Excel 2016 for Beginners Part 19: How to Delete and Add Rows and Columns

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During this Microsoft Excel 2016 training tutorial video, discover how to delete rows and columns, in addition to adding rows and columns in an Excel 2016 workbook.

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Hello again and welcome back to our on Excel 2016.

In this section and the next couple of sections we’re going to look at formatting worksheets. You should by now have a pretty good idea about how to enter data into worksheet, how to edit it, and also how to format it from the point of view of the type of data. What we’re going to start looking at now is how to do things like add and remove rows and columns and how to do some of that coloring in, how to change the background colors of cells and how to use specific fonts, as well as things like alignment of text and numbers.

So in this first section I’m going to concentrate first on inserting and removing rows and columns. But before I do that just one thing. The reason for spending time on formatting worksheets is not only to make them look good which is often a very, very important thing in itself. I’m a great believer in the fact that presentation is everything. But also by judicious formatting the message that you’re trying to put over with the information in your worksheets can be a lot stronger. So making sure that the points that you’re trying to make easily stand out is very important and formatting is in turn a very important aspect of that.

So before I do that I just want to do one other thing, mention one other thing because this is going to be quite important from now on. If I click on a cell, let’s click on that one. It’s got 42,072 in it. It’s actually of Accounting Data type at the moment so it’s $42,072. If you look over to the left of the Formula Bar there’s another box here. It’s actually called the Name Box and it says K8. And K8 is of course the Cell Reference for that cell. It’s column K, row 8. Now when it comes to deleting and inserting rows and columns let me just quickly delete a column here. I’m going to delete column D. So I’m going to select it, I’m going to right click and I’m going to say Delete. I’m going to delete column D. Look what happens to that cell, the one that was K8 just now is not surprisingly J8.

Now you will see as we start inserting and deleting rows and columns that the cell references change accordingly. And as we’ll see in three or four sections from now once we start including these cells into formulae and functions and drawing graphs and so on it’s quite easy to think well what happens to my formula here. If I’ve got a formula that’s going to add some cells together won’t those formula get upset by inserting and deleting rows and columns? Won’t all my references change? Won’t Excel get confused? Well the answer to that is no it won’t because although the references to your cells change every time you insert a row, insert a column and perform many other operations as well, Excel always keeps track of any changes which are consequences of changes that you make.

So if you delete a row or a column or something you don’t have to worry about that. Excel will look after the consequences of it for you.

Sorry, we couldn't fit the entire video transcription here since YouTube only allows 5000 characters.
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Many thanks, your videos have made my work so much easier and more organized.


thank you so much i was worried about it
