Problems With the Book of Jubilees Part 1

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#BookofJubilees #Bible #ProjectTruthMinistries

Hello to all! God Bless you! Thank you for joining me. This is a teaching on the findings made while doing text criticism on the Book of Jubilees. There are many red flags that have been discovered while examining this book. You don't have to have read this book to understand the information. This book is becoming very popular especially within Hebrew Roots leaning congregations and they all should consider the things found in this teaching.

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Thank you for doing this! We have loss people in our fellowship, because we asked them to not bring up anything that would go against the true Word of Yehovah. They took their books ( Jubilees and Enoch) and went home, never to return. Narrow path we are on! Shalom from Albany, GA


Well done little brother. I really enjoyed the production value and sound!!


I enjoyed your presentation on the book of Jubilee. I also appreciate you using the name of.YeHoVaH In your presentation.
For that name is the name that I used daily through my day. Thanks again, brother Shalom.


Galatians 3:19

Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary.

Acts 7:53

you who have received the law that was given through angels but have not obeyed it.

Hebrews 2:2

For since the message spoken through angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment...

So Paul in Galatians is saying that The Law was given to Moses by angels, therefore making The Law less authoritive , then we've got Stephen saying the sane thing, however, since it's most likely Paul telling Luke of these things, it's very likely that Paul had Stephen matching what he himself said and then there's whoever wrote the Book of Hebrews, if not Paul himself, then someone who was definitely influenced by him , repeating the same thing . There's a major problem with this because the bible very clearly says that Yeh Ho VaH gave The Law to Moses and through the help of angels . Apparently even Herod taught this and is the "leaven of Herod" that Yeshua warned us about, NOT TO LISTEN TO IT !!! It's mentioned several times in the Book of Jubilees :

The Book of Jubilees
One such Second Temple text was the Book of Jubilees, a retelling of the Genesis-Exodus narrative written sometime in the second century BC.

It is in this book, perhaps, that we find the earliest references to the idea that God gave the Law to Moses through an angelic mediator:2

And [God] said to the angel of the presence, "Write for Moses . . ." (Jubilees 1.27)

And the angel of the presence spoke to Moses according to the word of the Lord, saying, "Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days the Lord God finished all his works and all that he created, and kept Sabbath on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages . . ." (2.1)

Several more times throughout the book, this angel speaks in the first person:

"I have written in the book of the first law, in that which I have written for you . . ." (6.22)

"For this reason I have written for you in the words of the Law . . ." (30.12)

"All this account I have written for you . . ." (30.21)

"And behold the commandment regarding the Sabbaths — I have written them down for you . . ." (50.6)

". . . as it is written in the tablets, which [God] gave into my hands that I should write out for you the laws of the seasons . . ." (50.13)

Here's a few videos that you might find helpful :


Have you already shared your BoJ review with Tim Schwab from TheGodCulture?


Still the book of Enoch & Jubiliees bring clarity to a lot of Bible verses that are hard to understand. I think that their original version is lost. I think that Enoch wrote this book initially, and that Moses wrote the Jubilees. Even though they have been tampered with since.


It is so easy to prove that Ruth was not a Moabite by blood that I am suspicious of this channel. No one with his depth of understanding could not know this.


At Qumran they called the book of jubilees “the book of the division of times” which is considered to be the law of Moses to which Israel turns a blind eye.

Jubilees is essential for several in depth reasons, some of which were not touched by you.

I go over some of things in 2 videos and there’s much more I could further go into that you brought up.
