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Stop this golf game destroyer and use this alignment hack to help you aim with your wedges, irons & driver! This is the alignment hack that you need in order to aim correctly and hit more fairways, more greens and lower scores. The biggest mistake and golf game destroyer for all levels of golfers is BAD alignment. Get this right and USE this alignment hack!

PGA Golf professional Alex Elliott shows you the golf game destroyer and an alignment hack to help you aim correctly with your driver irons & wedges.

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*making a great swing with BAD ALIGNMENT is the worst thing! This is the biggest GAME DESTROYER. Use this hack!*


I naturally had an open stance, parallel shoulders with my scoring irons, but the driver one is new, and makes sense that it's the club I struggle with in regards to accuracy the most, so I'm gonna try that feel tomorrow. Cheers Alex!


I recently discovered that when I keep my shoulders square (or slightly closed) with the driver, I have been ripping it long & straight.

I looked all over YouTube to find this little tip with the driver and was surprised to find very little on it. Amazing, since (as you mention) with the ball forward in your stance, and your right hand below the left on the grip, it’s so easy to setup with your shoulders OPEN (even if you get your feet, knees & hips square). I also noticed when other places take one last look at their target, that too opens the shoulders, and oftentimes they don’t square them up after.

It works!
Focus on your shoulders and start hitting your driver long & straight! ☝🏻


I wish I could get in person lessons with you! You make things seem so easy and simple it would make lessons a lot less stressful.


First, for 150 yds, I'd generally grab an 8... that said, I was told by a teacher long ago that my feet line should always point at a spot 5-10 yards to the left of target (I'm play right-handed) so that with driver, the angle is small and with wedges it's wider. While you seemed to do that with the wedge, the middle iron was straight, which is different, and the driver straight with a tweak to your shoulders. What you suggest might be just the ticket to improve my accuracy because (when I don't slice) I tend to miss a bit left with longer clubs, which makes sense if I shouldn't really be aiming that way to begin with! So simple! I've been thinking that my misses are just my swing when it could be my set up and aim.


Took this to the course today. Woop 2nd best score ever . 13 handicap went round in 5 over gross . Your a legend. Thanks


Great video, Alex! i always believe alignment is very critical on every of my shot cos if i do not aim correctly, then how is my shot going to end up at or near my target unless its luck lol. Will definitely work on this the next time out there on the range. Thanks so much!


Thanks Alex, I've just started my golf 'journey' - it's a bumpy ride so far but I'm enjoying your tips. My big problem is teeing off, I am trying to remember so much (grip, feet, hips, shoulders, left arm straight, torso, wrists - and the ball goes nowhere. Looking forward to trying your alignment tip.


Awesome Alex thank you I definitely needed this one can’t wait to go try it out


My iron set has lower degrees for longer distance. I would be grabbing for PW at a distance of 150. Great video Alex! Thanks for the tips as always!


My lesson with you at Mottram Hall really highlighted how far my alignment was out!


Great video Alex I could really do with some tips to improve my bunker play. Its a score killer and really could do with tips to make sure I get out first time. Keep.up the great content 👌


My problem is getting height on the ball from 150, particularly for the infamous Taft hole here (about 60 ft elevation from 150 to pin with a massive bunker from bottom to top). 6 iron down doesn't cover the distance. Hybrid will get it past green in a line drive.


Hey Alex. Love your teaching videos. I have had to watch your video on ball position several times. When I get lazy I either place the ball to far forward causing pull/hook or too far back causing a fade/slice. The grip and ball position are critical.
Can’t believe such a small change can make a big difference. Keep it up. Thanks


Thanks Alex I'm looking forward to trying the new drills. I've just come back to golf after 11years away. I used to play off 14 . Thanks for all the tips


Another very helpful, easily understood video.
Your 7 iron goes further than my 5 wood.
Any advice to help older golfers. I am 79 years old & play friendly games usually to a handicap of around 20.
I enjoyed your lesson helping your dad with his bunker shots.
Renewed thanks for all your valuable tips.


Cheers again AE 👊🏻 thanks to your chip video all three types are now better for me, my 25/75 vastly improved.
Going to give this a bash too, the 'feeling' on the drive is an interesting one, it might help me relax over the ball too 👍🏻


I use that technique with a “one-piece” Hogan style hips-shoulders-hands together takeaway. Since you want 45° difference between hip angle and shoulders at the top and on the way down to the ball its why not start that way? Setting the feet open then turning shoulders back parallel pre-loads the back leg with torque which makes triggering and accelerating the hips open in the downswing much easier.

The concept is called “swinging into resistance” and was suggested as far back as 1933 by British teaching pro Abe Mitchel in his book “Down To Scratch” and incorporated by Hogan into his swing.

That style of swing fell out of vogue in the early 1970s due to the influence of Jack Nicklaus and his hands and shoulder moving first, keep everything relaxed, very athletically coordinated swing style and by the 1990s golfers where being taught to turn shoulders against the resistance of unmoving hip in the backswing.

I learned to play in the 1980s using the Nicklaus swing and Golf My Way as my model, but lacking Jack’s superior athleticism and opportunity to practice I struggled — too many moving parts to coordinate. After retiring in 2008 I retooled my swing in the style of Hogan which is more mechanically simpler and much easier for a recreational golfer with limited practice opportunities to master so I’ve very happy to see it being taught again and used by more and more pros on the tour. It’s much easier on the back in the long term.


Hey Alex I have been using the close shoulders for the driver / 3wood for sometime and with trial and error have had a lot of success with it finally glad to see a video that promotes this. I was interested in the chipping stance so I tired it and big improvement close to the green. Well done on your work. Any videos like this for hybrids/ 5woods. Thanks.


Any drills for hitting driver, I hit my driver like I hit my Irons and don't know how to fix it, people say I need to sweep more, but its easier said than done 😂, great videos Man <3
