Friday Freakout: Skydiver's Sketchy Low Cutaway, Reserve Parachute Open By 500 Feet!

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*** What happened ***

After deploying his main canopy, this skydiver released his brakes and the right brake line locked up. He realized that the only way for his canopy to fly level was to pull the left toggle down to three-quarter brakes and decided that he would attempt to land that way. At 1,000 ft. (approx. 300 meters) above the ground, he realized that he didn’t have the strength to continue flying in brakes and decided to cutaway (yes, we’re also cringing). Thankfully, without an RSL or Skyhook, his reserve opened quickly at about 500 ft. (approx. 150 meters) and he landed safely.

*** Why did it happen ***

Forgetting AFF

This jumper should not have put himself in a situation where muscle failure was forcing him to cutaway at 1,000 feet. He knew this canopy was not flyable thousands of feet earlier and disregarded basic safety precautions.

Packing Error

There are a lot of reasons why that right brake line could have locked up, but without a different view or more information, we’re making some educated guesses. Two different riggers viewed this video and believe that there was a step through and/or a tension knot. Both are typically due to packing error.

*** How could it be prevented ***

Better decision making

This jumper should have chopped thousands of feet earlier. Had he relied on the basics taught in AFF he would have gotten rid of his main at a safe altitude and not risked potentially catastrophic results from cutting away at such a low altitude.

Diligent packing

As is the case with a large portion of malfunctions, this incident could have likely been prevented through the avoidance of complacency. When packing it is important to take your time, not rush, and go through every step slowly and diligently.

*** Additional Notes ***

We want to reiterate that this jumper put himself into a precarious situation by not cutting away earlier. This reserve opened quickly and perfectly – the rigger who packed it is certainly owed a thank you gift – but had it not, a myriad of situations could have occurred:

A snivel in his reserve could have resulted in it not inflating before he reached the ground.
Any minor issue, e.g., line twists, could have resulted in him not having immediate heading control and flying towards the hanger, the helicopter that was taking off, or the plane that was taxiing on the ground.


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30 years ago I was taught that a low speed malfunction is more dangerous than a high speed one. With a high speed malfunction you have no choice but to decide and act immediately. However with a slow speed malfunction you can hesitate until you are too low to cut away.


Also, holy busy dropzone. Felt like a proper airport with all that traffic.


After he stops trying to clear the toggle, he flies around for almost a minute, in a slow but controlled manner. It looked landable. Even if he does not realise it, he has already decided to land it (because he didn't chop when he stopped trying to clear it). And then he makes a NEW decision, a lot lower.

If your main is broken, then you MUST decide, at that moment, what you will do. And the best decision is (almost always) to chop it. Why wear a reserve if you don't use it when you need it? And you should only ever over-ride that decision with a new decision if circumstances change.


This happend to me during AFF, I didnt understand why i had to be 50% on one side to flight straight, but seemed okay with one arm half down, so I landed like that. I remember the guy on the ground saying on the radio "arms up arms up" when i was near the ground, I showed breifly that if I raised both my arms I would spin and landed with my armes asymetricaly.
Before everyong jump to my throat : it was my 4th jump, and the rule was, if you can't fly your canopy you cut it. I could fly it so it didnt cut away. Looking back on that I still dont know If I should have cut or not, but i'm alive today so It probably wasnt the worst choice ever.


I've had the exact same malfunction on like jump 24, I was always timid when releasing the breaks, and one got stuck in the eyelet and wouldn't release, then I started spinning out of control, so I chopped. I had people telling me "bro, you should of just brought the other toggle down". But in that situation, with little skill, I freaked out and performed my emergency procedures and was able to walk away. I'm very firm now when releasing the toggles.


When in doubt whip it out. You cannot reclaim altitude after it is lost.


I’ve just got done watching all 326 vids of FF😂. Took me 3 weeks.
Thank you for all the info!


Glad he made it safely to the ground. I love watching these guys jump out of the plane from high up in the mountain with my binoculars. I'm always in awe. I prefer such heights with rock under my feet. Their view over ticino must just hit different though.


Your life or your main canopy. Choose wisely.


at least he'll probably find his handles lol...


In my experience, the ground looks a hell of a lot closer when you're under canopy than in free fall. Had a similar experience and decided I had one good canopy out and decided to manage it. It was the right decision for me, looks like he made the right decision for him.


That's the reason for a "decision altitude." If you reach that altitude and still don't have a good canopy, cut away. I've seen people die from waiting too long to decide. Glad that this one turned out OK.


Thank you for all the information in the description. It is very informative and educational. You may even have prevent a loss of life with this!


You can just barely see it, but at 2:50, there goes his freebag, landing right behind the twin turbine. At least he didn't have to walk far.


I can't believe he tried to ride that out. Let alone how long he waited to cut. Someone needs a ground school refresher!


Beautiful drop zone, amazing view .
He was alright to land that but little bit of extra excitement is always fun. He got base jump and regular jump for price of one, lol.


The most useless thing to a skydiver is the altitude above you!


As a student I was instructed do not ever try to fly a spinning malfunction no matter if you think you can control and land it because it can go to shit at 300 feet.


One of the worst decisions I've seen on a Friday freakout. He should have cut away at least 30 seconds earlier.


Awesome explanation in the description. Thank you guys !
