2-Minute Neuroscience: MDMA

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MDMA, better known as ecstasy, molly, or one of a number of other street names, is a stimulant drug with unique prosocial effects. In this video, I discuss the current understanding of how MDMA acts on the brain to produce its effects.


MDMA, better known as ecstasy, molly, or one of a number of other street names, is a stimulant drug that is chemically related to amphetamine. Like other stimulants, MDMA causes increased alertness and a positive mood. But MDMA’s effects are also distinct from the effects of other stimulants, as the drug causes unique prosocial effects such as strong feelings of trust, openness, and closeness with others.

Although we don’t have a full understanding of the effects of MDMA on the brain, MDMA’s mechanism is similar in many ways to the mechanism of other amphetamines. MDMA inhibits the function of proteins called transporter proteins, which typically remove neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine from the space between neurons known as the synaptic cleft. By inhibiting transporter proteins, MDMA causes serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine to accumulate in the synaptic cleft, increasing neurotransmitter activity there. In contrast to other amphetamines, MDMA inhibits the serotonin transporter more potently than the dopamine or norepinephrine transporter. MDMA also uses transporter proteins to enter neurons; once inside, MDMA disrupts the storage of neurotransmitters in synaptic vesicles, causing the buildup of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine inside neurons; then, MDMA facilitates the release of these neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, leading to increased neurotransmitter levels and activity. In addition to these mechanisms, MDMA also binds to a number of receptors directly, including specific subtypes of the serotonin receptor; these interactions may contribute to the effects of MDMA.

It’s not clear what mechanism accounts for the unique prosocial effects of MDMA. A number of studies have found that MDMA promotes the release of the hormone oxytocin, which itself has been linked to prosocial effects. At the same time, most studies have failed to find a link between increasing oxytocin levels and the prosocial effects of MDMA, leaving these effects still unexplained.


Dunlap LE, Andrews AM, Olson DE. Dark Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2018 Oct 17;9(10):2408-2427. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00155. Epub 2018 Jul 12. PMID: 30001118; PMCID: PMC6197894.

Oeri HE. Beyond ecstasy: Alternative entactogens to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine with potential applications in psychotherapy. J Psychopharmacol. 2021 May;35(5):512-536. doi: 10.1177/0269881120920420. Epub 2020 Sep 10. PMID: 32909493; PMCID: PMC8155739.

Schenk S, Highgate Q. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): Serotonergic and dopaminergic mechanisms related to its use and misuse. J Neurochem. 2021 Jun;157(5):1714-1724. doi: 10.1111/jnc.15348. Epub 2021 Mar 25. PMID: 33711169.
Рекомендации по теме

I tried MDMA once 20 years ago, and it was amazing! I couldn't imagine why it wasn't being used to treat depression. Fast forward to now I'm getting ready to take part in a medical study that will be researching MDMA as a possible treatment for PTSD. Really looking forward to getting to do it again even though it will be in a clinical setting. Can't believe they're paying me to do it lol


This is fascinating! In college I did MDMA a few times and had unbelievably positive experiences. One thing I noticed was a distinct urge to speak with other people and to explain things to them (which I'm guessing was pretty annoying), not only because I wanted to connect with other people (prosocial effects) but also because everything seemed so clear to me. It felt like the neural circuits controlling the feeling of certainty must have been firing like gangbusters.

It was like having an "Aha!" moment over and over again about everything I could think of. Unfortunately, I didn't write any of it down so if I did make any major discoveries, they are lost forever haha


The effects of MDMA usually begin about an hour after taking the substance. It tends to peak quickly, within about an hour after the effects first start to appear. You’ll feel a greater sense of euphoria, pleasure, social bonding, connection with the people around you, and your perception of sights and sound will change. MDMA is not a hallucinogen in the traditional sense, but it can make lights and colors appear more vibrant.


experience with MDMA was impressive. I feel complete control over myself. looks like he managed to change my nervous system! My innate nature which was originally jovial, careless, childish is now able to think critically, more mature, a little wiser, and more alert.
hope this is a good start.


I can't image a better high than MDMA. I would recommend only doing it with people you 100% trust as it acts like a truth serum and you can communicate without any fear; but still have full control of your safety decision making. You also need a proper dose. My friend took a half a pill of 400mg/100mg MDMA/Caffeine and it did nothing for him but weeks later we both took a full pill and it hit super hard and fast. 200mg should be a heavy dose but it wasn't for us 250lb male athletes. I felt mild effects for weeks after and when I get emotional I can let it go almost instantly now. It's like it rewired my brain somehow.


MDMA is not for everyone. I've learned that the hard way. Took approx. 400mg during the night (4 doses 100mg each). While the experience itself was absolutely great the following comedown was a hellish experience. Severe insomnia, anxiety attacks, depersonalisation and the worst part - sudden brain zaps and whole body twitching while trying to fall asleep. It took me half a year to partially recover. It's almost a year now since I rolled and I still haven't got back to 100% my former self.

MDMA if not taken in a responsible way will fuck you up big time.


Can somebody relate to my experience? I do not want to advertise anything. I have ADD. Last Saturday I took MDMA for the first time. What I experienced changed my life I feel. I saw and felt love to everybody. To myself also, this feels nice. Now I go through life and I feel beautiful and connected to every person. Today I sat in a park. I did not look at any people, I just felt them somehow. I was high on life. Love.❤ ADD: I speak very clear with clear thoughts since today I feel. I am 100 % positive. I feel like my medication got a boost. I feel love for myself and the world out there. I can just walk and I feel like I am in my world. I feel like the people around me would feel me. Somehow I feel positive and attractive. I am such a rational person, but I saw another world. World of love. I danced on Saturday for the first time like I wanted. Free! Now I feel I can dance without MDMA. Another thing: I listen to songs differently: I understand them. Have a good night everybody. EDIT: I can completely stand up for myself now. I feel harmony anyway. I lived with a narcissist. I could take away his power over me.8


I'm a introvert but as I took it I never felt more alive and social.

I don't do it anymore but if you got self control, it's worth a shot once


Bro people in comments motivating others to take drugs


Moshe is addicted to ecstasy, he came to the emergency room with tachycardia, sweating and high blood pressure. These signs are likely due to: A. Massive release of serotonin B. Massive release of catecholinamines C. Activation of the parasympathetic system D. Coronary ischemia What is the most correct answer among A and B?


Just stumbled across this channel, I love it! The clarity of what is known and what isn't.. fantastic work!


Thank you for this insightful and informative video keep up the great content


Yea mdma foster amazing experiences, but have fun being depressed for weeks afterward, depleting all your feel good chemicals comes at a cost


I’ve loved MDMA from’92 till a few hours ago. That’s been the first time in 7 years though and I remember how much I love and now I know where to get this pure crystal MDMA it’s a lovely Caramel not quite Demerara sugar colour so it’s wicked. You make a lot of mental breakthroughs on it and your brain goes into overdrive I love it. I’m gonna treat myself once a month or 6 weeks because you forget about life’s stress and I have too much of that. It’s the best drug around not like Heroin, Ice or crack Cocaine. But still addictive cause it’s so good. Everything in moderation is the key 👀🧐🤔🤫👍🏼🤯💥🤪💯🤐🤣


MDMA is great and hopefully it will be appreciated more because it can help people.


Just discovered your channel and it's very good. Thank you!


just found this, thank you for yet another really informative video:)


Great video as always! I‘d love to see a comparison to the effects of serotonin reuptake inhibitors.


I took MDMA one time and it cure my anxiety and depression. I never even had the desire to do it again. I’ve been great ever since. MDMA did for me what I wanted marijuana to do, but weed failed me bad.


I’ve done MDMA many times before or what I thought was pure MDMA. It was also very prevalently speedy… Because the stuff I had recentlyis from Europe It’s amazing. It literally makes you feel like that scene in Family Guy, where peter feel like oh my God Brian your fur… it’s so soft. Lolol. I remember I was just like holding my body and comfort and joy. It was so great. it’s so weird that it’s Meths cousin… I remember back in the day in Florida. I got sold Meth as Molly one time. 3 days awake ending in a mental break n hospital visit
