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I am not vet. Please contact a rabbit-savvy vet for any medical emergencies.
Always monitor your rabbits around new products or environmental changes.

#bunny #freeroamrabbit
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Before I found your channel, my bunny lived in a small cage, with an improper diet, and horrible care.
One night we were laying by him and he started having these intense spasams, which ended after a few minutes. It's so shocking to me now that this was quite possibly a sign he was dying.
Luckily I learned, and now he is free roaming, healthy, ane living such a fufilling life.
He turns five this year 💕


Our bunnies never refuse banana. In fact, they circle together in their pens when nobody is around and plan out their world domination strategy and their plan to take over the entire banana industry to have unlimited bananas for the rest of their lives🐰🍌


I just lost my baby girl a month ago, and the things I've heard from my coworkers about how she was "just a bunny" are so hurtful. It is the worst loss I've ever experienced in my life. I miss her like I've lost a part of my soul. These little guys are angels sent to earth. I miss you Fluffbun....


2:47 - Refusing food, water, and treats.
3:29 - spasms or jerking motions
4:10 - change in vitals
4:56 - lethargic or unable to move
5:29 - breathing increases or decreases
5:47 - screaming

Tips/what to do
7:12 - do not overwhelm
7:23 - give love and support
7:47 - let partner say goodbye
8:12 - get a necropsy (animal autopsy)
9:50 - what to do with the body


Lennon reminds me of my passed rabbit, buns. If anyone's interested, here's her story...
I hadn't found out about your channel until pretty recently. I got buns when I was 5 years old. Yes... 5. I didn't do anything right, or so it felt. For YEARS, she had a wire bottomed cage (although there was a soft wood surface on the bottom floor to escape to) and was stuck mostly in a decent sized hutch outside. She had too many pellets, too many treats, not enough greens, and not nearly enough hay. I didn't even litter box train her until her last year. But despite all this, Buns was the sweetest soul. Probably not as sweet as lennon, but she would hop all over me, give me kisses all over my arms and face, and she would come whenever I called. She enjoyed pets and we could sit on the couch and cuddle for literally hours on end. I lost my best friend one year ago. I now know I wasn't doing everything right, and that I definitely could have extended her life to many more years. She was 7 when she passed. Thanks to one of your recent videos I found that she seemed to be going through GI stasis before.. well, before she passed. I was right there to witness it all. at least I did one thing right: I comforted her in our last moments together.

I had a feeling I was doing things wrong. One year later I was gifted a bunny for Christmas. Blue. I knew his name before I even met him. I researched a bunch of stuff and one day your channel popped up. Lorelei, you've not only saved me, but you've saved a bunny from living a life of confinement and unproper care. I really can't thank you enough. It makes me want to cry all over again thinking about how many things I did wrong with buns, but knowing that Blue doesn't have to go through that eases the pain.
Blue lives a happy life. I'm working so hard to convince my parents to let him free roam in a part of the house. I'm working on it, and I think it's going to work someday. But for now he's outside in a large hutch with huge fencing around it. I let him out three times a day for a half hour or more each time. I feed him lots of greens every day, and a special treat once a week. I barely give him any pellets, and there is ALWAYS water and hay available to him. He has toys and he's litter box trained. I try to spend a lot of time with him and continue to gain his trust. I hope someday he and I can have a relationship like buns and I did, or like you and lennon have. It's really special.
Anyways, if you've made it this far, I'm surprised... Lorelei, if you've read this, I just want to thank you once again for all the critical information and everything else. ❤︎


my bunny died in February of this year. he was acting fine and one day when i was giving him his leafy greens for dinner i noticed his legs were in a very alarming position. i started panicking and called my parents upstairs. we laid him on our couch and soon after he began having very intense spasms and after 30 minutes he passed away. it was very traumatic for me but i was glad i got to give him love in his final moments. this video gave me a lot of closer and i’m very thankful for that. ❤️❤️


Sending my love to those who have gone through this and heard things like, “They’re just so fragile and die easily” or “it’s just a rabbit.” They can live just as long as some dogs and cats and yet we rabbit owners don’t get the same respect that they do when it comes to pet loss. Both my buns are 8 this year and I dread losing them.


Mine was perfectly healthy, woke up one day and she seemed off. 24 hours later and I was burying her. These videos need to be made so that maybe the hurt I went through can be prevented in the future. For all wondering, she was hunched, stomach growling, bloated, didn't move. I cared for her all day and night but fell asleep and woke up to her dead. You never know just how much you love something until it's gone.


My rabbit passed away back In January, he lost motion of his back legs and had trouble breathing. He was my first pet & it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through.


"Screaming is a rare occurrence for bunnies."
*glares at my bun for screaming in her sleep on a weekly basis *
"As we know, rabbits are not very vocal animals."
*glares harder at my bun for constantly vocalizing *


Who else is not American but loves Lorelei and Lennon ?
They are loved globally!


My veterinarian has 4 bunnies of his own 🥰 He has taught me so much about bunnies! It took a while to find him, but finding a good vet is so worth it!


My girl passed in my arms, and she screamed before she left me, that is a very heart breaking sound, which can happen too


I was at the vet this morning because my baby excitedly sniffed but then refused to eat a slice of apple. We were in the lobby and i was petting her and noticed her ears were really cold. Suddenly she screamed. I ran to the front desk and yelled that she was dying. They got her heart back online but she was braindead. I had to make the horrible decision to take her off of lifesupport. My heart is shattered.


My rabbit hates banana😂he despises it.whenever it’s in his bowl he steps back and thumps as if to say” thanks a lot mom, now my whole meal is ruined”


I just wanna say to anyone who has recently dealt with pet loss, everything is going to be ok :) your pet is in a better place now! And they are happy doing whatever they love to do <3


I thought she was saying lennon died i started crying


That title struck fear into my heart but I clicked anyways


My bunny jut passed away a few days ago, and it hit me really hard. I blamed myself thinking I did something wrong. He didn't have any of the signes discussed in this video, and this video has really helped me to give myself some grace and to not dwell on the past but think to the future. Thank you for this channel, I don't know how I could have coped withought watching your videos.


My bunny died a few days ago. We were told about 7 months ago that she had a heart condition due to old age and only had a few weeks left. She proved everyone wrong and lived longer than anyone thought. Since we rescued her, we don’t quite know her exact age but we think she was around 10 years old. She had been eating less and becoming more tired and we knew it was her time. She collapsed and so we made she was comfy and we gave her lots of love until she passed. 💙
