MONEY SAVING TIPS: How I Saved $10,000 in 10 Months on a $30,000 Salary

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MONEY SAVING TIPS : How I Saved $10,000 in 10 Months on a $30,000 Salary

There really is no secret to saving large amounts of money in a relatively short period of time. Well, the only real secret is discipline. I think people expect for some magic app to be invented that allows you to keep living your best life while simultaneously storing away large lumps of money. Really, saving starts with a mindset shift, the action (and money) will follow.

I took the lowest salaried job offer, but was able saved a large amount of money because of one simple rule of saving: increase your income, or decrease your expenses. It’s not about HOW much money you make, as much as how much money you’re able to pay yourself FROM that money.

Here are some mental shifts, and practical tips I used to stack my coins!


1. How to : Increase Income, Decrease expenses
2. Assessing where your money is going
3. What to do with your bank statement every month
4. How to stop trying to “keep up”
5. How to think of money in terms of time
6. Useful money saving apps


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I'm Erin and I'm a new full-time entrepreneur. I'm super excited to take you all along this crazy ride as I build my business from the ground up. Starting a business is much more than what influencers make it seem. It takes grit, hard work, and a lot of learning along the way. I'm taking you through the trenches and on the mountaintops with me, giving you a good look inside the life of a startup entrepreneur.

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Рекомендации по теме

People lowkey side eye me because I’m still living w my mom. But I’m paying off my student loans & saving up for a down payment on a home, & working on investing my other funds.... so I’m living an unpopular frugal life but I’m on my way to financial freedom. Thank you for this video.


Paid off all $30, 000 of my student loans in 18 months at 23 years old on a $35, 000/yr salary because I lived at home! Love your videos Erin😊


Once I hit my first 1k in savings I got hooked. I'll be hitting my first 10k in savings in 6 weeks 🙌🏾

For people like me, moving back in is not an option if you want to keep your mental health up. It's nice that people have strong foundations to return to, it's a whole other story when you have to create your own from Scratch .


Once you start saving it becomes addictive. It’s a really good feeling. It makes you feel secure. Seeing what you work so hard for makes going to work a bit more enjoyable. Lol


"Every dollar counts, every dollar is valuable..." That is a golden mindset right there. My weakness is food (after I done bought groceries) and "cheap treats" of things from the Dollar tree.


My weak spot is food without a doubt. We're getting better but there's still much work to do. Thank you for this!


About to reach 100K saving in 2020. Having a mind sit of not spending what I don't need. Example Shopping on line is a no go zone. Make food at home. I don't have a mail box. Bought my car out front. Paying of my student loans. Don't have an iPhone. Don't have a credit card. Leave on my own. Remember always pay yourself first.


Nice video, though Saving doesn't bring financial freedom, the right i nvestment does. Its best to always look for means to multiply money. There are lots of opportunity right now.


I look at savings as a game “I hate to loose.”


A couple of things I do regarding grocery shopping is 1. I primarily shop at Aldi lol and 2. I plan what I’m going to cook for the week prior to going to the grocery store. Then I know exactly what I’m going to purchase while I’m there and not buy a bunch of unnecessary food that will either go bad or I not end up not even wanting. Its helped me with saving on how much I spend on food.


Great advice I’m sharing this with my 3 kids who are 20, 18, and 17. Knowing these tips early is key💫


Both my parents are dead there’s no one I can live with for free so I guess this is outta the question BUT I am saving up to buy a duplex so I can rent one out in hopes to off set my mortgage and live in the other one for free wish me luck 🤞🏾


I’m going to be consumer debt free in 9 days and I couldn’t be happier!! I just have my student loans and car left. I’m going to cut back on the spending, I’ll be wearing the clothes I have now for the next 3-6 years until I can pay everything off. I’m so determined!!! I also use the hour pay vs thinking about paying that time for it! It’s helped me a lot


Great saving tips. I recently did a savings challenge and was able to save $1300 a month by cutting down my monthly bills and "frivolous" spending. Keep up the good work!!!


I live in Louisiana and $30, 000 a year with no debt and no kids is doable. You could even live on your own if you budget! But I have to stress that the no kids and no debt thing is vital lol.


I live in France and save 400/500€ per month. My goal is to be financially free by 50 years old ( I'm 28) 🤞 it took me one year to master my budget and stop my bad spending habits now I'm good and ready 😉


This is why I love you.. we are the same when it comes to pros and cons. I took the lowest paying job as well (35, 000 a year) and stayed at home with my parents. I helped out on bills and budgeted the hell out of everything.. i was stingy but still had what I needed. I decreased my expenses tremendously to the point where I had 700.00 in my savings account without a month and I didn’t even know. 👀 I became obsessed with seeing the amount grow in my savings.


I started saving 2 weeks ago . I saved $75 every weeks


I just moved back with my mom, definitely buying a house in 2020. I am now discipline with my spending right now
