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#whyaccounting #blackaccountant #accounting Why I chose Accounting? Here is one of my most FAQ. Why did I choose Accounting? What made me choose accounting? All your questions will be answered in this video.
I thought I was going to be a petroleum engineer or even go into oil and gas accounting.

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Twitter: afrikangirlxxx

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Song: Fredji - Happy Life (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.

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Name: Nicole
Age: 24
Occupation: Public Accountant

I am a public accountant, makeup and beauty enthusiast, and love to share my knowledge and skills with anyone willing to listen. Most importantly, I am a young Christian sharing Jesus to the world in my own way. I graduated with a B.S. in Accounting in 2017 from Penn State and decided to document my journey as a first-year staff in public accounting. I love sharing my love for accounting (and more) with you all and am super excited to document my growth journey in my public accounting career, document me becoming a CPA, and obtaining my master's degree with you all.

Country of Origin: Angola
City: Luanda
Languages Spoked: Portugeuse, English, French, Spanish Lingala
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Guys I filmed this video super impromptu during my lunch break 😂😂😂. HELP ME GET TO 2K by the end of next month.


My seven year old niece struggled in her schoolwork. I homeschooled her and her sisters during the pandemic and they are doing excellent. Plus, I taught them Spanish and French. My niece wants to be a teacher but I'm heading her towards accounting as she could make more money and she's good in math.


Me looking into accounting cause breaking into tech is exhausting


My second choice for a major was Accounting, but I wound up switching to Economics because things didn't work out in Accounting. I'm going through my second career and I was a little embarrased that I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I'm glad to be dealing with professionals, who gave me some information to hone in on my likes and dislikes. The worst thing for me is to have someone who may not understand how or why a person chooses a career, give you bad advice based on no foundation of who you are as a person. It's like asking an office clerk to become a doctor. On top of that, a person who tries to tell you to choose a career, sabotages you because you didn't pick what they told you to do. When I was under my state's scholarship, I wish I would have utilize their counseling and support to help guide me in the right direction at that time. They are the professionals and they wouldn't just belt out a career that didn't fit me or my personality. But, first and foremost, I should have relied on my guidance counselor's guidance.


Omg I used to do hair during college as my little side hustle haha. And yes, we drink hella coffee (decaf for me tho😅) and free food lmao.


Thanks for your dedication to providing this information.


I have MBA in Accounting and I haven’t landed a job. I’m 41. I chose Accounting because I love working with numbers, like you Accounting is a stable career it isn’t going anywhere.


OMG i go to UH & it’s my first semester there and my advisor tells me to go the PPA route (where I would have the 150hrs to sit for the CPA) but idk if I should since I’m already 22 & would take 3 years of school lol and feel old already😭 also idk if it’s possible to have my oil and gas certificate and an internal audit certificate since UH offers both or does that look bad on my resume to have both certifications?


Love Your Improvisation and ENERGY ! You probably got Oil and Gas in your veins-Hence The +ve ENERGY. Thanks for sharing your journey, Bon


I just found your channel, new subbie. (:

I graduated in 2019 with a Bachelors Degree in Marketing. After college i ended up getting a job as an Accounting Clerk, and similiar to you was doing AP/AR invoices. I recently left that role, but I think I want to make a career in Accounting. I was thinking of going back to college to get my MBA in Accounting, but maybe I should wait until I get more experience. Should I take an intermediate accounting course I seen Harvard Business School online offer a Financial Accounting course? Do you think this would make me somewhat more marketable since i didnt major in Accounting in undergrad? Or what advice would you give someone trying to build a career in Accounting with no Accounting degree? Thank you <3


Helpful video. I live in Dallas how can I get into oil and gas? I’m starting studying accounting I just started learning accounting fyi


I choose the same career because of the exact same reason as you.


What do you say to people who keep saying that accountants will be replaced by AI in the future


What is that coffee machine and packets? Where do you get those?


I am learning accounting and I like it but feel like everything is done backwards.


Can you survive as an accountant with just a bachelors or do u need the cpa and masters?


What’s your position, and did you take the CPA exam?


Good video thanks for the info but why did you do it in the bathroom? Lol why not in your car or home


Why didnt you just film the video in your car or at home?
