A Simple Tool to Stop Alcohol Cravings Over The Holidays

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Right! I’ll have a cheerful drink, but it won’t have alcohol in it. Thanks.


I decided to quit for a year on Dec 27, 2020 and did that successfully . But it was just an exercise to me ; just to see if I could do it . I went back to drinking, which was my original plan . 11 months later, Dec 1st, 2022, I decided to quit for good on my Father's birthday . You were right ; even though I didn't drink that much, I could not just have 2 drinks a day . I just wanted to thank you for your Pep-Talks ... Merry Christmas Kevin ; God Bless !


I had my last alcoholic drink on January 2nd earlier this year. From the start I didn't avoid "problem situations" so I've been to gigs, one festival, I've celebrated birthdays, been to parties, nights out and a couple of short holidays. Christmas should be a doddle. Alcohol free beer has been my go-to drink - I know not everyone is good with it but for me it's been a godsend. Jan 2 2023 will be me one year without alcohol, the longest time without a drink since I was probably 17 and I'm now 57. Wishing everyone a happy Christmas, see you on the other side in the new year.


I've only gone and had a bottle of wine! But I am genuinely fine, running and working. I'm going to put it down as a mistake. This was a couple days ago and no craving fortunately.


Christmas can be a difficult time for many. Getting together with family can bring forth emotions and memories, both positive and negative ones. It is a time to stay strong and stay on the path of freedom from poison in your life! I like running the tape in your mind, like a mantra! Stay peaceful all!


Thank you so much. I can't begin to express how helpful your videos have been to me! Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year from the Netherlands .


Thank You Kevin you are my GURU
Merry Christmas to You and Your Family


My party drinking was to release inhibitions. It didn't take long to realize I could relax into a happy state by focusing on others & making them relaxed & happy. Deeply satisfying both @ the party & the next morning. Good advice, Kevin.


This video is really helpful. Thank you!


Well done Kev for helping so many of us


Thanks for this. My dad passed away in March and it's been hard to stay away from the drink, especially during the holidays.


excellent, the mental downturn after drinking is so true & for what really - merry christmas kevin - look after yourself too 😊🎅


Merry Christmas! This was good to hear especially lately that I’ve been having cravings. I think you should do a tiktok. I think a lot of younger people would benefit from your talks. 🤙🏼🤙🏼


I have to tell you all. Antidepressants (SSRIs) rapidly increase the desire for alcohol in some people, so be careful with these drugs. "SSRIs are not known to have very serious side effects but there have been recent reports of SSRIs inducing alcohol cravings. Research has found that antidepressants can intensify the effects of alcohol, or can lead individuals to increase their alcohol consumption and become heavily dependent on alcohol".


Looking for suggestions to drink that replace alcohol. I can only drink so much water. Coffee is good however even decaf leaves me a bit jittery especially in the evening and makes it hard to sleep. Thanks group.


I was listening to the part where I´m sober surrounded by family members/mates intoxicated . The main feeling would be homicidal tbph, nothing more nagging than having to deal with drunken people all around you . Everything sounds, empty, shallow, sarcastic, downright lobotomized ...I swear I´ve quit based on : " f%$$´s sake, is this who I am when on the lash with all these morons ? " .
Come next day I was much more motivated to do everything within my reach not to go get those 1st couple cans/pints in the morning .
This might sound pathetic but one Godsend I´ve had this season is that for some reason alcohol [ particularly Red Wine, go figure, additives (sulphites) ] has triggered a huge Hemorrhoid crisis which will last this whole period, I´m certain of it .
If that is not the perfect excuse to turn down drinks and simply fade out off of the situation I don´t know what is 😂 .
