How to Control a Craving for Alcohol | Alcoholism

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🍷 Alcoholism is disease, here’s some resources to help you fight back:

People who are struggling with alcohol use and trying to stop drinking, often experience cravings. People need to remember that just because you have a craving, that doesn't mean you're going to drink or have to drink. There's a couple of ways of trying to control cravings.

One way is through medication. We have a medication called Naltrexone, which is given to people specifically to target cravings. Naltrexone, for some people, works very, very well at controlling their cravings, and other people report that it doesn't help their cravings at all. But we often also help people get through their cravings.

There's a technique that's sometimes called urge surfing, where people have an urge to drink. And what we do is we help people visualize a wave. And what happens with waves? Waves build, they build up just like a craving. They build up and build up, and then they break, and they end, and they abate. Well that's what we help people see. That's what's going to happen with a craving. It's gonna build and build, but we help people have the confidence that that craving will stop. It'll feel bad, but it will ease off. So that's more of a cognitive and behavioral way of helping people get through cravings.

So again, one can try medication like Naltrexone to help control cravings, but the other way is to really learn some techniques to get through the craving. And for people to remember, most people will have cravings, and that's okay. You don't have to drink in response to a craving.
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2 weeks today. I almost slipped today, but managed to walk away from the alcohol shelf.


Try to keep yourself busy. Start walking or jogging if you are able to.
At weekends when i find it harder i will book a table at restauant or go to the cinema and watch a film to keep your mind occupied,


I'm a 3rd generation alcoholic. Not proud of it. Drunk right now. Definitely not proud of it


Year and a half sober. The cravings never go away. Any old timer in any aa will tell you they still get them after 20 years. I've been curbing the craving with topo Chico... Lots of topo chico


Naltrexone and vivitrol have saved my life.


This is good for Stage 3 Alcohol users. 75 percent of those who drink this heavily will be able to go back to normal drinking for the rest of their lives. The rest of us due to genetic factors cross into Stage 4 and the only help is abstinence. Naltrexone will not help a Stage 4 alcoholic drink normally. But for those worried about their drinking it's a tremendous help.
Good Video on CBT techniques!!


I'm 4 months sober, having a nightmare of a time with cravings at the moment. My mental condition isn't helping matters either. Cant seem to concentrate on normal activities, don't feel excited about anything most the time. Future seems bleak to be honest. Wish I could find some relief.


The real change is the drive which originates inside, the natural life force everyone is eligible for since being born. Maybe trying the system in Steffon Barkload's homepage, although not for everyone, can also help you just forget about ever drinking again inside an hour or so.


Wow. I was hoping for a helpful solution but didn't find it here. It's 10:15 PM and I was about to just go to bed but now I'm gonna get up and drink until that figurative wave crashes. Thanks for nothing.


The body will cease cravings within a month. The mind will try to trick you into going back. Consider the consequences and exactly how you would like to live the rest of your life.


I'm on day 2 and really struggling. Naltrexone doesn't even work for me I'll still just drink or else I'll skip the medication.


So I don't drink every day. Not every other day either. But 1-2 days a week. I find it extremely hard to go a month without alcohol.

Anyway my point is. I really think I am different than others craving alcohol. Because I am quite convinced it is my hypothytoidism that is behind this craving. Before I got that disease I could live a life without alcohol. And when the disease is under good control I am able to stop or just do with 1-2 beers. I have searched a lot of places, and I can't find any info about it. What I find is an indication on the opposite as they say hypothyroidism makes hangovers worse (not for me obviously). I just want to be normal functioning person like when I was a child. Very hard to find info on how to get there.


30 seconds in heading 4 fridge need a beer 2 watch this


I found my secret loop hole that alcoholic me doesn't know about. I make a non-alcoholic Tom Collins. I'm still drinking, but I can't get drunk. I guess it's a placebo.


So your gonna feed us medication instead of mental health, I just bought some beer because of this


The best way I control Cravings is to give in to them


I'm so glad it's forbidden in Islam❤❤ الحمدلله
