PSVR2 vs. Quest 3 on PCVR

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The PSVR2 PC Adapter is here, meaning PSVR2 owners can now play PCVR!

This is a comparison of the PSVR2 and the Quest 3 on PCVR. I'll list the pros and cons for each headset, both for me personally and as mentioned by other people, and then I'll give my opinion on which headset you should buy under which circumstances.

0:00 Intro
1:37 Quest 3 Pros
3:37 Quest 3 Cons
5:33 PSVR2 Pros
8:09 PSVR2 Cons
11:34 Which One Should You Buy?
14:25 Outro

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The display port is the main reason I got the PSVR2 while having a quest. For me, it makes a huge difference


going from a quest 2 that i've had for 4 years i was so torn between upgrading to a Q3 or getting the PSVR2... i'm very much strictly a pcvr user, i do not care for the portability of the quest as i just have it plugged to my pc all the time, and either way it's a lot of tinkering to get things to work smoothly.. i think the best option for me right now is the PSVR2, as it's actually a lot cheaper (surprisingly) than getting a Q3 and buying all the accessories to make it even just USABLE.. having an uncompressed, higher quality and more vivid screen would feel like night and day coming from someone who noticed the compression on my Q2 right away, not to mention the features of the headset which, knowing the modding community, very well might be supported in the future

this video helped me a lot to compare both and *really* ask myself which one i wanted, kudos to you!!


In general I totally agree with you. I've used both headset and compared it side by side. For me PSVR 2 is the winner, to be honest. It has stunning image. And I am okay with narrow sweet spot. However I agree with your final table showing when to buy what.
And in the end, best case scenario is to use both depending on the game\mood


I got the PSVR2 PC adapter a couple of days ago and have been doing A-B testing between the PSVR2 and Quest 3 for PCVR. And the two are surprisingly close in overall performance for PCVR. In this video, you say if you have only a gaming PC, you'd go with the Quest 3. But I think it's a really close call between them.

And that's just the comparison _right now._ The special features of the PSVR2 aren't supported at launch like you mention. But unofficial support for these features has already started to appear only 3 weeks after launch. It looks like we can expect unofficial support for all of the PSVR2's features to eventually come except HDR.

Enablement of these features would make the PSVR2 the clear winner in this comparison for those willing to install opensource drivers and software to access them.

We also don't know whether Sony may officially support these features in the future. The comparison today is with one arm tied behind the PSVR2's back, and it's still competitive with the Quest 3 for PCVR anyway even assuming support for its special features never comes.


I own both and was playing legendary tales on my quest 3 earlier today and tbh they both look nice but it's just so much better playing that game wireless with no cable to get in the way of your sword swipes. Had that happen a few times. I like having both. they are both great but the quest 3 is the better device co's it does everything.. But yeah you definitely need a headstrap battery pack. I have one. I cannot remember the brand but it works well. can play for like an hour and still have 100% on the quest 3 sometimes.


For horror and space games, buy a VR headset with OLED. I have a Quest 2 and an old Quest 1 (OLED !). I also have 4 spare Quest headsets, and only going to buy a new VR headset when all my VR headsets are broke and turned to dust. I am not a person who wants the newest VR gear every year and likes to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to be hi-tech flair.


I like the Quest 3, better sweet spot, Psvr2 is smaller. I fine myself adjusting the headset more


One part you forgot to mention is wireless vr via the quest requires you pc to be hard wired to ethernet to have a good experience and network infrastructure recommend wifi 6


Do you think they will update the PSVR2 app on PC. I don't think they will. It is what it is. I got it working great but did have issues till I moved my bluetooth and wifi aeriel from behind the PC and bluetacked it to the front of my PC now it works flawless. I have a TP Link dongle just in case but haven't needed it.


Does the sharpness on the PSVR2 vs Quest 3 bother you are all on PC? I dunno if it is the lenses or the res itself, but I wish PSVR was only just a touch sharper. Probably it's only flaw for me, visual-wise. The black levels in Phasmophobia is a bit of a deal-breaker for me with the PSVR2, so I can't see myself enjoying the Quest 3.


I agree with most of this, except in the last scenario I would recommend the Quest 3 if you have both a PC and a PS5. The reason is this. VR is pretty much an afterthought for Sony right now. Meta on the other hand is all in on VR. They're betting their future on it. Meta has the potential game of the year coming out as an exclusive in a few weeks (Batman). When's the last time PSVR had an exclusive? They're still getting games, but unless Sony changes it's stance on VR, for the foreseeable future any game that comes out that you can play on the PSVR you should be able to play on PCVR as well. So basically, if you get the Quest 3, you'll be able to play nearly all the games you can play with the PSVR, in addition to the huge library of games in the Meta store. Not to mention we haven't really seen the Quest 3 pushed to the max yet, other than maybe Asgards Wrath. I think we're about to with some of the games coming out, and I think maybe we'll find that the gap isn't as big as we think.


There's a lot of bad advice and commentary out there about Bluetooth for the PSVR2. For most of the people having problems, this is not the PSVR2's fault. And it is bad advice to recommend that everyone immediately buy a Bluetooth dongle to replace their PC's built in Bluetooth.

Rather what we're seeing in most cases is people who have never really used the Bluetooth in their PC in any real capacity (or at all) before and don't have it setup properly. Too many people don't even realize they need to plug in the antennas that came with their motherboard for Bluetooth to work. And/or they just need to update their Bluetooth drivers.

The dongles should really only be needed if your PC isn't equipped with Bluetooth to begin with. Using a dongle replaces the built-in Bluetooth in your PC which is probably more powerful and longer ranged.


Without watching the video - Quest 3 wins hands down, because of wireless options and much better lenses. The admittedly deep blacks of PS2VR, the crappy sweetspot, the less than ideal sound options, the annoying controllers that cannot be replaced if you damage them - without buying a whole new VR headetset - and the annoyance of rechargable batteries and the mura, the fiddly setup (at least on PS5) etc. PSVR2 is servicable and good option if it is the only thing you got, but NO match for Quest 3. I own both, by the way.
