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Part 1 of 2, Masha Allah! We are finally able to upload the lecture delivered by Hon. Abdullateef Abdul-hakeem during the 1UmmahPUC in 2018 held in Lagos. Watch till the end, share with family and friends.
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I only clicked for the sister's lovely smile. Allah knows best


Masha Allah, we must obey the rules of Allah. As women, may Allah make it easy for us


Islam also came to safe guard the rights of women and guide them..
Polygyny is allowed as it makes sure no women is not recognised with respect when she conducts a relationship with a man.. as we can see how so many women outside the Islamic understanding are not more then mistresses or just used by married men and it's problematic for the society to give a respectful standing to women who live in a society where man is allowed only one wife...

Also why Islam does not allow one woman to have many husbands, imagine if the husbands wish to have many children from that one wife.. it would be disadvantageous to the woman's health


A serious Responsibility of taking care of women and told tteat them well


Allahu Akbar. Masha Allah Tabaaraka Allah. This brother is on point. May Allah protect him. The truth is the truth. He told it like it is. Facts.
May Allah ( SWT ) protect us and increase our iman. Allahumma Amen.


Mashallah amazing video wonderful explanation may Allah bless this brother for is honesty bravery and courage to speak about Allah s law as it is mashallah.


As much as I liked this lecture, it's amazing how it is very similar to what the Bible teaches but unfortunately Christians don't know because we don't read the Holy Book.
The bible clearly teaches that you'll love the child who obeys you. Jesus Christ taught us that in Matthew.
Thank you for teaching the truth.


Those who bash and criticize Islam, should look in to their own culture. Their is no concept of modesty, chastity and fidelity in these cultures. It may be shocking to know that till 1964, it was legal to swim naked in public swimming pools in US.


My husband took a third wife without me to know, i agreed to be second one just couse i loved him so much and i though i do the right thing.As i found out i am the third, i was heartbrokend, he lied to me, he brought her to my home, without even asking me.I cried everyday, couse they tried to force change my mind.The woman was very offensive to me, she attacked my intimacy and my privacy in a very bad way.... I changed my mind about polygamy and i dont want never again marry a man who wants more than one wifes... This experience changed my so much that i even though to leave islam, i did not and dont will couse i know the problem are the, ,people,, not our religion... Just i will be rather single all my life as to again go through all this again... Theory is ever simpler and nicer than a practical side of a topic, every one who ist open for polygamy shot think about that to not damage lifes of others or themselfs


Yes those who disbelievers ( past Present and Future) will bear the burden of their disbelief and those have done good deed will prepare a good place in Paradise for themselves.30-44


By Allah, marriage means MONOGAMY in the Qur'an and Hadith. In the Qur'an we read,

"THEN marry women of your choice, two, three, four, BUT IF you fear you cannot due justice between them, then one or what posses rightfully. ( 4:3)

Notice the word is " فَإِنْ" which does not mean "but if" nor "AND if" is no "if" in Arabic. If you type in فَإِنْ in the Hans Wehr dictionary, it says "and then". There is no "if" no where. This is Arabic. So it should say :

Then marry women of your choice, two, three, four AND THEN fear you cannot due justice between them, then one or what posses rightfully.

This is the version in ARABIC. So it means MONOGAMY. What you possess rightfully, which is "ma malakat aymanukum" is synonymous to married because it says in 4:25 to MARRY what you possess rightfully of the female servant. Not slaves. Refer to فَتَاة which says a female servant in lane's lexicon. Simply type it in Arabic.

As for the Hadith, notices that nisaa means "women". Not wives. Type in نِسَائِهِ and it says women in Bukhari 1 Vol 5 Num 282. Simply go into sunnah.com and go to Bukhari under "Bathing (Ghusl). In Arabic it says women Not wives. In every Hadith, it means women. Not wives. Zawj means husband and wife and azwaj is plural for husbands and wives. It means a "pair" of masculine and feminine and in context and it relates to spouse. Hence, husband and wife. See verse 2:25. So nisaa means women and Zawj/azwaj means husband and wife or husbands and wives.

So in conclusion, the Qur'an and Hadith says monogamy, meaning one husband and wife.

And Allah knows best


Is there a concluding part to this particular lecture ? If so, please can you upload it ? JZH .


Treating with respect helping yourself doing the Husband even if meet all the ways the hadiths said the women discussed about their Husband's


And if we read a bag of Beans rice a place to live vegetables .


I want to marry a Muslim I would like her keep doctrines but loose the garments in 2020 I traveled to Ugandan got married bought a 5 bdr home my wife say that I can take another bride where in africa do women have no issues with this so I may travel there ?


Perhaps it is A job taken on A Man that understood the Prophets and the seal of Prophets pbuthem All


The envelope of All the Men of the World Why Any Man who marry 2 3 4 the Richess Man can not by what Allah have given you to Maintain such a elevation in Society.


Every community has surplus number of females, who are widows, divorcees and girls who have passed the prime age and nearing menopause and some not so attractive.
And nearly every female wants to have a family. How they can they have a family ?What is the solution for them? IF NOT POLYGAMY, THEN WHAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE?


Can someone kindly tell me is this place Ghana or Nigeria.


So a woman can have more than one man? Just asking
