Three Body Problem Netflix (Season 1) Review + Book Comparison

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Three Body Problem just released on Netflix. It’s of course based on the book series Remembrance of Earth’s Past and yes I mean based on the series because the first season doesn’t just cover the first book in the series, The Three-Body Problem, it moves into the Dark Forest, and even has scenes from the third book in the series, Death’s End. It shows that they are thinking about this as a series and they have every plan to continue the show. In fact, Season 2 is already in the works. They had the task of establishing the essence of the entire series, not just the first book. Now you guys know that I’m a huge fan of this book series, I’ve done several videos covering it on this channel. I definitely was apprehensive about this show, I’m a big fan of George RR Martin's ASOIAF books, and I really didn’t enjoy what the creators of its adaptation, Game of Thrones, did with the last several seasons of it. When I heard they were doing Three-Body Problem, I was nervous, to say the least. But I was more than willing to give them a chance, this series unlike ASOIAF is finished.

So what did I think of the show? Is it a good show? Is it worth the watch? I would have to say unequivocally yes, it is absolutely worth the watch. It is good science fiction! But how does it work as an adaptation of the book well let’s get into this.

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5 hours ago I told friends that what the Netflix series lacks is Quinn's discussion of the ideas.


I genuinely didn’t bother nor did I care about anyone else’s review of this show but yours. As far as I’m concerned you’re easily one of the best (if not the best) creators when it comes to the analysis and breakdown of sci-fi topics and stories. Thank you for all your hard work, it’s great to see your channel’s growth well-deserved success. Excellent review!


I read the books because of your channel several months ago, now i watched the first episode, and i just needed to come here to see your reaction, thanks! You did not disappoint.


cixin liu is like arthur c clarke, he dont give a shit about individual characters. its about big ideas.


Sooo happy to see Sir Davos in this series bc he's a fantastic actor


The second I finished binging the show - Binged your channel all over again. The only opinion that I wanted. and I'm glad we share it.


I’m so glad I found your channel. I hope the algorithm picks up on your greatness, because you deserve it!


Netflix should hire you as a consultant for the future seasons!


Before listening to your review, I had a hard time making sense out of comments I've read and heard from people who haven't read all three books. I've read all three books twice, but I very mistakenly thought (going into this series) that if one read the first book, it would be enough. I now realize it's better to have read all three books, or to have read none of them, rather than to have read just one book, in order to keep an open mind about the series. Thank you for the review.


i love your reviews so much, theyre so insightful and mindful of different factors and medias when it comes to adaptations vs books. I started following you after seeing your area X vids and am now thoroughly enjoying your dune series and I cant wait to hear more of your analyses on three body problem and its sequels!


Quinn, it's funny but I haven't follow 3BP at all, but the moment I saw it being showcased on Netflix, I immediately thought of you.
It's because of how much you sold the books, I figured I would give it a shot. Before I knew it, I binged watched the entire season in a day. I am looking forward to Season 2!


The show blew my mind (almost) every episode. I instantly ordered the books. Im reading book one while slowly re-watching season 1. I'm hooked. I have lots of theories about what is coming. All I can say is PLEASE HURRY UP and bring us season 2 !!


The only review I was eagerly expecting. Before watching, I gotta say I read the books and actually enjoyed the Netflix show.


Also I’d like to point out something about the Tencent show.

The Chinese book version DOES NOT START with the execution of her father. This comes much later in the book. It’s a change that was made in the english version I believe. And in the Tencent show the backstory comes later in the tv series as it does in the book (but yes for sure its much less graphic than Netflix.. its more talked than showed).

Clearly though that adaption is way too long… but Da Shi transposition on screen is absolute GOAT level so I still like it haha.


I was surprised how how good of a job Netflix did with this. I was expecting another dumpster fire, tbh. It captures the beats of the books, character motivations, scale, and stakes pretty well. I'm looking forward to season two!


I really appreciate creators like this that don't get super toxic when talking about things they love and can keep an open mind on adaptation changes


I began reading (listening... audio books) the Three Body Problem because of your videos covering it, and was immediately hyped when I saw the Netflix trailers. I immediately began proselytizing the show to my friends, and got all my roommates to sit down and watch it with me, all because I saw some random YouTube video talk about one of the most existentially terrifying sci-fi stories ever. So to hear your relatively glowing review of the show is affirming, to say the least. I finished The Dark Forest the day before, so I was a little lost with the Staircase project and Wade, but I'm excited to get that started, and have plenty of time before season 2. Thanks again for sharing your love for this series to the world. You made at least one fan out of me. :D


My only interaction with the book series are the videos that you put out explaining the series. That led me to watch this show, and I'm so glad I did. I binged watched the whole thing in one day and couldn't get enough. However, if I hadn't of watched your explanations there were parts of the show that I would've been lost.


Quinn, you opened my eyes for these books like a couple of years ago. Having read them and now watched the show i completely agree that Netflix actually did a good job in season 1 here. The chinese series were definitely way too long and slow paced.
I love how you make videos about 3BP or Dune and in couple of years some studio decides to make a movie or a show about it. Thank you GOAT ❤


Quinn's Ideas' videos are the only ones I watch in normal speed lol otherwise I do 2x speed. These videos are actually worthwhile to listen to and pay attention to. Three Body Problem is my favorite book series for sure. Thanks for being comprehensive about the information in your vids.
