Microsoft Excel certification exam (Part 1)

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This updated, Excel 2019 (MO 200) practice exam will share with you some of the most widely used Excel features. Ones that will help you pass your exam, earn more money, and impress a few colleagues.


Need help with Excel Formulas/Functions??? Check out this cheatsheet:
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The biggest problem I have with Excel is remembering the correct functions for which equations, and how to type them in correctly. I completely blank with anything that has to do with math, and then the panic sets it. I am an English student and can write essays in my sleep, but math/functions/equations? no thanks. Thanks for this video Prof, your calmness makes me believe that I actually am learning and not to overthink the questions. (:


Just passed my Excel 2019/365 exam about 1 hour ago with a score of 925/1000. Your video helped me greatly. God bless and thanks for sharing your knowledge and guidance.


I just finished taking my certification exam and passed with a 981/1000! I had taken the exam about a week before, failed, and ran out of time. Just from watching your videos, I was able to not only pass but make almost a perfect score! With time to spare! Thank you, Mike! Definitely look into these videos if you need help!


I have failed twice in the past, and am required to pass for my Junior year classes! I been watching your excel videos for two months, and have memorized your tips and tricks! I took it last week and scored a 965, one of the highest scores of the Summer! Thank you so much for your help, and easy access to prepping for the exam. You are such an encouragement to students!


You are brilliant man. Just passed the exam and get 91. Whatever we study in our class is nothing compare to exam. I fail first time and then watch your two video and get pass toady. I have to say I learn more about excel by watching your two video then doing the class last two months. Thank you.


The most challenging task for me was task 4 in the Check Your Worksheet chapter. It's actually not the task that's challenging but more of how the instruction is worded; "swap the data over the axis" doesn't sound anywhere near "switch row/column" and so I had a hard time trying to figure out what the task was asking me to do. But this video helped to clarify how tasks would possibly be worded on the exam, which I appreciate because the task might be written in a way that is difficult to understand but is actually just asking for a simple action.


Thank you Professor Mike!! Just passed my MOS Excel Exam today with a score of 900/1000 after failing the first time with a score of 626/1000. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and skills the MOS was exactly like the material you covered in Videos 1 & 2.


I PASSED WITH A PERFECT SCORE 1000 THANKS TO YOUR VIDEOS!!! As a college student, the part one, part two, and the 7 formulas video were more helpful than my professors entire course! Thank you so much!!


The most difficult part for me in excel is using ' IF ' formula . I always confused about the exact formula in excel. Sometimes I always forget to put (=) sign between them. Then I start practicing about excel and the way you explained everything is awesome. Like in task 3 question 4, modify the formula to display the letter in upper case is so interesting, I always loved this one, whenever I make datasheets or etc. Through your videos its been so easy to use excel and the person who don't know anything about excel I would suggest to follow your instructions only. By using formulas, its been so easy to calculate several type of data.


I totally blank out when it comes to the functions. I would have to watch this over and over. Thank you ! you are a calm teacher, much appreciated.


Mike! You're a homie. I just passed with a perfect score of 1000/1000! Your videos helped me remember how to do everything! Thank you so much!


Thank you so much Mike! I passed my Excel certification with 925 yesterday thanks to your videos that I used to prepare myself. I watch the entire série of the excel exam: Part 1 and 2. I would also recommend the 7 functions in excel video. Again, thank you, your videos are useful and helpful ☺️


I am having my Certiport Exam, next Monday and freaking out right now. I'm watching lots of your videos and they help. I just need to remember them when doing the exam. Thanks for all you do!


Just got 981/1000 on my exam. Exam was just like the skills taught in your videos. Thanks for the help!


Im taking my test tomorrow and my excel teacher told us that we should all watch this video to prepare us for the exam! She even linked them on her page


Connot thank you enough, last week I failed both excel(669) and word(597), and retook them yesterday and pass them both by just watching your videos (word:900, excel:887), thank you Mike!


Almost the end of 2023 and I passed the Microsoft Excel Associate (Office 2019) exam 900/1000 following this video and your part two. Thank you! Now on to the Expert!


Hi Prof Mike,

This was a great way to refresh myself with all the equations and possible tasks that we may get on the Exel Exam. I think the most difficult task for me would be having to remember which formula goes with what. I believe that memorizing the formula is the hardest part because you must pay attention to the task details and what they are asking for. For example, in the task with the average bestseller, reading the task carefully was important so that the correct formula is used. What I had done as I was watching the video was taking notes of all the formulas and tasks that I need help with so that those are the tasks I focus on prior to the Excel exam. Thanks for such an amazing and detailed explanation video. It was very helpful.


I definitely find remembering the correct functions to use in the correct settings the most difficult, but watching these videos is great, because you make it seem so straightforward and accessible! It definitely gives me more confidence and peace of mind having these step by step videos!


I passed my exam!!! This vid really made a difference and gave me those points I needed to achieve this certificate. Thanks a lot!
