How to Make Grandma's Polish Perogies | Allrecipes

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In this video, we'll share with you a family recipe for Polish potato perogies. You'll learn how to make a simple dough, adding sour cream as a secret ingredient. Then, we'll make the potato and cheese filling. Once the perogies are formed, we'll boil them in salted water until they float to the top. For an extra flair, fry them up until golden and crispy and serve with sour cream.


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I already know your recipe will be my favorite, because you talk with words I get. No grams or weighing! THANK YOU!!!


For years my Ukrainian mother-in-law made pierogies twice a month. We ate them all the time and loved them. When she passed away neither my wife nor her sister had any idea how to make pierogies so this Italian-American husband took over as the pierogies maker. I only make them a few times a year but my wife and sister-in-law cry tears of joy mixed with sadness every time I do. Rest in peace, Baba.


At some point in my adult life, I realized my mother would not live forever, so I started pressing her for our traditional recipes. It was hard, because I was an engineer, use to precise measurement, and her recipe called for a pinch of this, a dollop of that, and a palm full of something else. Some of my pierogis were ripping as I tried to make them. I asked her about this. Well, she said she had forgotten to tell me something. She added some potato flour (Finely whipped mashed potatoes will do) to the dough. She said the starch made the dough more elastic. Can't say this is traditional, but it has worked for me.


My grandpa always mixed everything on his counter not in a bowl, not saying it’s wrong to do it in a bowl but it was cool to watch him do it, he also used the extra dough and made noodles with it 😋😋


My Mom made her pierogi with ground beef and sauerkraut. As a small child I didn't like sauerkraut but when she made these I was first in line. I lost all my families recipes, this is the closest one thus far.

As others have stated, there are so many variations on how to make these. Use what you like and feel comfortable with. Most importantly, if your mother is still alive, take advantage of that time you have together.


One of the "MOST" treasured memories preparing, waiting - then eating these family favorites! how I adored and miss my beautiful Babcia xox


I don't even care if this recipe is traditional or not, I'm still gonna give it a go because it looks so yummy! Xoxo


I made perogies with this recipe for Easter dinner, it was perfect, delicious and everyone loved it. thanks for sharing your recipe..."


This is by far my favourite recipe, it takes a little bit to make but so easy to freeze you can eat it as a snack for literally weeks, I would recommend this to literally anyone I know


Thank you 4 very ez to understand video. Love grandmas touch, who stuffed them with many things. I think one of the easier things my grandma made. omG her blitzes, and everything she try but THANK GOD I Found place close to hers, but never as good, so if I screw it up, I have back up😂 again ty can't wait to try this


No one in my family or any other Polish family ever fried them in oil.... always butter. We also fry a lot of onions that are served over the pierogi. Our dough is flour, eggs, salt and water... sometimes a little sour cream. And never cheddar cheese for traditional Polish pierogi... only Farmer's cheese.


I remember my GMA cooking all day in the kitchen, using the dinning room table to roll out dough. She would let me use the cup she had (which was the perfect size) and we would fill each circle & I watched her use the fork around each on.
The beautiful, good old days when life was simple and we as children played outside all day....coming in when the street light came on. No cell phone, no video games and rarely did we watch tv.
Such a drastic, day & night change from our world today. The rich now control our lives & the politicians are absolutely drunk on power & money.
God help us to NEVER FORGET the good old days & pass the memories on to our children, in hopes they will strive to go back to the simplicity.
We CAN live without cellphones glued to our ears, eyes & pockets & walking, running & riding our bikes with our friends is FAR more fun than sitting on the couch, gaining weight & our children being exposed to HOURS of video games.
God Bless you all & Keep your hearts full with love & kindness for humanity.


I am very thankful to have grown up when I did. I loved learning to bake and cook from my mom, and now that I am semi retired, I try to spend more time making things from scratch. This will be my first attempt at homemade perogies!

Автор of the simplest but still time consuming recipes i have seen. Way better than buying them already made and certainly way better than frozen


We make pierogi with pasta dough, so we mix flour, eggs, salt and water together - these pierogi are the best.


Authentic or were absolutely incredible. Make sure to get that onion salt to taste into the potatoes, so good.


I think she should have needed that dough until it was super smooth she had too many cracks and stuff in it. Pierogies are made different in every part of Eastern Europe. My grandmother used dry curd cottage cheese and onions, we loved them!


I find pierogi vary. My grandmother & great aunt who were polish made them differently. They would often make fruit filled ones as well. They did with what they had so there was no waste. Never met a pierogi I didn’t like. Ha


in Malaysia we call this it so much


My moms parents are from Poland and I love these
