Is it ever okay to wear fur? My Take on Faux Fur vs. Vintage Fur & My Collection of Vintage Fur

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We know that the fur industry is horrible, and faux fur and vintage fur have been cited as sustainable alternatives. In this video I discuss the pros and cons of both, as well as why some people think we shouldn't be wearing any kind of fur at all.

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Interesting subject! I also have some vintage furs, which I really like. I would not buy new ones too expensive and too controversal. I don't like fake furs.


Just bought my first fur hat, friend of mine trapped/tanned/made the Coyote hat. After learning how warm it actually was, ordered some tanned pelts. Planned to make myself some booties for camping rather then buy some down booties...


This was great! My pink vintage rabbit fur jacket is one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe. It makes me look like a muppet, which feels so true to who I am as a person.


Real fur is awesome : aesthetic, natural and sustainable. It cannot be mimiced by the plastic alternatives. Bias towards fur is largely based on misinformation and outright lies. I will continue to wear real fur. 100%


I was just gifted a vintage mink coat to turn into something else. I have no knowledge of fur so thank you for making this video


The moment people stop using leather for handbags, belts, shoes and car interiors, is the day ill stop supporting the fur industry. Why is the death of a beaver more treacherous than millions of cows being killed for their hides and to make cheese burgers. ??


Thanks for your balanced take. There is some kind of anti-fur hysteria going on in many Western countries right now. It's all because of PETA, which catches people with an emotional message, and at the same time has a lot of dirty deeds on its account.


Yeah, I love my vintage fur and I dont give af about anybodys feelings about ehat i wear.. Sincerely a GenXer.
It's vintage, animals are dead befor my time. And winter is long and fecking cold in Canada...oh I consume animal products daily. I am a hunter species and oh man, I'm carnivore.


I live in LA and the thing about UGGs isn’t true. Maybe it is and they just don’t enforce it, but you can absolutely order them and even purchase them in person in a bunch of stores. They’re actually really popular here especially in the winter.


I think wear second hand/vintage fur is the best choice for environmet and etichal way of style
Real war are so warm, so chic, elegant, so durable, so soft.
I think it's better buy a real fur coat that last 20 years than buy every year buying a new faux fur from Zara


In my opinion, fur is no different than leather in terms of its ethics. Of course, there are the societal associations and price point, but I genuinely don’t understand why people hyper focus on fur but not leather. They’re both animal pelts, and if purchased ethically (vintage or ethically harvested) then I don’t see the problem. I own a bunch of leather goods (shoes, jackets, belts, my bag) because they’re practical and don’t fall apart in a year the way synthetics do. I view this as the seriously better alternative to having to buy new stuff all the time because it becomes unusable and ends up in a landfill. So if you need something to keep you warm, and you get it ethically, I see no issue.


interesting, well rounded arguments. i just bought a fur trim recently without knowing all of this. does this mean i can't wear it or strangers will give me dirty looks and throw paint at me for it? honest question from a noob


That is such a cute story with the transit token. It's not only a connection to the past, but also a connection to the Kentinuum channel with the subway enthusiasm!


1 fur coat or 20 plastic coats.. i believe nature has everything what we need, and we also eat meat. But i agree all has te be in respect. But nothing beats nature and fur coats at -50 beats any other material fact


Meghan.... Let's talk for several decades had the coat been as important for women as it was in the years after World War II. Uniforms influenced fashion, especially the military trench coat, which was adopted for civilian wear as much by women as by men. This popular trend was bolstered by Hollywood screen queens: Marlene Dietrich, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman, Ava Gardner, and Katharine Hepburn all famously wore trenches in movies during this period, to glamorous effect. The right coat was a key element for achieving a polished, “tied-together” look. It was vital that the outer garment was just long enough to cover the hem of the dress or skirt underneath. Since wartime shortages of materials decreased, coats became ever more luxurious. Furs, in particular, took off and for many women, a mink coat was the ultimate status symbol of the era --- The Encyclopedia of The end.... Always in Good Taste... Be Supportive and


38:52 Hi Meghan, thanks for the entertaining and informative video. By the way I seen to recognize the coat you were wearing in @The Ken Continuum's live stream in Vancouver and Edmonton and was probably nice and warm walking in those minus zero degrees weather. So yes, if it keeps you warm don't pay attention to what others say. P.S. Happy Birthday (coming up this Tuesday!) 😊


I agree, in Canada it’s less controversial to wear fur. It’s just as cruel to judge someone for wearing fur in the cold as it would be to judge them for eating meat when they’re starving. We also have a regulated hunting system that is used to keep wildlife populations in balance, so meat and skins can be obtained with care. I really wonder if down puffer jackets are any better than fur anyway. I think it’s more important to wear what we have with gratitude, and take care of it rather than replacing things over and over.

I inherited a fur coat when my husband’s 99 year old grandma died this year. I’m hoping I can wear it without feeling too ostentatious.


I agree with With wearing vintage furs how ever even harder as a man wearing fur in public especially since it’s very scarce now I have a good collection of vintage fur iv worn my raccoon and coyote once or 2wice just lots of dirty looks


I'm very much an advocate of vintage fur. I think in Britain we don't have the same level of protest and vitriol against fur as the USA does. We definitely have more freedom to do things here without feeling uncomfortable; people do protest and we've had anti-fur TV adverts, but it's aimed at discouraging buying fur in the first place, rather than attacking the people who have already bought fur.
I personally have a lovely secondhand real fox fur Moncler pompom beanie, which a wonderful lady sold to me with all the authentication details. I absolutely adore it and wear it very proudly (just as well because the pom-pom is really big😊).


This is a terrific video Meghan. You are extremely knowledgeable and I have enjoyed your video very much. I can appreciate your views and respect them completely. I think people can differ in opinion and this allows a really great discussion to get going. Thanks for doing this! I agree that the fur industry is horrific. I really appreciate that you buy vintage furs but would never buy a new piece of fur clothing. I share your opinions and this has been so great to watch and listen to. I really like your style of making a video. I dislike it so much when people spread misinformation and it's such a breath of fresh air to hear a terrific fact-based presentation. You seem extremely genuine, and I am as well, and I value that quality in people very much. I look forward to more videos! Be well.
