tv Review & Tutorial (Best for New Users 👍)
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★★★ An overview tutorial and review of Monday so you can hit the ground running.
Thank you for using my affiliate link above because it helps support my channel so I can take that drawing class :) You still get a free trial but I may make a commission if you keep the service.
Pomodoro Technique - This is something I've started doing recently and it's really simple. When working set a 25-minute alarm and focus on one task. When the alarm is done take a 5-minute break. Then each day try and do as many 30 minute sets as you can. This does a few things.
The first thing is that it shortens your window to get something done. Instead of having all day you have 25 minutes and this urgency helps you focus on the task at hand.
The second thing I've found is having a built in 5 minute break is nice. You have a structured break and studies have found that people are more productive when they take short frequent breaks. Most people are far less productive than they think and using the pomodoro technique could be a helpful tool for getting your projects done on time.
Table of Contents:
0:36 Workspaces Explained
2:20 Setting up Columns
3:20 Items (Tasks)
3:55 Adjusting Statuses
4:40 Crappy Comic
4:55 Creating Board Template
5:50 Conversation Threads
6:10 Don't Use Email!!!
6:45 Subitems
7:55 Filtered Views
8:33 Dashboards
8:52 Gantt Chart
10:25 Charts
10:45 Integrations and Apps
11:55 My Week
13:03 Helpful Webinars
13:26 Outsourced Setup
14:29 Pricing
15:02 Automations Next
Thank you for using my affiliate link above because it helps support my channel so I can take that drawing class :) You still get a free trial but I may make a commission if you keep the service.
Pomodoro Technique - This is something I've started doing recently and it's really simple. When working set a 25-minute alarm and focus on one task. When the alarm is done take a 5-minute break. Then each day try and do as many 30 minute sets as you can. This does a few things.
The first thing is that it shortens your window to get something done. Instead of having all day you have 25 minutes and this urgency helps you focus on the task at hand.
The second thing I've found is having a built in 5 minute break is nice. You have a structured break and studies have found that people are more productive when they take short frequent breaks. Most people are far less productive than they think and using the pomodoro technique could be a helpful tool for getting your projects done on time.
Table of Contents:
0:36 Workspaces Explained
2:20 Setting up Columns
3:20 Items (Tasks)
3:55 Adjusting Statuses
4:40 Crappy Comic
4:55 Creating Board Template
5:50 Conversation Threads
6:10 Don't Use Email!!!
6:45 Subitems
7:55 Filtered Views
8:33 Dashboards
8:52 Gantt Chart
10:25 Charts
10:45 Integrations and Apps
11:55 My Week
13:03 Helpful Webinars
13:26 Outsourced Setup
14:29 Pricing
15:02 Automations Next