US-China trade war: Beijing could hit back at US by restricting rare earths sales

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Chinese state media have warned that Beijing could retaliate against the US by restricting rare earths sales. Speculation was fuelled by President Xi Jinping's visit to a rare earths plant last week.

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China holds more than 80% of rare earth used in US electronic industries.


There is a 25% tariff on rare earth minerals that the US consumer will have to pay.


GOOD. Its time US companies started diversifying their supply chains away from China. Putting money into the production of Rare Earth in other countries ESPECIALLY in the US (Alaska/ Mid-West) will now be a necessity. If China follows through with this, Tech Companies can't be lazy anymore when it comes to the Environmental Research and Development of the production of Rare Earth Metals, and with this kind of talk coming out of China, the precedent to shift Supply Chains will effectively be seen as certain.


Trump just need to ask Japan for the rare earth they found recently.
But he doesn't know about it :)


After US Russia its US China mutual PR


Boycott all US goods and services! Stop iPhone manufacturing supply to Apple, Starbucks, McDonald's, KFC, can go home!


They send us degraded steel. Shitty quality iron. And horrible crude oil.

I have no issues paying for American Products.


Perfect loose loose situation



Who with me let’s make factories working in the us again so we don’t need to depend on other countries for useless items such as these as she describes in the video


Dear Global Friends,

Heaven is extremely fair to all living and non living beings on this Earth by bestowing air, rainwater, sunlight and all the necessities where mankind and all creatures need.

The Almighty does not discriminate whatever or whomever to give. HE gives all equally, not like mankind with prejudices.

It is due to humans who lost their moral values in creating various problems, disturbances, conflicts and wars in this peaceful world of what the Almighty created.

Therefore, may one really self realise to understand what is fairness and injustices ? If not, then oneself has an extremely high ego which blinds oneself from seeing the truth of justice, only in pretence to understand, by trying to deceive his or her own people as fools, but instead he or she is the greatest fool of all, where he or she can't see clearly of himself or herself.

The Almighty creates everything enough for everyone's needs, but not enough for everyone's endless greed.
