Preparing for a Cosy Autumn 🍂📔🦇

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Thank you for watching! What is your favourite of the -ber months?

instagram: @_rubygranger
tiktok: @rubygranger8

0:00 intro
0:30 making a bucket list
1:56 autumnal screensaver
2:41 hair cut
3:16 room decoration
6:11 painted ghost candlesticks
6:48 mini room tour
7:48 outfits
11:21 vegan pumpkin muffins recipe
13:45 warm pumpkin milk recipe
14:56 autumn TBR
18:50 autumn book recommendations
Рекомендации по теме

I'm so excited that you will be reading Kafka. I did my Master's dissertation about his (incomplete) novel 'America' (working title: Der Verschollene, The Missing). - I love him as a person so much - he was nowhere near as miserable as people perceive him. He had a close connection with his sister Ottla who ran an organic farm. Kafka was a vegetarian; as an insurance officer, he was very aware of the situation for factory workers, something that is very unique for authors at the beginning of the 20th century. He was such a special and kind human being. I get very excited when I can talk about Kafka. ☺


Just a little safety tip - having your tapers be loose in the candlestick is a pretty big fire hazard. I was taught always to melt a little drop of wax on the bottom of the taper and use that to fasten it to the candlestick. If it’s very loose, you can also wrap a little bit of tinfoil around the base of the candle so it sits tighter in the candlestick!


I always look forward to your autumn videos. In the Deep South in the USA we don’t have autumn weather until late October and it’s such a relief from our long, hot humid weather. The crisp air and the soothing colors are like a reward for enduring the blistering heat. Your crafting ideas were too clever.


there's a book called Hidden Manifestation by Oliver Mercer, and it talks about how using some secret techniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal


Tip I learnt recently about baking, sifting the flour isn't just about making sure there are no lumps; when measuring in cups the unsifted flour is denser so you end up adding too much! Always sift the flour if the recipe uses cups, makes cakes and bread so much lighter! 😊


Thank you Ruby for regularly romanticising academia. I will now watch what is probably going to be an excellent video 🍁


I've been waiting for a new autumn vlog. Ruby, I got so much motivation for reading and writing, watching your videos🤎


I'm 17 from India and i learn from you very good habits about study related thank you ❤


Brown, burnt orange, hunter green, and mustard yellow are autumn colors. Autumn in the American south usually does not come until late October and is usually around 30°C and is the peak of white tailed deer and mourning dove hunting seasons. When I was little, I would join my uncles, sometimes late at night in wooded hills and pastures as they carried Winchesters, Remingtons, and Mossbergs. We would cook baked beans and sausages with molasses and bourbon in cast iron utensils over dried manure and mesquite fires and share stories and discuss various topics as coyotes howled in the distance while we drank coffee from blue enameled percolators.


I like how you have a lifestyle and vibe you like and are just committing to it. Lots of admiration for yo :) Thanks for the video!


I love early December, because it's not Christmas yet, even though I love Christmas, but it's just getting there, and it's Christmassy if you know what I mean, but no ones running around trying to get everything ready for Christmas, their all just starting to ask what people want and there's so many Christmas things in shops and I just love it! And I love your videos, Ruby because they are so organised and relaxing x


This time of year always has me reaching for Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre. Listening to your description of autumn as magical made me really want to read both right now, right this second! 😂


I forgot my book at home and didn’t know what I was going to do while eating my lunch at work — Ruby has saved the day again 🎉


Correction: Kafka wrote three novels: The Trial, The Castle and Amerika. None of them are sinister at all. That is not Kafka's style.


I love your videos. They bring renewed joy, curiosity and wonder back into my sometimes dreary and dull days. Your optimism and enthusiasm is just so catching. Love it. I celebrate you Ruby ❤


I never thought of making seasonal buckets lists. I am most definitely making one for autumn ! It's by far the superior time of year


Fun update Ruby, thanks. I think you'll like "Misery". The vibe is not really horror, more like desperation and suspense. Your single side braid is cool BTW, very festive.


Wonderful fall vlog! 🍁😊🍂 I loved all of your book suggestions as well as your crafting, baking, decor, and outfits!! What a fun way to welcome autumn!! 🍂📚🍁


I love the painting that you found at the antique store. I like how you made it Autumn inspired with your own personal touches. ❤😀


Was this uploaded yesterday and then unlisted cuz i think i saw this yesterday too but when i went to see what she posted it had disappeared :/

Glad to see another new vid, looking forward to see more <3
