How to Aim and Align your Headlights Correctly

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This video shows you how to correctly aim your headlights, whether you just installed new replacement headlights, or your headlights just need adjusting.

🔧 List of tools used:
• Marker / Writing Utensil
• Painter's Tape
• Measuring Tape

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Every states motor vehicle departments should have a wall that drivers can pull up to with markings so that ANYONE can adjust their own headlights properly. In the past few years there are so many cars out there blinding oncoming


I wish I had a garage that was 25 feet long, lol


Never knew the driver side headlight needed to be lower than the passenger. Have not seen any other video that mentions this. This is good to know, thank you.


This is the first video of correct aligment for headlight. This is more professional than most videos I have seen!


I've watched several on Youtube all day, this is the ONLY one that actually shows it step by step CLEARLY !!!! Thank you so


Based on IIHS data and some trigonometry, the following chart should serve well.
Back the car 25' away from the wall. First number of each line is headlight height in inches, second number is drop in inches. If you have projectors, measure at the HIGH side of the cutoff. If you have reflectors, measure at the top edge of the "hotspot", and drop the driver's side 2" more than the chart says.
22 1.5
24 1.75
26 2
28 2.125
30 2.25
32 2-7/16
34 2-9/16
36 2.75
38 2-7/8
40 3
44 3.25
48 3-5/8
54 4-1/16

IIHS describes 330" as the optimal distance of illumination for low-beams, and the majority of autos sold in the USA do not shine that far. The chart above should allow your low beam to illuminate the road 330' ahead (assuming your lights aren't embarrassed by a birthday candle).
Using the high side of the cutoff as your drop guide will allow you to see the 330' distance in low beam while allowing the low side of the cutoff to do its job protecting oncomers from glare.
If you're aimed according to the chart and shining into the passenger cabin in front of you, you're either a tall truck tailgating a pregnant rollerskate, or you forgot to turn off your highs.
If you have reflectors, dropping the driver's side a little more than the chart says will accomplish the same goal SORTA. I say sorta because reflectors are scatterbeams and will cause SOME glare no matter what you do. I recommend a retrokit to a GOOD QUALITY projector setup. If that retrokit uses HID bulbs, make sure they have a solenoid cutoff to allow you to switch between high and low beam.
In any case, try to get 5500K bulbs, or if you run HIDs with 55W ballasts, the next color temp higher.


Thank you so much. I just bought a set LED bulbs to replace a dead pair of halogens and I noticed that the cutoff was a lot higher than before. I did as you advised and I am very happy with the results. My lights are now well bellow the rear window of the cars ahead, nobody has flashed me when coming the other way, and the illumination I get is way better than before.
You got a new fan here.


I wish I could airdrop this video link to every car passing that has one headlight aimed too high 😂 Thank you for the super clear instructions!! Not it makes sense why the left headlight seems lower after service. But after measuring according to your guide, they were still both too low. I also upgraded to brighter bulbs as I was just using OEM bulbs, so hopefully with new bulbs and better alignment, I'll be able to see better at night!


This is absolutely a precise and professional way of aligning headlamps and is not inferior to a headlamp aiming tool.


Althought this an awesome video I cannot see how most people will be able to find a floor that is perpendicular to the wall that lights are shinning on. IF you are inside a garage AND you have 25 feet plus the car lenght inside then sure, inside walls are perpendicular to the floor BUT if your are in any driveway, a parking lot, and facing any exterior wall then you are screwed because any ground surface around a building has to have a slope, even if minimal so rain moves away from the building. Been searching for a good location for a while and never found one. Still an excellent video and gives me all I need to know.


An excellent video that covers it all in a simple straightforward way and leaves nothing out!


I was doing this all wrong. I was making the two beams meet in the middle crossing over one another (supposedly to make it easier to see down the road farther) which wasnt working. As soon as its dark outside today you can bet im doing this technique you showed. Thank you for showing this video!!


Perfect, thank you for the clear and concise information. I will share with all my friends and family.


Thank you! Just got new projector headlights on my Trailblazer and driver side is pointed at the ground about 5 ft in front of the truck lol. I'm not mechanically inclined but feel more comfortable doing this myself after watching your video.


I haven't hit 60 yrs old yet and when I entered the auto repair world we had equipment to aim lights as part of our annual vehicle state inspection. I aimed my share. I can't count how many times I wish I had one available


Your video is the most informative compared to others on same topic on YouTube.


Amazing tutorial. I'm going to take these tips and apply then to my arsenal. Thanks always


This was worth watching. Other videos on headlight adjustment miss key parts like the passenger light will be higher than the left to elliminate blinding other drivers, and that you need to do this on a level surface. This got my lights finally correct. Thanks!


Thanks so much your video was very helpful in adjusting the headlines on my 2008 Infiniti qx56 ...I was blinding other drivers and I know its dangerous both for them as well as myself...😢..thanks a million.😊😊
