GET YOUR PERIOD BACK | Binaural Beats | Subliminal Affirmations

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This video contains binaural beats with subliminal affirmations along with meditation music to help you get your period back if you haven't had it in a while.

The frequency of the music, along with the subliminal messages included in the track may help you to get your period back.

Listen daily, for at least 20 minutes a day if you can, at a normal volume for best and quick results. Visualise your desired outcome as if it’s already happened. Stay positive and believe in the power of your mind.

Headphones are required for best results.

You can also use Reflexology to help get your period back, see my playlist here:

Subliminal affirmations included in the track -

My period is coming
My uterus is preparing itself for a period
The lining of my uterus is thickening
My hormones are perfectly balanced
My body is prepared to have a period
The lining of my uterus is preparing to release
My estrogen and progesterone levels are perfectly balanced
My uterus lining is thick and spongy
I am stress free
I love my body
I believe my period is coming
I am grateful for my body
I can feel my period coming
My periods are regular and arrive at the same time each month
I bleed normally each month with no discomfort
Every part of my body functions perfectly
I choose a healthy lifestyle that helps my body function at its best
I set my worries aside and I allow my body to do its job
I am forever thankful for my healthy body
I see positive changes in my body daily


#binauralbeats #periods
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THIS REALLY WORKED I’m crying I woke up to the healthiest bloodiedt period. I was so scared 😭😭😭😭 if you’re reading this repeat after me I’m the most powerful witch and I will get my period


Hello lovely ladies, whoever is listening to this, have faith.. I listened to it for 5-6days continuously for around 15-20mins and got my periods after 100 days. Bless you all. 😇🙏


I started watching this when I went to bed and then this morning... BAM! Shes here!😂🔴


I'm sexually active and I'm currently 10 days late as of june 12th. I haven't had any period symptoms at all while being late but I listened to this once yesterday and I'm already feeling cramps! I'll update once I get my period. Sending love and prayers to everyone of you 🩷

Update 1(June 13 & 11 days late)- I started saying affirmations during the video and visualizing myself getting my period. I've been drinking a lot of water and keeping something warm on my abdomen and I'm cramping a ton! I will get my period either today or tomorrow!


OH MY GOSH! i didn’t believe it at first but i was three days late downing so much vitamin c and panicking. i had listen to this while i slept and the other videos. i also did 5 mins of the reflexology and MY PERIOD CAME THIS MORNING AT WORK!
giving out all the best for anyone scared!


After 21 days of being late, shes back! I have had cramping for weeks and suffer from PCOS - but this was the first time it was this late. The first week late I did not care, the second week late I freaked out and devoured Vitamin C and every other home remedy in the book (parsley, ginger, heating pad etc.) which made the cramping worse. I finally calmed down stopped the herbal marathon and just relaxed and listened to this on loop at night on my bluetooth speaker. This amazing sub and my partner helped me calm down and really believe that everything was going to be ok and that is exactly what manifested ✨ So I urge all of you to BELIEVE it will be ok, know that it will be ok, listen to this sub to ease away your stress and it will happen with peace and patience 💙


CLAIMING I’LL HAVE MY PERIOD IN AN HOUR!!!! Thank you universe! My period is coming😍 My pregnancy scare is gone!! I can feel the red blood on my underwear! I am now free and enjoying my period😍🥰❤️


Okay so I was late two days, and I am never late. Listened to a few other subliminals. Tried this last night along with reflexology video part 1. Got my period this morning :)))


Michelle! Please let your videos be played through YT Music 💗😊
Also, everyone on here, I recommend reading the book, "Taking Charge of your Fertility" to learn about how your body tells you when its ovulating, about to get your period, and how to naturally prevent pregnancy.
You bleed after you ovulate. If your period is missing, you are not ovulating. Listening to this can promote relaxation and helping your body feel safe enough to ovulate. After you ovulate, you'll get your period within 9-18 days.

And I highly recommend taking supplements for Vitamin 3D, Zinc, fish oil for omega-3, and Vitamin C. Sometimes a vitamin or mineral deficiency can be the cause of your period not coming back.


listened to this while falling asleep and I got my period the next day!! this really works :)


Affirmations to repeat:
My uterus lining is shedding
My uterus lining is shedding
My uterus lining is shedding
My uterus lining is shedding
My uterus lining is shedding
My uterus lining is shedding
My uterus lining is shedding


I just come here to give thanks💓's very much helpful...I have been hear it since 2 days and my period comes today (it's 1 month late) feel very happy😌😇


as i am listening to this i am welcoming my period with love, welcoming the flow of the blood with love, i am grateful to be on my period and to have a body that works in my favor, i love my body and uterus because i am in my period, ❤


Day 1 of listening to this (didn’t have periods for last 3 months and yeah I’ve pcos) let’s hope for the best ..please pray I get them soon!! 🥺🤍
Day 8 : I GOT THEM 😭 this really works please also see her part 1 & part 2 to get periods faster reflexology (she has shown some accupressure points in that do that daily) and also listen to her other binaural beats for irregular periods and this daily atleast for 20 minutes


I'm claiming I will have my period arrive... I trust the power of this.. I'm a positive and claiming that it will arrive ..I will trust the process... My period will arrive... Claiming it


God hlep all D woman all over the world
Can I ear A big Amen


i believe i will get my period today. my pregnancy scare is over. i look down when i go to the washroom to find the red stain of blood. my period is starting and will go on for the next 7 days. i will feel cramps and pain but i will be happy knowing that my period has started. i am not pregnant.


I really hope that I finally get my period back. I didn't have it since January and I don't know what to do anymore I just wanna cry rn I'm scared


I will get my period within 48 hours.
I am starting to get cramps that worsen with each hour.
I am stress free.
I can feel the blood coming out of me.
I am not having a pregnancy scare.
I am perfectly healthy.
My period is coming.


I got my period today. Im feeling cramps from two days, really painful. And stomach hurts the most. After listening to this, i dont know….. im feeling relaxed and confident. Later i found the period stain. Im blessed…. Thankyou so much. My body is fighting finally it got relief.
