I Hate the Ivy League

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I have gotten to the age of impared vision, reading books is challenging. The only audio books I enjoy reading are Malcom's. His voice, like is mind, is unique and extraordinarily soothing. ❤


Did you all know that Harvard has a Mort Zuckerman Fellowship? Mort Zuckerman OWNS U.S. News and World Report.


It's so hard to get an education if you aren't special in some way to qualify for a grant. I would like to be a therapist, and I've studied psychology since middle school, but without the degree and certification, I can't have a practice. So at 32, I'm stuck working at Starbucks because they have a program that will pay for your bachelor's degree at ASU, but I still need a master's degree, which I will have to go into debt for. I can't help but think of how many good people we're losing out on in this country due to the inaccessibility of higher education to the poor.


Education needs to be affordable, _effective_, and available to anyone capable of comprehending it.
As to 'fair', it would be mighty difficult to define 'fair' in an objective way that the majority could agree upon.
Moreover, whatever 'fair' looks like should be built on a parallel track. Because you don't have a right to just take over someone else's work and start telling them what to do.
Don't like what you see? Build something better. And think of the existing system as a control group.


Je pense que beaucoup de personnes aime la facilite plutot que la difficulte dans leur activite


I LOVE MALCOLM GLADWELL SO MUCH!!! He's just so smart! My dream is to meet him at a dinner party, but I think he said something like he doesn't like people. 🤷

Nevertheless, this audiobook is my Saturday night! No clubs or electric dance music tonight. It's me and Malcolm shocking me about Yale, Harvard, and Princeton.

Btw read the chosen about Harvard Princeton and yale. So good.


Like Nietzsche said, some people are on the stage while most are in the audience. What's wrong with that? I love the Ivy League because I'm in the audience.


Please don't get angry Malcolm. Then again....


Hey! How hard? Don't ask! Am attached its life a family the infrastructure where who spoke?


ludacris? you mean ludicrous. did you use an AI for the captioning?


just last week i watched a movie named Parasite I also thought about this: "the sister can't afford university although she has talent. There are numerous young people who cant enter a good university simply because they were born in poverty". However, I don't think a negative attitude toward the wealthy class is appropriate. I look forward to the technology development that can allow more and more people to access far more affordable education.
