Friday Freakout: Skydivers Collide Mid-Air on Sketchy Angle Jump

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This angle jump escalates quickly during a beginner angle camp. One of the skydivers is zooming around all over the place and she ends up colliding with another jumper, who ended up dislocating his elbow and ruptured/tore several muscles.

If you're new to angle flying, it's so important to fly in small groups within your skill level and don't rush things — slow if fast.


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People need to think about flying angles at low jump numbers. Some tunnel people are guilty of sketchiness as well. Such a dangerous discipline. So fun though.


Fun fact Friday: Humans act like pool balls during mid air collisions, displaying conservation of momentum


leftmost impactboi dropped a phone! (or something else) 0:57


Now I think we all know they were playing "Tag"-smh!!


At 18yrs I earned my basic jumpwings for doing 5 static jumps and thought I was cool. Then later in my military career I attend
MFFPC (Military free fall parachute course) which was another beast of it own. You talk about scary. Even with all the class work and professional jumpers we had on hand to assist us its still scary as fuck. I couldn’t imagine what was going through their minds when they collided because it happens so fast. For the casual observer you will never understand how dangerous that is specially when you’re approaching speeds of 75 miles an hour plus then hitting another human being. For those of you that think this is no big deal you guys are dead wrong and if you think that I incourage you to strap up and jump out of a perfectly good airplane without hitting anybody and see the fear that comes along with his free falling like that. This type of jumps takes a lot of experience and discipline it is not for the faint hearted. CWO3 Moore US ARMY ( RET)


What was dangling behind the jumper that got hit?
