Why Scientists Think We Might Live Inside a Black Hole

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The fact you just said 1996 was a few decades ago… I was born in 1996, im 28, not 48. DONT DO THAT TO ME YET😂😭


I think we all live at a microscopic level inside a giant organism. We can't see the universe that exists outside of it.


This is maybe why we see the galaxys accelerating. Cause we are falling deeper to singularity. no big bang. And the radiation at the end we see is the event horizon itself. And this is so huge we can't even perceive it ..and this is why the space is so dark. Black holes are like seeds creating space


I don’t understand why people get scared of something coming from space to possibly destroy our planet. There’s nothing we can do about it so why worry?? Same with nukes and all that other horrific stuff. If something is going to end us, hopefully it’ll happen fast. I don’t want too much time to think about it…especially for my little ones. Just thought I’d share…my thoughts…lol


So other black holes are present within this black hole - and other black holes are located within each black hole forever


We don't really understand the universe or it's nature from a scientific perspective.
All we can ever have are theories.


No scientist thinks we are living in a black hole. A blackhole is not a mystical portal to another dimension. It is just a very small very highly concentrated ball of mass. If our sun were squeezed into a ball 3 km across it would become a blackhole.

The more matter you concentrate into a given area the denser that area becomes. Escape velocity is the measure of how fast an object would have to be going to escape a gravitational force and never return. On Earth that's about 11, 000 meters per second (close as I can remember). On the moon it would be about 1/6th of that. So the more mass and or the smaller the area it is in the higher the escape velocity.

A blackhole in simplest terms is a concentration of mass at least dense enough that the escape velocity at its surface exceeds the speed of light. That's it. Just a lot of mass in a very small area. In other words they are the most solid objects in the universe. You can't live inside something that is so dense that the gravity rips atoms apart and condensed their parts into the densest form of concrete imaginable.


hasn't the big bang been shown to be incorrect with recent studies and research? Something with the expansion and speed of growth in distance between bodies of galaxy's being asymmetrical, and if there was a big bang that came from a singularity, then the universe would expand at the same rate symmetrically... I maybe wrong, so correct me if anyone knows what I am trying to say or talking about.


before i ever even start this video I'm going to say- I've been thinking we live inside a blackhole for over a year now. I was thinking about the dark flow they found and wondering why light even has a speed limit (Also if the parallel universe theory is correct than in a deterministic reality. Because if we live on this timeline then we don't really make the choices that we think we do)


Great example of a YouTube video made by a robot being suggested to me because of something my iPhone heard me talk about over dinner


If a universe explodes into existence into infinite nothingness, and nobody is there to hear it, did it make a big bang?


In 1987, Thai monk "Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dham" had said that black hole is harmless. If planets go inside black hole, it will go into another universe. No harms at all. And will take many years to come out of that black hole safely.


if black holes spin...would the contents eventually match rotation to a certain point..? I've always heard we are expanding but never universe rotates?!. food for thought.


There are a lot of great theories out there. One of the more interesting is there is a multiverse that are layers of membrane. These membranes sometimes collide and rupture creating a black hole. Matter from one membrane can spill into the next. This is why black holes aren't truly black holes but pulling the drain stopper in the tub and that matter will flow into the next.


I've been to the very center of the universe and there's no singularity there, just some empty space and a broken chicken egg.


Why is it so difficult to understand that we were created by someone beyond our comprehension


@15:50 "Besides being incredibly massive, the black hole is really big." - tell me AI wrote and spoke the script without telling me AI wrote and spoke the script.


A black hole starts from finite mass. It may even “fill up” and disappear. There’s no room for a universe of this size - especially expanding faster and faster!!


I wonder if the moon was actually the ark and we were brought here so many generations back that it's been forgotten but in the format of the st9
And today? Would make sense why it was ringing like a bell for so many hours after it was hit by the rocket stage used.


Time is only a matter of the presence of matter in space. Time is a measurement of the speed of movement of matter through spacetime. Without matter or mass, in space, there is no time. You cannot build a clock without mass. The incalculable age of matter is the measure of the existence of time. No matter, no time. Matter decays. All matter is destined to decay. That process of decay is the clock of the Universe. It is built into all matter, including us. That element of decay that we all feel in our bones eventually, is the fundamental basis of our notion of time. The element fundamental to the Universe, the decay of our bones, is the clock of the Universe. That is where we derive our complex notion of time. No other animal except humans have a sense of time. You can argue that sunflowers know when and where the sun is at all times of the day and thus can act as clocks as they follow the Sun across the sky. So can the Sun itself act as a clock. You can argue that bears sleep all winter and wake every spring, and thus use a rudimentary clock. However, no other living thing knows what a human knows about time. No other living thing knows "what time it is" or "what year it is" or that there are 365.25 days in an Earth year as opposed to 687 Earth days to make a full year on Mars. Including dogs and fish who know it's feeding time, my point here is not the instinctual reaction of these plants and animals to some natural change, or event, that motivated them to react in a similar way each time the external event occurred, thus giving us a perfect clock. My point is only humans can measure and predict using time. It is a human construction buried deep within the fiber of our being long, long ago before we were human, or even living, at the sub-atomic level coming directly from the primordial roots of the Universe, at the Planck scale.
