Here's how Beijing is reacting to the 'phase one' US-China trade deal

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The U.S. and China made headway toward a potential deal to end their months-long trade war. CNBC's Eunice Yoons reports the latest out of Beijing.
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Beijing sees Black Friday and Christmas coming ! ...LoL


Can't expect it to be this freakn smooth


It's over. China as moved on, the world is now tired of US adventurous ill intents government


50 billion a year? Trump is dreaming. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣


Keep the champagne on ice it too early to celebrate


PULL OUTTA of your Chinese girlfriend otherwise America will be paying forever !


Is the us going to bring the prices back down or our we stuck holding the bag


I wonder why china and investor could still believe what trump said, he may change daily or hourly


US: Your control is shaking OUR economy
China: What's the problem, you are PRINTING USD right?
US: Wellll yaaa that's TRUE... (Giggle)


China is diversifying both it's export and import away from the US uncertain market, gradually


When it comes to.math, do not mess with the chinese.


Even after pen to paper, Trump can tears it off anytime


Whether they are admitting it to their public or not China appears to have decided to move forward on the deal they are prepared to make with the United States without demanding much if anything from the Americans in return. They ruled out any concessions on their industrial policy of state owned enterprises or subsidies to help develop selected businesses. But, they do seem to have reached an agreement with the United States on the shape of an enforcement mechanism. That was the big issue last May. They have also moved forward with some kind of agreement that relates to currency values and on freedom of American financial service companies to do business in China without including a Chinese partner in their business. They agreed to buy much larger amounts of American agricultural products than had been discussed in the past. While these steps include significant concessions by the Chinese, they are also good for China and good for China's future. Donald Trump can't legitimately include national security issues relating to Huawei in trade talks. But, there is little doubt at least licenses for components of Huawei's consumer products will appear. They are good for American companies and have no realistic significance for American national security.
Of course, the positive developments with the Chinese don't fix the problems associated with the large American trade deficit. China seems to have accepted the reality that it will have to live with some American tariffs. Migration of manufacturing from China to Vietnam does not change the issues related to low wage labor in emerging economies. If the only realistic source of higher quality electronic components is China, the fact that tariffs make Americans pay more for them will not change the problem. The positive developments with China do appear to have sharply reduced the potential for open ended damage to the global economy from an extended cycle of American and Chinese attempts to find ways to damage each other's economy. But no agreement with China is going to fix the problems that have emerged in the American economy over the last couple of decades that have some association with the large American trade deficit. Nor is any agreement going to address the disruption the advance of post industrial technology is likely to bring the American economy.


So optimistic about the deal this time. I think this is the 4th round? I expect Trump to once again shift the negotiation and press for more.


There has been too many rounds of talks. They must stop the series and start anew from zero. First, they must determine the number of negotiators on each side. Too many negotiators make a mess. I would say not more than three negotiators on each side. Second, they must determine the venue for the discussions. A neutral country would be perfect. North Korea can be approached and the discussions may take place in Pyongyang. Third, they must determine the shape of the table. Fourth, they must determine the design and the material used for making the table. A wooden table is not good because it destroys forests and a plastic table is not environtally-friendly. They must settle on a metal table and the table must not be made in China or USA. It must be made by a neutral country which is neither an ally of the US nor a vassal of China. Unless these issues are resolved, discussions cannot start.


No react at all. How could anyone react to someone who has no credibility at all?? Can you ?


Lighthizer is still trying to explain Memorandum of Understand to Trump.


Talk, talk, talk that’s the grand CCP strategy. In the final analysis they just moved the timetable farther to a resolution. U.S. needs to accelerate the decoupling and increase lobbying efforts of allies to a United front dealing with the CCP. All it is now is China is using Monopoly money (yuan) to obtain. U.S. dollars to prop up their currency. Beware, China does not have the assets to back up the yuan, ask them to submit to a certified audit under U.S. laws and the most significant finding will be that of fraud in manipulating financial and economic data.


Kick out Trump, Trump is no good at math, replaces Trump with a MATH expert like ANDREW YANG .


China was was was desperate to buy food, China hung a carrot to the president who is hurting and he jumps on the deal. Chinese negotiation team sucker the US false deal. Now the Great Negotiator will claim a victory. Nothing was accomplished what a shame!
