Why don't we finish things? An artist's view | Robert Davis | TEDxMelbourne

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Robert Davis is an artist exploring why completion (or not) is important as we think it is.

Melbourne-based artist Robert Lee Davis creates sensitive and deeply personal cinematic collaged paintings using old postcards, discarded letters and reclaimable print materials, suspending history in a dreamlike state. Each piece is an immersive recreation of global landscapes and structures that deconstruct memory and experiences to craft imagined worlds that are at once familiar and yet foreign.

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I used to think that we don't finish things because we got what we need and often see the final work in our mind. I have since learned that we don't finish things because we lack discipline, artists are especially susceptible.


BS. Here's the truth. We get to a point where we love our work to its current extent, maybe even be surprised by how much better the work is than we think we are.. and the fear of ruining it by finishing it deters us from doing so.

I once talked to a great artist and he asked me if I do doodles. I said I don't. He said that's the problem. If you can only pull something off only in one angle or one particular way you will always be afraid of ruining your work. You need to let go of the mental boundries of perfection and rather see every piece of work as practice and one step on the endless stairway of becoming a great artist.


I have a serious problem with not finishing my art


Barbara Sher wrote "Refuse to Choose" for people with 'too many interests to pick just one'. If you are super curious and struggle to finish projects, I encourage you to check it out!


I have a problem with finishing things. So many projects. I got maybe 30 drafts on wordpress, several songs half-written/translated, almost 2 dozen years of art left unfinished. A lot of times I find myself putting effort into the things impossible or difficult for me to do instead of finishing easy tasks that arr nearly done. I just posted a picture of Green Diamond on my deviantart, a simple picture of pen & colored pencils; and I consider that a great accomplishment, considering my record.


This talk truly touched me, I teared up several times, it was so real. Thank you beautiful human for being so strong for showing yourself in vulnerability.


Your talk is so beautifully insightful. Thank you for sharing your story and addressing this topic. The art work you showed here really spoke to me, it’s so thoughtful in the way it captures a life. What a gift to your partner (and yourself)!


This means SO MUCH to me. And I'm from Elkins Park so I have zero issue picturing every facet of your story. I needed to hear this today. I need to hear this tomorrow and every day until your words commit themselves permanently to my soul. Thank you.


Such a brilliant talk about, Why we don't finish things. Living a creative life is essential. This is a very inspiring talk. I also loved how you show the influence of one person, in your case your grandmother can make the biggest difference in ones life. The way we encourage children and see them is so important. Thank you for sharing this beautiful work.


I never finish things or goals. My interests keep changing and it's beyond depressing, I feel like giving up because I feel no purpose to life if I lose interest so quickly in every single
Thing . I'm creative but my styles and interest changes so much . I feel psychotic and I don't know what to do .


Thank you very much for sharing your beautifull and strong story of becoming a person of love - and showing the importance of being loved and loving to find your purpose and the courage to live it


this is really wonderful and inspiring I erase one of my unfinished artwork and drew a new one with completely different style and finished it recently. Thanks Robert, greetings from Malaysia.


I couldn’t have watched this at a better time!!! ...not only about unfinished (things) but my art as well.
Thank you for the wonderful perspective!


Great video. I've taken up piano, swimming, football, etc... I've only ever really been good at drawing, which I still enjoy occasionally. I've always left things because I've become bored of them, more interested in having more free time to procrastinate... I guess it takes time to find to solidify yourself into your true passion, and experience.


Hello mr.davis! I was in your class last year! Your talks are so inspiring, please continue inspiring people and being amazing!💕💦


Yeah, so so happy to see you doing your thing Robert. I just wanted to give you a big hug and hear your lovely loud laugh. Hugs from Shanghai. x


The thing is with me I finish everything I do. I have no drafts. Telling myself every time "this will be my breaking moment". Yeah I upload and post art online after I finish and not many people see it, but it’s nice to see my finished projects


Thank You for such an inspiring talk! I've spent several hours suffering from stomach pain but now It is almost over. I listened to you and your story impressed me so much that I started crying. I feel much better. I can relate to your story. Thank You so much for your story! It is a treasure!


I agree...We finish when we are passionate and on purpose with that particular train of thought...Sometimes we must challenge ourselves to free fears that encumber our Truth from coming out...Thank you for sharing your Truth and enlightening us to the organic process of life <3


Very inspiring talk, Robert! Now I don't have to feel guilty with some unfinished projects! Thanks for sharing your personal story too, very compelling.
