10 Things RICH People Buy!
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10 Things RICH People Buy! From the blatantly obvious to multi-million dollar toilets…stay tuned to number 1 to find out 10 things people buy when they’re rich!
This top 10 brought to you by Zero2Hero!!
Number 10: A Mansion.
Obviously, when we get rich, we're going to have a lot of things we want to buy. But, where oh where are we going to put all of these very expensive things? Simple, in the first expensive thing you’re likely going to buy once you're rich: a mansion.
Sure, there's nothing wrong with a one or two-story house. But when you're rich, you NEED a mansion. Not just for storing things mind you, but for all the luxury and prominence that comes with the mansion.
Because when a person drives by a mansion, the first thing that goes through their head is, "Man, they're rich", and a lot of people want that reaction to happen to them. Vain? Sure. Arrogant? Absolutely! But it's also about desire. You see, while it's true that there are a LOT of mansions out there on the market, most people want a mansion custom built to their desires and tastes. From where it is and how it's laid out, to the items both in and outside the house, not to mention, of course, security. When you're rich, you don't have to settle for whatever house is on the market, you can make a house that is superior to everyone on the market. Or, just make one that is unlike everything on the market, whatever you desire, it can all happen when you're rich.
Number 9: Designer Clothes.
Regardless of whether you're a man or a woman, most times you want to look sharp when going out in public. Yes, many times when it's a simple occasion you have no desire or thought regarding your style. But if you're trying to impress, or look appropriate, you'll want to dress up. But what you have to dress up in is limited to your money deposits.
Because, let’s face it…you can have good dresses or suits or the like, but you'll never truly have the top brand until you strike it rich. Which is why when many get rich, they renovate their closets and get rid of most of their wardrobe to have more designer apparel.
Gucci, Armani, Versace, Dior, and on and on. All of the brands that your favorite celebrities from across the world buy, now you'll have the chance to wear at your own leisure because you have the money to afford them.
And yes, I do know that there are some versions of these brands are rather inexpensive at times, but the one off custom designs? The ones that celebrities wear? They're thousands, if not tens of thousands per item! So yeah, you're going to need money to get them, and get a lot of them.
So once you're rich you'll be styling and profiling in the biggest way possible because your closet will have outfits that even celebrities would want to wear.
Number 8: A Luxury Car.
Before we talk about one of my favorite items…take a moment to like this video and join the Zero2Hero community by using the buttons below!
For most people, when you ask them what they want to do first when they get rich, they'll often say that they'll want to pay off all the bills they owe (if they're smart...) and then go and get a very expensive car. But why go for a car first instead of a mansion or a clothing shopping spree? Simple, because they know that they can get a car in the course of an hour and enjoy it for a lot longer than a mansion or clothes on its own.
Plus, most people desire to have that super fast car, or that car brand that has always been out of reach before because of its price tag. I'm talking Bentleys, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and even some of the future cars that are being tested out for public use. All of which have massively high price tags in the hundreds of thousands. And yet, now they can be yours.
Think about it, once you have one of these cars, you'll be turning heads every time you drive down the road. And if you know where to go, you can put the pedal to the medal and go hundreds of miles an hour as you fly down a track.
So the only real question is, WHICH car are YOU going to buy when the money comes?
Number 7: A Boat or Yacht.
Another luxury item that everyone dreams about for some reason is that of a boat or a yacht. Because everyone wants to go and have fun on the water, which is understandable. But why just "have fun" when you can have a freaking party? Because I'm not just talking about a regular motorboat that you can get when you save up money. I'm talking about the boats that race across the water at high speeds and leave everyone in the dust.
Or, a yacht, where you can bring your friends and family on board and just power through the waters without a care in the world and know that you have resting areas, food, entertainment, and safety from the elements all from your ship.
This top 10 brought to you by Zero2Hero!!
Number 10: A Mansion.
Obviously, when we get rich, we're going to have a lot of things we want to buy. But, where oh where are we going to put all of these very expensive things? Simple, in the first expensive thing you’re likely going to buy once you're rich: a mansion.
Sure, there's nothing wrong with a one or two-story house. But when you're rich, you NEED a mansion. Not just for storing things mind you, but for all the luxury and prominence that comes with the mansion.
Because when a person drives by a mansion, the first thing that goes through their head is, "Man, they're rich", and a lot of people want that reaction to happen to them. Vain? Sure. Arrogant? Absolutely! But it's also about desire. You see, while it's true that there are a LOT of mansions out there on the market, most people want a mansion custom built to their desires and tastes. From where it is and how it's laid out, to the items both in and outside the house, not to mention, of course, security. When you're rich, you don't have to settle for whatever house is on the market, you can make a house that is superior to everyone on the market. Or, just make one that is unlike everything on the market, whatever you desire, it can all happen when you're rich.
Number 9: Designer Clothes.
Regardless of whether you're a man or a woman, most times you want to look sharp when going out in public. Yes, many times when it's a simple occasion you have no desire or thought regarding your style. But if you're trying to impress, or look appropriate, you'll want to dress up. But what you have to dress up in is limited to your money deposits.
Because, let’s face it…you can have good dresses or suits or the like, but you'll never truly have the top brand until you strike it rich. Which is why when many get rich, they renovate their closets and get rid of most of their wardrobe to have more designer apparel.
Gucci, Armani, Versace, Dior, and on and on. All of the brands that your favorite celebrities from across the world buy, now you'll have the chance to wear at your own leisure because you have the money to afford them.
And yes, I do know that there are some versions of these brands are rather inexpensive at times, but the one off custom designs? The ones that celebrities wear? They're thousands, if not tens of thousands per item! So yeah, you're going to need money to get them, and get a lot of them.
So once you're rich you'll be styling and profiling in the biggest way possible because your closet will have outfits that even celebrities would want to wear.
Number 8: A Luxury Car.
Before we talk about one of my favorite items…take a moment to like this video and join the Zero2Hero community by using the buttons below!
For most people, when you ask them what they want to do first when they get rich, they'll often say that they'll want to pay off all the bills they owe (if they're smart...) and then go and get a very expensive car. But why go for a car first instead of a mansion or a clothing shopping spree? Simple, because they know that they can get a car in the course of an hour and enjoy it for a lot longer than a mansion or clothes on its own.
Plus, most people desire to have that super fast car, or that car brand that has always been out of reach before because of its price tag. I'm talking Bentleys, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and even some of the future cars that are being tested out for public use. All of which have massively high price tags in the hundreds of thousands. And yet, now they can be yours.
Think about it, once you have one of these cars, you'll be turning heads every time you drive down the road. And if you know where to go, you can put the pedal to the medal and go hundreds of miles an hour as you fly down a track.
So the only real question is, WHICH car are YOU going to buy when the money comes?
Number 7: A Boat or Yacht.
Another luxury item that everyone dreams about for some reason is that of a boat or a yacht. Because everyone wants to go and have fun on the water, which is understandable. But why just "have fun" when you can have a freaking party? Because I'm not just talking about a regular motorboat that you can get when you save up money. I'm talking about the boats that race across the water at high speeds and leave everyone in the dust.
Or, a yacht, where you can bring your friends and family on board and just power through the waters without a care in the world and know that you have resting areas, food, entertainment, and safety from the elements all from your ship.