Baby rabbit dies from stroke

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Do you get triggered easily? Are you a snowflake? Did you fail to get a propert edjukayshun? Then this video is perfect for you.

Even though the comments say that this happened as we were planning to take her to the vet, that it is too late to save her, and we took this video to show the vet so we can get some information to prevent this happening to other rabbits in the future ....

I still want you to comment like the snowflake you are and say things like "stop filming and take her to the vet", and "you are cruel for filming this", and other stupid triggered comments.


This is a very disturbing video, so only watch if you can stomach it.

We bring the sad news that one of the baby rabbits has died. Like some of the others in the past, it appears she has had a stroke.

She was outside my office and I noticed her lying on her side. I checked and she had the classic symptoms of the arched back neck, being unable to walk. Even though it is too late to do anything at this stage, we planned to go to the vet for at least some information.

I had her placed on the chair next to me and then the convulsions and death happened, same as the previous rabbits, so I took this video to show the vet.

The vet could only say it seems like a nervous system issue, but could not identify the likely cause. I personally have no clue, as nothing matches with the deaths of any of the rabbits, except some wetness around the mouth, but even this I don't know whether it came after the stroke. So maybe it was some sort of virus that they picked up. All I can do is monitor them more carefully from now on to try and see any early warning signs.
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As a person doing animal care, the rabbit may had died because of the loud noise, rabbit are still pray animals can get stressed extremely fast which can cause them to have a stroke


my bunny died like this today and i haven't stopped crying for hours, I'm so sorry for this poor little soul too


Bunnies have strokes due to loud noises which can cause fright, or stress. I think maybe that loud noise in the background gave her a stroke :/


YouTube: "you also may like"


On the upside, the recording of this rabbit has provided more information, both to the vet, the owner, and the wider audience. This information may eventually lead to some rabbits being saved. With that considered, this rabbit died a hero.


I keep watching wholesome rabbit videos then YouTube decides to recommend me things like this. Mannn.


I think my bunny died from a stroke too, I found him laying in that exact position :( He was almost 13 so I knew it would eventually happen but I miss my little buddy 🥺 Hope he's playing in the snow somewhere with his mates now. He loved snow, it made him get zoomies like a young bunny even when he was already over 80 in human years <3


I had this happen to my bunny when he was 5 months old, I quickly performed cpr and used my fingers to compress his chest constantly for a few minutes then he he took his first breath again. If this had happen when I wasn't there I would have lost him, I'm so glad he was able to make a full recovery.


My poor baby died today too. Her first birthday was coming up but I found her all cold and stiff this morning, her little heart wasn’t beating and she wasn’t breathing. Rest In Peace Lucy. I’ll never forget you


I loved my bunny, her brown fur and big black eyes gave her so many cute expressions. While she was having her stroke her facial expression made me cry so hard I couldn’t breath. I loved her so much and she was just a baby when she died she was 5 months and I miss her so much even though it’s been 23 hours since she died.


That bunny looks so innocent! She doesn't deserve to die😢


Weird "death induced" a bunny dies video.
It's natural for a bunny to have a stroke to an extremely loud noise that's nonstop for a half hour. A veterinarian would also tell you that but this person here seems to know this information too and films a bunny having a stroke with an extremely loud generator sound that obviously kills the bunny yet loud enough that it could even disturb some neighbors.
He's weird enough to affectionately pet the bunny after the stroke. After the stroke??? (But not during to calm the bunny from having one.)
The whole time this bunny is having a stroke in the 38 secs shown there's no petting nor holding it, just filming it. Because calming the bunny by petting it (especially before it dies, not afterwards) would have prevented a stroke but that didn't occur here.
Basically a bunny will run to their owner whenever hearing neighbors' dogs excessively barking, thunderstorms, roaring motorcycles which after being pet or held will calm their fears.
But if there's no comforting involved,
as timid as they are, they're likely to have a stroke.
There's the odd petting affection only right after the bunny's death that's weird as, if not quite to Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer's and yet even Wayne Gacy's affection towards a corpse.
The whole odd affectionate touching after death looks just like it all occurred in the basement.
The affectionate suggestion seems to show that this guy has a fetish towards dead things, especially right after having been empowered to kill.
Ownership of life because taking life signifies ownership to it. The slave who can't escape until the master sets it free only in death.
Why didn't he touch the bunny until after the stroke and why didn't he remove the bunny from the disturbing noise?
Instead chose to record the complete 38 seconds of a bunny having a stroke for the purpose of uploading it to YouTube?
Why would anyone generate such a loud noise around pets? It's way too loud to even make an emergency vet call regarding a bunny's stroke but was far more preferable to recording it for YouTube instead?
The weird affection afterwards and not before the stroke is such bizarre behavior.
The "after death" affection may denote how "the master" holds power over the slain and may represent the enjoyment in knowing that the victim would never escape their master but only through death.
A pet bunny would have normally ran away from the noise in search of comfort and shelter.
Comforting the bunny through petting it is genuinely what would have saved it's life because unfortunately they are very timid creatures proned to fear and would have ran to their owner for such comfort.
The person in this video shows affection after death which is very strange to me.
If one wasn't reading between the lines,
you could say that it's possible that there's more that's going on in such a loud ace basement.
But the kind of stuff that would be forbidden on a YouTube channel, except for a bunny having a stroke in a loud ace basement, same loudness that could cover someone's screaming.
The whole thing is just weird if you asked me.
Petting the bunny would have kept it from dying even with the loud noise because the stroke is the onset from fright, which is just about as much as what someone could get away with on a YouTube channel.
And that's why I strongly wonder what the hell else is possibly going on in such a loud basement? Anything could be going on and none of the neighbors would even know. Their only complaints would be that it gets mighty loud over there at times with the generator which he's legally allowed to have and to run at certain times in the day.
By the way,
I so feel like affectionately touching a dead bunny right now but only right after I first record it having a stroke??
Who does sheeyet like that??

The guy who hosted this is actually calling everyone a "pea brain" because as he stated, it's for veterinarians and he said he attempted to call a vet. When and how??
How can a call go through such loud noise in the basement?
And if this guy is working to help veterinarians by inducing death on bunnies but yet uploading it all to his YouTube channel instead,
then it sounds more like someone who needs to go to jail because veterinarians do their thing to help animals too and it's definitely not in a loud ace basement. Why all touchy with the bunny after it died? What happened to the needed nurturing before the stroke. It's obvious that this much you wanted to film with no interaction of comfort but waited for it to die. Do you have a fetish towards death?
What the hell else is going on down there in your basement?
I honestly believe that there's more. This was the only few things that you figured was permissable in a YouTube channel which is why you are saying that you did it for veterinarians to study,
what? What they already know? Veterinarians know that bunnies die from fright such as extremely loud sound where there's no comforting involved. You talk like a serial killer at a police station trying to intellectually talk your way out of the obvious of what is crazy.
But you definitely wouldn't have been able to upload anything more than this but lying your ace off when saying that you attempted to call the vet and then saying that you did this to help veterinarians treat something that they'd call the police on you for doing??
No veterinarian approves of this you crazy liar,
but I understand that you're practicing what to say in avoidance of being arrested.
Calling people "pea brains" doesn't exactly register you as an official veterinarian assistant either.
Serial killer tactics right here y'all.


This makes me so sad because my bunny just died yesterday, and she was my little ball of joy. They are both in a better place now


You can tell the reason of death by just looking how deprecated his ears due to the loud noises around. It makes me feel sad looking at these precious creatures suffered, I hope what happened serves as a warning to those who want to take care one


That was intentional because loud noises make bunnies have strokes and he/she had time to pull the phone out and start recording.

So watch out for doomguy


so to clear some things up, the description says the vet said possibly a nervous system issue. while yes loud noise can cause this, the noise may not have been as loud as we think, we all know camera quality is terrible. anyways, if that's the case, the comments tell this owner that maybe this could be a factor, and not to make the same mistake (that's if any more rabbits seem to have a stroke, then this likely could be the cause, or if they're from the same litter, their bloodline as well). hopefully that "peabrain warning" doesn't include this or these other comments 😝 but either way, we all make mistakes and hopefully the owner is taking extra precautions since the stroke. I highly suggest if the ither rabbits are from the same litter, to do some testing on their genetics such as blood tests and/or imaging tests for the brain/nervous system to get some answers. if blood is too thick, it may clot and cause a stroke, so I hope this also helps for identifying the issue <3


I think it's not because of stroke. The rabbit died because of the stress. Stress from the loud noise.


Did anyone cry so hard hugging your rabbit very tightly😢


As a rabbit owner, this was too hard to watch, I almost cried 😞


That's sad. Sad truth of nature is that everything dies.
