A fresh start: Why is Indonesia building a new capital?

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Indonesia’s current capital Jakarta is home to about 10 million people and has become prone to overcrowding, pollution and chronic flooding, prompting efforts to build an entirely new capital from the ground up called Nusantara. Outgoing Indonesian President Joko Widodo came up with the idea in 2019, and proposed its construction on the sparsely populated East Kalimantan province. Nusantara’s first residents are expected to move in by the end of 2024, but will the city be ready in time?

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Let's Support Nusantara from Calamba City Laguna in the Philippines 🇵🇭💕🇮🇩

I'm a Filipino and because Indonesia is my country, I like to see Nusantara because this very nice place compared in New Clark City because it was controversial since it was surrounded by controversial POGOs so I like Nusantara so much 😊😊

I hope to see you in Indonesia next year and I will be waiting for you 😊😊😊

Love from Calamba City Laguna in the Philippines 🇵🇭💕🇮🇩


we've done it in Malaysia, it works wonderfully, goodluck Indonesia!


$33B is honestly cheaper than resuming Jakarta Sea Wall (or Garuda Island) project, which is estimated $40B before get scrapped.


Only a fool woulf believe Jakarta would be abandoned, it is practically impossible, Jakarta is not only the largest city and metropolitan in southeast asia, but also the second largest in the world in terms of population, economic wise, it is the largest in southeast asia, The Big Durian won't be abandoned, it would be like US abandoned New York city.


Sebagian orang Indonesia di ajak maju dan bangun pembangunan sangat sulit.Terlalu negatif pikiran sebagian orang, dulu berusaha bangun Indonesia, tetapi mereka melakukannya dengan tanpa rencana dan sangat kacau, punya pikiran keras dan tidak mau di atur. Sehingga hasilnya kondisi Jkt kacau. Kenapa perlu mendengarkan orang asing dan sebagainya, setelah kalian tiada
anak dan cucumu di berikan tinggal di Jakarta yang banyak polusi dan macet, negara luar sudah maju, Indonesia masih kacau. Bangunlah pertahap, semua pengusaha yang ada di Jakarta buka cabang usahanya di ikn, jangan terlalu mendengar kata orang asing. Saya sendiri sebagai orang kalimantan sangat setuju dengan pembangunan ikn, saya sendiri sudah 10 tahun lebih berkerja dan menetap di Jakarta. Dukunglah ikn supaya ekonomi di masa depan semakin membaik, memang sekarang sedang tidak baik, tapi tetaplah berpikir dengan keyakinan dan kemajuan diri sendiri.


Terimakasih kepada kalian semua di manapun berada yang selalu mendukung upaya kami dalam memajukan negara kami. Kami suddah muak bertahun-tahun selalu diremehkan oleh negara² lain. Bangsa kami bukanlah bangsa yang kecil. Kami selalu diajarkan untuk mempunyai jiwa nasionalisme yang tinggi, jadi mohon jangan usik kami dan sekali lagi kami ucapkan kepada kalian semua yang selalu mendukung kami.
Indonesia love you all. ♥🇮🇩


The moving capital actually even exists since first president of Indonesia Sukarno, but after many decades it still postponed until now. The Jakarta sinking reason just additional reason, not the main reason.


I saw 5 years ago SCMP made a pessimistic report about the delayed construction of KCIC Whoosh. But the fact in 2023, KCIC Whoosh is the first magnificent HSR in Southeast Asia.

And now again, SCMP makes another pessimistic report about IKN. Let's see the progress of IKN in the next 5 years... 😊


I moved to borneo since 2016 ago because i was so stressfull with jakarta traffic jam
I woke up at 5 am and start to drive motorcycle at 6 am and arrived at my store at 9 am and go back home at 10 pm and arrived at home 00:30 am
I did that for 10 years

I feel blessed after i moved to borneo 😊😊😊😊❤


Indonesia my lovely country, great decision for moving to Kalimantan .., not talk about A upto Z we talk about small impact from disaster that its the biggest issue from right now. Nusantara is Bhineka Tunggal Ika our principle for nations


Can't wait to see this Nusantara developed.


As an Indonesian...i am very proud with my president...Jokowi Widodo 🙌


We are fed up with the issue of deforestation !!

We want to develop our country for the welfare of our own people.



It's just the media that exaggerates this, like troubled waters, non-existent investment, lol. It's clear that development doesn't just take 1 or 2 years... it takes decades, so there's no time limit... remember, this capital is building from scratch, unlike other countries. So foreign media seems jealous of development in Indonesia


Great explanation. All the best Indonesia. Breaking the speed record to fit Jokowi term, hopefully can build sustainably after this initial deadline has passed.


Working tremendous, this time for Indonesia to create kind a symbol of Independence. Definitely there's have enaugh experience to build new capital city of province and district before. And finaly Indonesia capital city as a last step. Sometimes people critisaise this but where they are when government create some new province capital?


Sorry Jakarta
You’re not the capital anymore


1. Indonesia is building a new capital because of a few reasons. Among them are :
2. Most of the rivers around Jakarta are severely polluted. The residents turn to extract underground water and subsequently results in " Jakarta sinking ".
3. Jakarta road traffic is badly congested due to improper car and motorcycle control policy.


Tipikal orang indo, ga bisa denger pembahasan yang balance dan kritis lgsg bilang "narasi pesimis", "ngerendahin". Sikap takut otoriter kyk gitu2 tu warisan soekarno soeharto masih dijaga aja katanya dah reformasi. Dah lah pusingk


The more people say negative things, the more they fear the progress of this great country. Let the dogs bark, the caravan continues to pass..., keep moving forward, don't mind the barking dogs... Glory to Greater Indonesia, Happy Independence Day !
