Why Aliens Might Already Be On Their Way To Us

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The universe is magnificent and vast. Hundreds of billions of galaxies, trillions of stars, and even more planets. If even the tiniest fraction are habitable, then the Universe should be teeming with life. And yet we see nothing, only vast emptiness. Where is everyone else?

The answer to this riddle could be as exciting as it is creepy: we are early, born before almost all other life – but very soon this may change. Not only might aliens appear, they could quickly surround us. An irreversible competition for the universe might be about to begin.


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Robin Lescure, Joel Gardner, Kevin Ng, Andreas König, Tiago Mendonça, Kat Martin, Joshua Santiago, Spencer Peacock, Delilah Martins, Kevin Wehmeyer, SuperFlue, Kai Akira, Madina Zauzanova, GalopaWXY, Jess, Sophia Wood (Fractal Kitty), Nick Leslie, Jon, William McNally, John, navras9, Lam Vo, Jake, Collin Carver, Maarten Schoonderwoerd, Emma Moyse, Lech Rozanski, Kevin Eckert, Nathan (Defiance) Swanson, Ian Grossberg, kortox, Kimberly Kiley, Tawatchai Wongsakulwiwat, Nicholas Haring, Joseph, Ryan Adams, Stephen Ronning, Ali Al-Abboud, mrRAPTORSblade, Michael, Shlom, Mah Dude, Leah Sweeney, LVB_JSB, Operation Blastflight, Tyler, Callum Tempest, TR, Philippe, Dan Suptic, One who has no name, Markus, Matthew Thomson, Jayson Larose, Alan Giorgi, PastequePlasma, Ilya, Guillaume Cullerier, Navot Arad, Gregg Turner, Khariton Matveev, Christopher Hale, Abigail Harris, Akka Vodol, Gani Kumisbek, Everton Juniti Ogura, Helen Franklin, Matthew Porter, Kyle, Nam Dang, Com-reon, Brian Strezze, Clark Barrus, Mark Dezelon, Joseph Smalec, Sasi Ravi, Shane Brown, Saoirse Munn, Frank Boris, Rizwan Kassim, Eternal Sunshine, LLC, Nguyen Tan Khuong Huynh, MikeWolf, Oliver Schmidt, Nick Rodriguez, Conor Stamp, Joe Bon, Chaudhary Haroon, BlueDragon28, Nahuel, Olli, Sgt.Five, Torsten Walluhn, Thomas Schlierf, Foxlen, Caden Quinn Tait, Kari, Adam Abawi, Oliver R., Till Ackermann, Stefan Winzer, Jaeyeong Cho, Richard Ustick, Noah Maxen, Tobiax, Zwangsworkaholic, Guilherme and Arthur Campos, Cup of Coffee, Chris, Freddy E, Lucas Beckmann, Denis Urban, Hawk, Chaos, Ellinnor Peredhel, Luis Mercado, Newlumberjack, Tom Donovan, Olaf Goerg, Jim Rodarte, Elia, Serhat Terzi, ProbablyConfused, Alberto Valdés, Anjali Rodrigo, Pete, Simon Prio, Hayernator2207, Earth, Earthyboi1, Chase Bailey, Chad Lake, David S Sleight, lewis polley, shitty_markov_chain, randoomsushi, Brandon Lugo, Riley Pachta, ebelaar, Samantha Cianci, PlagueNun, Ghost
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This is actually really well shown in the game Stellaris, where everyone starts off at about the same point despite there being primitive civilizations in the galaxy. The primitives basically stand no chance of ever expanding because you've claimed every bit of space around them. If they want to be part of the galaxy you have to integrate them, ether peacefully, through subterfuge, or good old fashioned bigger army diplomacy.


I love how this answer to the Fermi paradox basically states that the galaxy is pretty much a Stellaris game.
Wait no, that's actually terrifying.


I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never expect it. -Jack Handey


Interplanetary racism is gonna be *wild*


Kurzgesagt is the only channel that is able to talk about the race between civilisations to conquer the universe and still make it a wholesome story


I wish they expanded on the concept of "How close would humanity need to be to detect itself?"


Humans quite possibly being the first (or among the first) sentient species in the universe makes it really interesting. Eons from now, they'll dig up our bones, and learn of our futile attempts to call out to a cold unfeeling universe, desperate for any evidence that we aren't alone.


Dark forest theory: don't make noise or will be killed.
Kurtz: imagine someone cutting down trees and starting fires.


The idea that our Sun developed as soon as the Universe stopped being so hostile and celular life appeared as soon as oceans appeared on a planet of it gives me a lot of optimism.


I've been thinking about this recently... Imagine how difficult it would've been to start civilization without wood. Imagine if trees didn't exist. Not just for the oxygen, but for a robust yet malleable building material, renewable and overall just much easier to work with than rock.


Something that seems to be forgotten; any light we see is a direct representation of the past, equivalent to the time it took for the light to get here.

When looking to further parts of the galaxy, you have a much greater chance of looking towards life, except for the fact that for every additional light year further out, you add a year in to the past of whatever you’re seeing.

The civilizations could be everywhere say 1000 light years away, but we’re seeing 1000 years into the past.


As an alien, I can confirm the content of this video is accurate.


The scariest most plausible scenario I can imagine is that we find radio signals eminating from a star system thousands or hundreds of thousands of lightyears away, knowing that our signals have only started around 126 years ago they could be thousands of years more advanced than us due to the time it'd have taken to reach us.


I just imagined some aliens on the other side of our galaxy that are also thinking "Are we alone?"


Is it me or did Kurzgesagt just make a video arguing that we should adopt cosmic imperialism?


"How fast can bacteria build spaceships?" is now the new "I drop you off in the woods with a hatchet, how long 'till you send me an email?"
Super appreciate the forward, Kurzgesagt! Love what you all are doing and the extreme effort involved!


Its kind of interesting that so much of our fiction and fantasies often revolve around finding ancient ruins of a lost alien civilization somewhere out there in space, usually home to lost yet advanced technology or monsters that live within.

Billions of years from now, if we fail to expand, *we* will be those ancient ruins that, hopefully, another space fairing civilization will find one day.


As Arthur C Clarke said “ we are either alone in the universe or there’s other life out there, either is equalling terrifying “


Y'know, this presents an interesting idea: What if humanity were to be that empire? What if we didn't just have a seat at the table, but we swallowed any civilizations that formed? Not necessarily destroying them, but forcing our hand and taking them over. We become the overwhelmingly massive empire that ends up diminishing the potential and rights of aliens in the process. It's an interesting concept that I don't think is really explored that much.


It's worth mentioning that since an expansion like this would probably take Billions of years, any civilization would possibly split into multiple due to evolutionary and cultural changes and huge distances. In the end there may not be distinct borders but more of a messy blend of life.
