Preparing for Autumn - a cozy vlog

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preparing for autumn - cozy feels - crafting, foraging

Hello! Today I wanted to share some craft ideas and other ways I decorate and prepare for autumn. I am making a handmade journal, decorating with a fall theme, plus I’ll be bringing in the flower and vegetable harvest over the next couple weeks. So excited for frost and sweaters and cozy weather! Some areas here are already expecting frost, so autumn will definitely be here soon.
Hope you enjoy.

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Keywords: Autumn decorating ideas,Preparing for autumn,Getting ready for autumn,Cozy crafting vlog,Cozy vibes,Autumn decor,Autumn cottage vlog,Cottagecore diy,Cottagecore, cottage living, cottage vlog, baking vlog, cozy vlog, fall decor ideas, fall cozy, calming videos
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Now that I am feeling rejuvenated and ready for a new season, I am excited to share more craft projects (and bunny content). Some towns over here are already expecting frost soon, so Autumn is just around the corner! Time to air out my sweaters!
A few things I have planned are videos on broom making, whittling, crafting, and bringing in the last of the harvest before the cold comes. Much love and light to all of you 🕯🤍


There is something about the simplicity watching you prepare your work


My little sister and I loves to bake something and watch a fall themed show or movie, while we both cozy up with a blanket, tea in hand, and eating our baked good :)


you brought back one of my favorite childhood memories. You see I’m 63 years young and grew up in Chicago IL. I always imagined that I was thumbelina and that I was either swimming in a puddle or climbing the vines that grew on the brick homes. When I was asked in school, what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said I wanted to be a flower. The kids laughed at me but I never knew what a florist was called, I simply love flowers! Although I never became a florist I had always had grown flowers and gather them from streets lined with wild flowers, my garden is small but filled with all sorts of color. So much for a girl who always wanted to be a flower and yes to this day, I imagined to be thumbelina or a shrinking Violet!


I work in a nursing home . I enjoy brightening my residents day. By sitting next to them and reminiscing of things that have bought them Joy. We laugh, share smiles and hold each other's hand or give a hug, and sometimes sing their favorite song together. I feel so blessed to beable to have a job where I can find true happiness with such wonderful people sharing simple moments together. Thanks for sharing what brings you Joy in your life! I love your video's!


"I'm not much of a journal writer' she sharing with us her thoughts, experiences and reflections of life, in perfect beautiful sentences, that sound like a poem! Thank you for this lovely video again Paola, wishing you a wonderful pre autumn week.


I always love to watch you make things. It doesn’t even matter what it is, it is just so good for my soul.


My favorite season Autumn. In Italy they call October the Golden Month and indeed it is. Thank You for the great ideas. I see Mr. Darcy!


We had a realy rainy summer here in Germany. My preparation is, to raise my face to the sun, every time she shows up. Collecting light and beautiful moments.


Fall is my favorite season. Preparing my homemade applesauce, apple goodie from my 99 year old mom's recipe and baking baking baking! I love the vibrant colors and earthy smells in my Northern Michigan home


Autumn, the season that shows us change can be beautiful! 🍂🍁🍃

I have some possibly scary changes coming up. I know that it will be a process of letting go of some material things before hand, which is a bit challenging for me, but I know that I will feel so much lighter and happier afterwards!


Your new rejuvenation is most obvious; it’s clear how much you’re enjoying this cooler and damper weather! I’m so glad for you. I do so look forward to Wednesday evenings just so I can watch your awesome videos. Thank you!


I love autumn!! I spin my own yarn, dye it with plants and knit. Of course I do that all year, but autumn is when the cozy sweaters and wool socks come back into the wardrobe. I’ve just finished a mossy green cardigan and now I’m working on a pair of mittens for my daughter. We live in the middle of the city and only have a small yard, but we have a lot of things growing. Tomatoes are being harvested and made into pasta sauce with our chives, onions, and basil. Carrots are almost ready to be pulled and we will be able to get one more harvest of rhubarb. We collected chokecherries from a friend and grapes and apples from a neighbour. Jelly and juice are being processed with those. For my yarn I have marigolds (yellow), woad (blue) growing in my yard. My roses are blooming profusely and I’m hoping for a good harvest of rose hips as well as mint for my tea.


We can, freeze, freeze dry and dehydrate until the cows come home. Tomorrow I will be planting out 72 Broccoli and Cauliflower plants, along with Lettuce, Kale and Spinach for a fall garden. This weekend we will put goats in our breeding pen and most likely begin pulling up potatoes. Fall means putting up food.


I love the "autumn vibes". This summer has been unusually hot, so I am looking forward to fall.


You're like a breath of fresh air to my hectic world.Watching you feels like my anxiety is drifting further away from me.I've had a pretty bad year.Thank you for showing me that it's okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes but not stay in the same depressing thoughts Much love and appreciation from Mizoram 💕


Love autumn and watching nature preparing itself for a deep sleep.


I am in western Washington state and have always enjoyed picking my produce at our local u-pic farm. From the first sweet strawberries to the beautiful bounty of numerous summer vegetables to cook for my husband. But starting in September the winter squashes and gourds, sunflowers and pumpkins are what draws my heart. To decorate for Fall, I will use a few various squashes along with what ever I can hunt from the forest behind my back yard. I just wish I could bottle the earthy smell of the decaying ferns and damp mossy ground that seems to me to be Autumn's signature scent.


i started watching your videos not too long ago, and now i can say that i have binged them like a netflix show at least three times each and you've made wednesday my favorite day.

the energy you have is so beautiful and i love reflecting on what you say and thinking about changing my life for the better. you are an inspiration to me every day.


Here in England the weather has definitely cooled down, some trees have even started to shed some leaves but only a few. A mouse was nibbling an apple freshly fallen from my garden tree. Nature is wonderful.
