Amazing New York in 1910 in color! [A.I. enhanced & colorized]

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A very interesting film about life in New York city more than 110 years ago. The original title of this film is "New York of Today" and was made by the Thomas Edison film company in 1910. It shows scenes in the more affluent parts of New York whereby a young couple is being followed by the camera from the moment that they leave their luxurious hotel until in the evening as they travel by a "Seeing New York" car for tourists. Among other they visit the Coney Island amusement park.
For more information, see the time line (draft below).

This film has been motion-stabilized, drastically speed-corrected, restored, enhanced and colorized with modern video software based on A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).

Music: Howard Harper Barnes & Trevor Kowalski.

Timeline (please help to improve this):
00:00 Couple leaving the expensive New York Plaza hotel
00:14 Grants Tomb
00:23 Horse drawn carriages at Central Park
00:35 The couple have boarded a "Seeing New York" tourist car
00:50 Building (?)
00:58 Columbus Circle and a billboard for the famous Hippodrome theater
01:02 Base of the statue of (?)
01:06 Times Square
01:28 There's that "Seeing New York" car again!
01:48 Times Square
02:19 Street scene
02:35 Entrance with stairs to the Elevated Trains (the "El")
03:10 Entrance to Coney Island Fun Fair
03:18 The couple enter after having shown their tickets
03:30 Buying bird food for the pigeons
03:54 Feeding the pigeons
04:14 Down the famous water chute
04:34 Not quite a soft landing on the water...
05:13 Going down the mountain
05:52 Very rare glimpses of how Coney Island center court used to be
06:18 Don't rock the bridge!
06:34 Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange
06:58 Chinatown, the Chinese quarter of New York
07:16 Local market
07:56 The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
08:05 Location (?)
08:22 Panning up the Metropolitan Life tower, 1 Madison Avenue
08:52 The Flat Iron building on the corner of 23 Street Broadway and 5th Avenue
09:20 Panning up the Flat Iron Building
09:38 The End.

The couple in this film may be film movie stars from the silent film period or famous Broadway stage artists, considering how they seem to be acting before the camera all the time. Can anybody identify them?
Update: A viewer has identified them as possibly being Alfred Lunt & Lynn Fontaine, famous theatre stars of the day and for years after!

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Please press the CC captions button to read the events and locations while the film plays.
Please *do NOT* comment that "Everybody in this film is now dead", or: "Not a fat, obese person in sight" or: "When New York was still white", or: "New York has now become [swearword] in 2021" or words to that effect. Such boring and cliché comments have already been made thousands of times on my channel. In stead, try to go back in time and *make interesting, unique comments* of what life was like in New York in the time of your (great) grand parents. Then you will earn the respect of most other Youtube viewers.


I watch the people in these beautiful old films to remind me that they mattered and they have passed on. Which to me is a wonderful reminder to make everyday count!


My Nana was born in NYC in 1910 and her father was a mounted policeman at the time. To think this is what they saw amazes me. Thanks for sharing this beautiful footage.


No cameras to film you wherever you go, privacy highly valued and respected. When you met someone that moment belonged just to you and those around you, and no one else. I truly miss the privacy we had till the 1980´s (and some of the 1990´s) so much!! Not this fucking hell of reality show we live 24/7.
No automation, everything was done by someone, only cash as money. No social media so people really saw each other, the only way they could have a conversation, if not wait some days and weeks for letters to come and go. Your social circle were people who really lived near you. Fantastic window to the past, thank you.


My Dad was three when he and his family came over from Italy in 1906, so my Dad was around 7 when this was filmed. My Dad said he would go to Coney Island all the time. He said that's where he learned how to swim. It's so wonderful to see what he might have seen as a young boy. I feel privileged. Thank you. 🇺🇸🇮🇹💙


Film is the closest thing we will ever have to visiting the past . I am actually a little heartbroken watching this because I want to go back in time and see it with my own eyes.


The young children in this footage who were born 12-15 years earlier were the generation that witnessed the most drastic changes in history and in everyday life. Imagine going from lighting candles as we had been doing for hundreds of years to the light bulb and electricity. Automobiles, airplanes, radio and television, world wars, space travel, etc, etc.


I will never understand why modern architecture means boring building without any character. These buildings are so much more beautiful! And the people were so stylish, what would they think if they saw the style of these days...


I could watch these kind of videos all day. I love it. I get lost in thinking what the conversation was between any and every group of people at the moment they were filmed, who were they, what did their voice sound like, what happened to them in their lives, what was something they loved and hated, who would ultimately be the first person to die between everyone on the screen at any moment you were to pause the video and how they were to die.


My grandfather was five years old during this time. Although I believe he had a much more small town or rural lifestyle, it's still a window into his past. Wish I could step through..


A time when people wore hats and dressed for success instead of what we have now out there. It is gorgeous and mesmerizing to watch this. Thank you ♥


This is amazing to watch this beautiful film from over 110 years ago.


We are so far removed from this era. After watching this, I am filled with a haunting nostalgia for a time and place I've never been too. Excellent soundtrack to a stunning video production.


These films always remind me of how much we have lost from the past.


Looked so much better. Everything fit together so well. No box-shaped buildings, no boring glas towers.


7.16 those young boys wouldn't have expected people to be watching them in 111 years!


I don't know why; I feel nostalgic but still love watching this kind of video. It really captivated my soul.


The architecture of the buildings was more beautiful then than it is today!


One thing I’ve learned from watching these beautiful old enchanted videos of a long long time ago, you cannot always compare what is now with them, you have to respect them and their time, this was their world, this was their life as they lived it.


I am born, raised and living in NYC And a history nerd. Watching this has me beyond gitty. The part when the cameraman was filming, which looks like central park, started panning to the left to a grand unknown building that doesn’t exist anymore, along with the music was awesome. I would love to see more of these videos and how life without TV, phones was back then. NYC was a bustling city then, is still bustling today!
