Why you can't finish the books you start

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Have you ever had “reader’s block” and how did you overcome it? How do you manage to finish reading your books? Tell me your story about it

GIVEAWAY: I’m giving away 6 copies of one my all time favourite books: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman! There will be 3 winners on Instagram and 3 winners on Youtube. Leave your comment below with how to overcome “reader’s block” or do you effectively finish your books. The best answers on this video (on Instagram or Youtube) will get a copy sent by me. I will select the answers based on relevance, how elaborate the answer is and number of likes(upvotes)/comments. It’s ok to make multiple comments and comment on both Insta/Youtube. This competition ends on Tuesday 19th of March 2019 at 7pm GMT and I’ll post the results via Stories. Good luck! (Also please upvote the comments you like the most)

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Books that made a special appearance on this video:
Antifragile by Nassim Taleb
Thinking, Fast And Slow by Daniel Kahneman
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli
Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
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My way to overcome the "readers blocks" are :
1. Start with the intention of reading. I start read whenever I feel like to do it.
2. Decided my own goals on reading. It just like this, "now, no matter what I have to read 3 or 4 Chapters"
3. Read more than one books. I start to read the book that caught I interest, or the book that I like. (I usually start reading novel, and when I'm bored, the I'll start to read non-fiction book)
3. When I am bored with that one, I start to read another one. (to raise the mood, I'll read comics)
4. When I'm tired, I would take a break.
5. when I found something interesting or some important information, highlight it. (I prefer using sticky note)
6. After I found them, I will write them on my note.
7. And finally after I finish that book I would like to celebrate it! I can buy an ice cream, a drink, foods, or even buy a new book!
8. Just like you said, Vin. Read with your own pace. And challenge yourself by read books that you don't read much before. Believe me, When you doing it, you will understand and believe in yourself that you can read whatever you want.

Wow! Thank you, Vin for such a great video this time! This video is my favorite! Love it so much😍👍💕


Quite a few times, when i was so indulged into the books, i used to put my phone on flight mode for 3-4 days and continue reading it continuously like freaks and then tell everyone who used to contact me that my phone was getting repaired 😂. I liked that side of me as a book lover. Also this video is dope💕. Thanks for it😍❣️


I rarely experience having readers' block while reading a book. But when I do, I usually encourage myself to have something favorite accompanying me which usually would be my favorite drink such as orange juice, or sometimes a cup of warm tea. It keeps my mind calm and focus of what things I've started to accomplish.


Its really a relevant topic with what any book reader could relate. Even i suffered from reader's block many times.
I started reading 'Think and grow rich' but didn't read more than 2 chapters. For which i still think to continue and excuse which i say to myself is:-"i am not getting much time to read, i am very busy in my study.". But i also know the reality that if ' we are determined for something, we would seldom spare time for it. We can overcome the problem of reader's block by our own ways. Some of my ways are:-
1. I repeatedly think about the book and its story. This influences me to read it.
2. I pick up only those books for which i am interested to read.
3. When ever i think i am wasting my time, i force myself to read.
Once we start reading, interest gets built itself. And we make a habit of reading. Without that we would start feeling hollow from inside (lacking of knowledge). So reading is Great experience for who could read.


That's certainly happened to me, and it bummed me out for quite a long time. I would suggest less internet time, more time away from the screen and existing in the real world. For myself personally, when I spend a bunch of time on the internet, I am flipping back and forth between this article and that, this site and that, experiencing the empty joy of instant gratification. Now that I've been limiting my online time, I enjoy whatever I'm reading more, and I have a better chance of finishing the book. If you feel compelled, I'd also suggest meditation. It doesn't happen overnight, of course, but I have faith that you'll soon get out of the reading rut you're in.



Hi Vin! Thank you for uploading the video and for always encouraging us all to read more 📖
I guess normally reader's block exist in the case of people who are new to the reading world. But yes there are cases where in people who love reading also find themselves distracted while reading.
So following are the points that I feel would go for any kind of readers:-
1. FIND YOUR GENRE- there are endless genres out there and as Vin shared in the video that you'll definitely be able to find what interests you and then you got to go search for a book from that genre. Now see, it might not be "the" book for you but hey there are endless books, don't give up this soon!
But yeah, finding the right genre is crucial.

Sometimes I ask my 'book-lover' friend to read the same book along with me. This way, we end up discussing about its plot and characters and it leaves us excited to finish the whole book in the blink of an eye.

Put away your phone and sit in a noise free place.

When I finish reading a book I try to take beautiful pictures of it and post it along with its review on my WhatsApp status, Instagram and Facebook account. This kind of puts a responsibility on me that I need to keep reading steady and it also gives me joy when people discuss about it on my post, which ultimately helps me to never stop reading more books.

Hope these help ☺️
Happy reading everyone ❤️


I believe reminding yourself for the reason you start reading the book and also how it will help you learn makes it useful for you to finish the book.
we need to remove all the things that distract us while reading like your phone and Laptop.


Hey vin! Great to see you back! To be honest, I've really missed your videos. Now that being said, here's what I think people can do to overcome the reading barrier. Beginners mostly, should start with small books which belong to fiction which can get them hooked within pages. And after atleast a year or two of reading fictional books, they can get into non fiction or self help books if they're interested in that. An effective way of preventing the reader's block altogether is to read the book's reviews (with no spoilers ofcourse). Go for the genre you like the most, read the book reviews, see if you like it, and then go for reading the same book. The first book that you read in your life can have a huge impact on the reading aspect of your life. It's important to choose a book that you like and develop an interest in reading. There are certain parts in a book, which might be too descriptive for your taste (either the author goes on and on about a character, or describes a place or a part of the plot in detail). You need to remember that it's okay to skip some pages. You won't miss a lot of the plot by doing so, and even if you do, you can go two or three paragraphs behind and read those again. The most important thing that I feel strongly about, is that YOU SHOULDN'T STOP READING JUST BECAUSE YOU COME ACROSS READING BARRIERS. If you really don't like the book that you're currently reading, go for some other book. Don't give up on reading. Reading is crucial for survival. :))


The video 📹 was very very good. Really liked it. The solutions given to maintain the interest of the book are realistic in nature. Yes breaks numerous amidst reading is what keeps the reading go on and on. Very pretty idea about reading yes it is a journey to enjoy and strictly not the pace in today's mad race to cram. Nothing is achieved by reading more than five hundred page book in a day as the mind can't even analyse the key points demanding attention. Thank you for the video. Thumbs up. 👍


Arghhh I love this video so much! E-high five. I got super into reading the past year, and by super into reading, I mean that I’d get excited about a book, read roughly 50-100 pages, put it down and get distracted with the next shiny [object] book. For some reason I can paint for hours straight yet completing a book takes more conscious effort and discipline from me. I’ve always admired book worms and I’d love to call myself one someday (especially after I realized in adulthood how powerful and enriching there are), so I wanted to thank you for the wonderful video & inspiration—I’m going to keep at my goals! Also, I like that you bring a sense of humor to the topic because it’s all in good fun at the end of the day:) cheers!


Thanks for this insightful video😊. There are many times when I've experienced reader's block. This is what I usually do. I set a goal to finish a certain book in a timeframe and read the first 50 pages, it gives me an idea if I can finish it in the limited time. And if it doesn't interest me then I try a different genre or grab an old favourite. Sometimes there is too much info and knowledge, the details are complex and hard to grasp, in this case I'd pick something short and easy to digest. Movies and documentaries can also help you overcome reader's block, it changes up your routine and ignite your motivation to read. And as you said in this video, reading can be exhausting because it's an intellectual exercise, whereas watching movies or any other video can ease your mind instantly. And if you still don't feel like reading, there's no harm in abandoning a book. But if you love books, practise reading and make it a habit. You'll definitely find a reason to feel motivated.👍


Readers block is something I had came across while reading and i just keep some facts close to my mind to win over the block, which are
1. If I am reading a book then I am upto know and live with the characters ( or with the writers) and get to know a lot of stuff which I find useful and informative for me.
A person wrote a book which consists of the knowledge he had acquired through out his life and it will be a jackpot for me if I can have an idea on that knowledge with in an hours of reading his work.
Reading is a short cut to live life more elaborately ❤️
Well those are some points and ofcourse I love your job man. Love from india💞 keep exploring more and more books.


It took me 10 years to read Water for Elephants (I had to start over), and I think it has to do with your first reasoning! I enjoyed the book, but I must have put it down when things were “slow” aka being set up for the action.


can you please make a video about how to read faster ?. cuz it may take me more than a month to finish a single book .
great video by the way <3


I am your new subscriber, so much honesty in your voice..I am so in love with your way of putting up the content out there. Would really love to hear more from you :) :) Loads of wishes
- From India


I can't finish the book I started last month because I got busy in school but now that I have a lot of time to get back in reading my books again, I can't focus anymore and I easily get distracted. Hope to get back my focus on, I really miss reading books 😥


You are one of the persons who helped me to get into reading. Thank you.
I have finished some books : How to win friends and Influence People, Think and Grow Rich, some others, Predictably Irrational, some other books in my native language and going to read a classic masterpiece on human behaviourThe Social Animal by Elliot Arorson.
Sorry, I'm novice at reading, don't know much on reading blocks.
I read because I just love to gain knowledge as a mindful animal. And books are amazing for that.
I think I need, need to read.
Thank you for


im so guilty of this... I was talking to my mom the other day and she asked: "are you still reading 10 boolks at a time ?" 😂
to me the hardest part is deciding whether to not finish the book or to push through it...


I hate when books regurgitate information that they said at the beginning makes me believe they wanted to fill in the blank pages.


such a usefull tips thank you very much 🌸
and I think that the most important tip that you mintioned to make reading as a habit .
also not to compere your avarge of reading a week or a monthe with the others cuz its really bad it disappoint you a lot espcial those kind of people who read book among 6 houres or a day maximum 😂
