This is why men are going their own way #mgtow

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Men will give up their happiness for their family. Women will give up their family for their happiness.


Got married, I had a good paying job, wife worked with decent pay. We had two children, she quit her job and became a stay at home mom, no problems. We decided we wanted to buy a home a another car. I hit the over time and side jobs, house bought, car bought everything seems to be fine. I am still working OT. Wife decides she doesn't want to be married because I don't spend enough time with her and we don't go out anymore. She got the house and car, I got the payments plus child support and alimony. Her boyfriend lives with her and he makes very good money, she's living the good life and eating well, I'm living in a one bedroom apartment eating Ramen. I learned my lesson!!!!


You’re not loved, you’re a convenience. You’re not appreciated, you’re tolerated. You’re not right, you’re always wrong. If she cheats, she takes half your stuff if you are married. If you cheat, she still takes half your stuff still. If she one day divorces you out of the blue, half your stuff. If the baby isn’t yours but your name is on the paper, child support for 18 years. It’s not our money, it’s her money.
Shall I go on?


We're not avoiding marriage. We're avoiding divorce, which statistically makes sense.


Never sign a contract with a person who will profit by breaking the contract.


In the last 3 yrs I have dated a 40 yr old (she pursued me) a 46 yr old, and a 50 yr old. All 3 had social media addiction issues, and acted very irresponsible and never acknowledged the time, money, effort I gave. The last one broke my heart just for the fun of it. It pushed me into going totally Sigma. I have never been happier, healthier, and bulletproof heart until now. I know my worth. God bless.


Having a woman was once considered an asset. Now it's a liability.


One of the main reasons that men have stopped pursuing women, is that most modern women are really only interested in one thing…………money.


I always asked my dad why he went out to the clubs with his 66 Comet instead of the Mercedes or Corvette. He explained that if the lady, he stated Lady, was interested in him they would ride in his Comet. It finally worked for him. He found a Lady that was not interested in his money. In fact she wanted to drive her own Toyota instead of any of his nice cars. I followed his advise. A True Lady with values is very rare out there.


Modern women have become insufferable..


Blame the feminist movement. Attitudes like "all men are predators", "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle", "Im not cooking or washing for any man", "I expect a man to do his share of the housework, even after he comes in from his day's work", "I'm the prize, just look at me", etc. Thanks, but I'll stick to my dog if you don't mind.


The 1 immovable value that a man demands from his woman is 100% loyalty at all times in all situations no matter what. Loyalty is not negotiable.


I'm 45. I've invested twice in having a relationship with a woman who said they wanted to be a partner....twice I was betrayed. So much effort wasted by mid 30's, so why put in the effort on someone else that will tell you they "love" you but then find greener grasses, when I can invest that time and energy on myself?


Why men are done can be summed up in two words- modern feminism


Every young lady that I dated cheated first, regretted it later but still cheated. It's not possible for a woman to be faithful. I'm 48 I've never seen it. I've been single now 8 years and I thank God, I'm so at peace, it takes entirely too much to please a woman.


The fact that you're "demanding" answers instead of asking would be a clue.


Personally as an average looking guy i spent my 20's being rejected. I got used to it and being alone. I found peace there and accepted it so knuckled down and set my goals, have done well in my career, made some smart investments. Now ten years down the line those women that rejected me keep popping up messaging. It just feels like they don't want me for the person i am. They just see the financial security. One even said "if i got with you i could quit my job". Sometimes it feels like women forget guys have feelings. It's not that i don't want a partner, I want to feel loved and respected as an equal not just some sort of asset to be used then spat out by some narcissist.


We’ve all been indoctrinated into thinking men’s feelings and opinions don’t matter; that they have to put all their time money and energy into keeping their woman happy. The irony is not only does our happiness get disregarded but half the time we can’t do enough to make the woman happy either.

We CAN make ourselves happy.
For free.


I've been married, zero interested in going through that again. I like my peace
