone, watch my own son dying from alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, watch his best friend died of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, nothing deterred me from drinking. He show's up there, but doesn't take the beer from me, instead he demands we walk home. I started crying and screaming that I need the beer, I can't stand it! I'll die with out it. As we walked home, I realized I cannot have this beer, the consequences are to profound. We get home, I hear him crack it open and pour it out. By now I'm crying and screaming. Time goes by.... that craving I felt, it was as if I would die if I didn't have that beer, well it went away. Now my husband won't be able to be with me every second of the day, I am greatful to know that I have a CHOICE! I don't have to drink. It is about literally rewiring my brain to take another train, or not get on that train at all. Alcohol cravings have got to be the worst feeling in the world, it's going to take time and training my brain to make different choices now. God bless each of us on this journey


I have had no alcohol since 1993 and I had cravings and desires both from a mental standpoint and also from an emotional standpoint like everyone does before I finally stopped. But the victory came one day when I made the decision to just stop. I know it sounds strange because you feel you are powerless to the urge, but believe me, it is when you decide and stick to that decision that you stop for good.

The problem with alcoholism is that things work in reverse where you feel you are depriving yourself from something you need to have, or you feel guilty as if you are doing something wrong for not having it. You can ignore all that. As a human you have a will and you can decide what it is you want to do. When the trigger happens say no and change your thought to something you like to do that is harmless. I call it the 'attraction of distraction'. Believe me, you will soon find that that urge has passed.

Alcoholism works the same way as someone having a panic attack or anxiety attack where they feel the world is closing in on them, when in reality everything is just fine around them. They treat this condition by having you talk to your subconscious mind to tell it that there is no danger and everything is alright. You need to speak to yourself that you are fine and that you do not need alcohol today right now this minute. Then change the thought and drive down a different road.

You can win this thing that you think owns you. It doesn't. You have the power of decision. You have a choice. Oh, you think you'll be sad or depressed, or life will seem boring and uninviting. Those are just feelings and they cannot hurt you. Ride them out. Let those feelings come and pass through and leave you. The next day may be the happy day. You might meet someone new, or find a new thing to do. But you can win this. I wish you well.


OK, yesterday I decided I wanted to wake up today without having a bottle of wine last night. I did it. First time in years, like 2 decades.
This sobriety is addictive!


I'm on day 2. ❤ good luck everyone.


I started drinking when I was 13. I didnt stop drinking untill I was almost 40 years old and had gone through three rehabs. I decided to put down the excuses and stay sober. I also looked at "cravings " as excuses. When I finally had no excuses .The cravings become just a passing thought as time went on.
Ialso had a very good sponsor that told me to stop referring to myself as being in recovery. She told that once you accept that mindset of always being in recovery then thats all I was going to be in constant recoverring mode.
She said you are not in recovery, you are recovered!
She explained to me that its a choice. Was I going to be in recovery for the rest of my life, struggling with recovery ? Or will I choose to be recovered from alcohol in the long term? It was sp stupidly simple that it was brilliant. I had never had it explained to me like that before. She was right. Because the moment you put the drink down and walk away. You are recovered from alcohol. Because you have the power of choice. If you dont pick the drink up .You have the power. The moment I pick up a drink. I no longer have the power of choice.
I will have 11 years sober on August 24, 2020. I choose to be recovered from alcohol . I now have that power because being recovered means for me that Im not willing to give up that power.


I like to picture the cravings as a animal/beast that wants to be fed with alcohol. If you deprive it the growls will get louder. And a dying beast makes the loudest growls. If you feed it then it you only temporarily silence the beast until it's hungry again but if you decide to put up with the growls then the beast will start to die and the growls will slowly fade away until the beast is dead. Just take comfort that the most intense cravings is a sign the addiction is dying. Like i said a dying animal/beast makes the loudest sounds and scratch the loudest.


I managed to piece 18 mos together and then fell off the wagon when my mother died. I'm in the very early stages of going completely alcohol free again b/c I know it's best and I remember feeling amazing once -- and I vividly remember *not* having these cravings and being able to easily walk past people drinking, bottles, etc....and it not affecting me much at all. But boy -- the early early stages are just a beast to get through. This particular video has been incredibly helpful in understanding that it's not just an "oh forget it, I'll pick back up tomorrow" *single* choice. There really are so, so many miniStops where you can still say no. Thank you so much for this. Videos like these are life-savers for those in the earliest stages...which everyone was at, at some point.


16 hours sober and still determined, wish me lucky🙂


My word Simon! This couldn't have arrived in my mailbox at a more appropriate time. I am currently still sat at the platform waiting for this loud train to leave the station without me on it! 20 minutes ago I was about to nip to the supermarket to pick up a bottle or 6. Instead of getting in the car I am going to wash it. Thanks


I’m back on day one. Drinking has gotten where it gives me chest pains. I’m down to drinking two days per week but after the two heavy days of drinking. 12 pack of beer and 6 shots of vodka is my habit per day. I’m going to use the train station the next time I get cravings. Thank you I’ve joined your channel. My name is Chuck


I cannot thank you enough for this, I have tried many times to stop drinking for over half my life, I’m 48. This train analogy has not only kept me from staying off the drinking train but has kept me from over thinking and dwelling on thing I have no control over, I remind myself this is a train, or better a train of thought I don’t want to board. Again thank you 🙏


I will try it. I hate the feeling next morning after drinking even one drink. The memory of a hungover keeps me away too.


Oh my god ... absolutely brilliant .. I have tried so many times to change the way I drink .. My husband drinks like you did ...he tries to encourage me to drink so it excuses him. he passes out every night. I was beginning to become like him... I hate that it takes away so much of your life .
I am joining the alcohol experiment again. This time will be it ... I’ve got this.

I’m definitely at the platform and I’m definitely not getting on that dam train ..
Thankyou ... I’m reading your book and I love it .. You are going to be my saving grace .


This is so helpful. I did this today and it stopped me from even wishing for alcohol in 2 minutes. Kind of like a miracle


I'm on day around 80 and it's one of those nights where I'm struggling and the cravings are strong. Thanks for this!


Wow…you’re a genius! Stopped me on my “tracks” otherwise the end of the train goes to “anxiety/depression” pit stop of complete remorse all over again!


This was a much needed video today. I looked at that big shiny train with all the flashing lights over and over all night long. But each time I reminded myself that just because it looks fun doesn’t mean I need to get on that train. We all know where that leads. So I’m glad to say this tactic worked !!! Thanks Simon!!
