What Is The Best Starter Pokemon? (Johto) Feat. MysticUmbreon

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What Is The Best Starter Pokemon? What is up my Eryibros and have you ever wondered what is the best starter? Choosing a Starter is always the most important and pivotal decision to make for your journey. Of course there is no right or wrong decision on what starter to pick, but there is definitely a BEST pokemon to pick that would benefit you the most. So today I and MysticUmbreon will help you guys make the right decision on what statistically is the best starter. But since it would take ages to go through all 6 regions at once I will be splitting this into 6 parts. Today we are going to travel across Tohjo Falls and over to the Johto region. If you guys enjoy the video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video with a friend and with that being said let’s get started.

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Music Provided By Klaus, Nintendo:
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver - "New Bark Town"
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver - "Route 26"


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It's tragic how Cyndaquil only gets to open its eyes for the first time after it evolves.


Erziyo: I have no friends
**two seconds later**
Erziyo: Meet my good friend MysticUmbreon


yeah cyndiquil is totally ok because you dont have to face your weakness until the end of the game

*first gym laughs in mudslap*


I think all the starters our good but I personally pick Totodile because he is a tank


idgaf team Totodile till the day I die


Chikorita is obviously the best because you can named it weed


Aw! But I love Totodile! I always seem to pick the balanced starter. Ah well, I enjoyed myself and that’s what really mattered.


G/S/C: Cyndaquil
HG/SS: Totodile

I think this is accurate. Who agrees?


My Bayleef crushed Whitney's Miltank. The Chikorita family is not given enough love.


Thanks for ignoring the actual stats, guys.


idrc, Totodile is my fave ever. I love him so much.


I think this vid needs two answers because of the changes made in the Gen 4 Johto Remakes! Biggest problem with Totodile in Gen 2 was the fact that it was a Physical Attacker, and all Water Type Moves were Special! HOWEVER, in Heart Gold and Soul Silver, Totodile gets a huge upgrade with a brand new movepool, and by the time its a Feraligatr it can learn moves like Dragon Claw, Crunch, Earthquake, Ice Fang, and Superpower, and this allows you to have a tremendous advantage against the likes of Pryce, Clair, Will, Koga, Karen, and even Lance! Cyndaquil's  movepool on the other hand remained very shallow with the only good non fire special attack it could learn being Focus Blast. Hence why this vid needs 2 answers. For the original Gold and Silver, the best starter is Cyndaquil, but for Heart Gold and Soul Silver, it's definitely Totodile!


Feraligatr is the most versatile of the three with its diverse movepool (Crunch, Ice Fang/Beam, Earthquake, Superpower/Brick Break, Dragon Claw/Pulse, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, etc). Definitely has the easiest time with Lance, given its access to Dragon and Ice moves.


totodile will always be my favorite no matter what you say you can't change my mind haha.


I still like the theory that the starters are representative of difficulty level. For me, I always seem to pick medium or hard (Water or Grass depending on the game) but Charmander for gen 1 is insane mode...


I just realized something...Gen II is the only generation of games where all three of the starters remain as their primary type through each evolution. Every other gen before or since has had at least one dual-type final form starter.

...is it bad that I just now noticed this?


When I got Soul Silver, (my first pokemon game) I didn't really know about the whole "saving" concept so when I was done, I just turned off my DS. Every time I played again, I had to pick a new starter. First I chose chikorita, then cyndaquil, then totodile. I can't really remember but I think I didn't really like totodile. Then I learned to save and thought I already got it, so I might as well just keep it. I remember, I had to go to bed at about 8:00 at night and I snuck my DS under the covers so I could play. At about 9 or 10, I went into my parents room and woke them up just to tell them that my totodile evolved. For some reason, when I got the game, I vowed never to take my starter out of my party and feraligatr still has never left my party. Now, it's my favorite pokemon and, in my opinion, the best started to get in Silver and Gold


I love ALL the starters!! But I'm just gonna say herw that my favorite has to be Todile lmao


I pick the water starter everytime, I just love em so much my faves are


I actually think that Bayleef does the best against Whitney. Just poison the miltank, set up a reflect, and you're good to go
