Why Scientists Think We Might Live Inside a Black Hole

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Why Scientists Think We Might Live Inside a Black Hole

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Welcome to our journey into the dark and mysterious world of black holes, the enigmatic powerhouses of the cosmos. Black holes, regions in space where gravity pulls so strongly that not even light can escape, have intrigued scientists and the public alike for decades. In this video, we'll explore what black holes are, how they form, and why they are crucial in understanding the universe. Join us as we dive deep into the science of black holes, uncovering their secrets and the groundbreaking methods used to study them.

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Spend a day in a major city like Los Angeles, SF or Chicago ang you'll start thinking we're in a game of GTA


Can you imagine when we died we can float everywhere in entire universe that would be creepy.


The Universe has always existed, and always will.


Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"
Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam ."
Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"
Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..."
Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."
Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"


I have said this forever. Why nothing makes sense and why we are drifting apart


Scientists are like children. Soo curious


If you die in a blackhole will your ghost or spirit be able to escape..I always wondered that, I don't know why🤷‍♂️


I think we live in a giant onion me wrong....


The idea that we live in a black hole doesn't make any sense to me.
The problem is, is lights direction. Since light is traveling towards us from the direction of the birth of the universe, that would mean we are living in the opposite direction of the event horizon, would it not? So why is it that if we are flowing towards the singularity, we are not suffering from spaghettification?
And if we are closer to the event horizon, then the light is from the big bang, then the gravitational pull on light would be far more than it is on us. Therefore, should we not be seeing any light at all from that direction?


It's all about guessing.
Dark mather and dark energy samething.


ohhh, this is a good one, highly recommend viewing this great graphics, narration, and subject


What is with infomercials that are over 20 minutes long? You lost me. Ridiculous


What I think about science is that we assume that the old theories are almost always right. We rarely go back to the drawing board. Take dark matter and energy, for instance. They may exist, but it may be something thrown into the equations to make things right. Galaxies were spinning much faster than our calculations stated, so fast that they would fly apart if not held together by something. That something was named dark matter.
I don't know why, but I have a problem with dark matter and energy. That doesn't mean they don't exist. But scientists have almost the basics of the mathematics to describe the universe, but not all...but do they? How do we know? We trust our equations too much. When will we know when it's time to go back to the drawing board...or not?


I have wondered if we live in a Black Hole..But a black hole would probably turn in 1 direction (circular). ..Yet, scientist say there are some moons or planets that rotate in the opposite direction, , Seems like the strongest pull would come from the black hole and everything would turn in the same direction of the black hole's pull. And what about or seasonal patterns? It doesn't seem like we would have seasons? Seems like everything would be chaotic


So if a black hole is proven to be strong enough to prevent even light escaping, we couldn't be inside of a black hole and be able to to see other galaxies because we can only see where there is light, and it is not distorted and stretched and blurred into countless streams. If we were, we would not be able to see anything beyond. If it can bend light and prevent escape i doubt our eyes alone are the only thing that can break that


I would like to bring all the smart, people together the old boy that said. Here is how you pick up that 100 tun rock and move it.


It promotes research FUNDING.. no more no less.


But we did èxìst insìde a rèvèrsèd blàckhòle.


Question if we live inside a black hole then how does the passage of time work? I mean the collective amount of mass that would be in this black hole we live in, does time not get affected? Shouldn't we experience time extremely slowly? Also are the laws of physics the same out of the black hole? Since the amount of mass in our black hole tends to bend the laws of physics to the point scientists can't even comprehend.
